This guy is actually refining the eighteen layers of **** as a magic weapon.

The act of squeezing the eighteen layers of **** to nourish the tower has just made sense.

Anyway, the two should also be merged. This kind of behavior is to create a shell that is very close to their own origin for the eighteen layers of **** through the penetration of the Yin Qi!

It's easy to say, but this kind of thinking is a bit crazy ...

The existence of the eighteenth-level hell, as it grows, sooner or later there will be a day of maturity. At that time, even if it is inferior to ancient ancient palaces such as Elder Na, it has at least a basic structure.

Coupled with the entire underworld, all the sparrows are small and have all the internal organs. When the eighteenth layer of **** matures, the entire underworld will be slightly integrated. This even gave Lin Fei a chance to build a real underworld.

Wanhunzhu is almost unheard of, and some people think that those 18 layers of **** were turned into magic weapons, but that is the legendary Hades ...

It's a subversion of common sense ...

But thinking of this, Wan Soul Pearl suddenly froze.


Wan Hunzhu suddenly realized that he had been ignoring one thing.

This kind of subversive common sense thing hasn't happened in fact, except that most people can't think of going there ...

That is the ancient heaven ...

At that time, the magnificent Heavenly Court was not a magic weapon in essence. It was just that the Court represented an era. People often only paid attention to the many legends that occurred in it, and the entire ancient times did not have their turn to express their power in heaven. Ignore it ...

Isn't Lin Fei's behavior now imitating the old things in the ancient heaven?

If this is the case, then when this magic weapon is completely formed, its power is simply not imaginable ...

The eighteenth layer of **** itself is strong, but it has many restrictions on its use. If Lin Fei succeeds and turns it into a magic weapon in his hand, he can use the free heart without any restrictions ...

When thinking about these, Wan Soul Pearl doesn't care about being pitted. Although he was released as a Heavenly Order, after a long time, he hasn't seen much of this amazing treasure ...

It's a rare thing in history ...

Now, when Wan Soul Pearl sees Lin Fei again, he suddenly feels that maybe this young man who originally thought that he will only be accompanied for hundreds of years and will have to leave each other may become a world in the future. One of the huge shadows ...

At this time, Lin Fei did not mean to stop, but continued to push the two, getting closer and closer ...

at last……

In a loud noise of "Boom", the tower was completely integrated with the eighteenth floor of hell.

Suddenly, at the moment of fusion, the endless light burst out, completely covering the light of the moon in the sky, as if there was only this dazzling brilliance.

A round of ripple-like fluctuations, centered on these two, spread quickly towards the distance.

When swinging through the Buddha soil, the Buddha lowered his eyebrows and sang.

As if the entire underworld was aware of the birth of a powerful being, all of them were touched to show their attitudes ...

The eighteen-story tower is a thousand feet high, suspended in the sky above the sea, and slowly rotating, then each layer corresponds to a layer of **** ...

Today, the two or three floors are still quite clear, and the scene of the Huohaidao Mountain can be seen faintly, but the remaining ones are all shrouded in clouds and looming ...

Wan Soul Pearl was also looking at this scene with complex emotions, and his heart was complicated.

In fact, this fusion is very hasty, it can be rough at the time of molding, and the fusion is not thorough.

Even in some powerful real hands, some means may be used to completely disassemble the two.

so what?

Compared to the various hardships experienced when the ancient heaven was born, this defect is now counted as nothing. In any case, this foundation is laid.

The rest is to rely on the power of time to slowly improve ...

The refining of the eighteen-story **** tower cannot be achieved overnight. Now it is just the beginning. The rest will be added to various treasures of heaven and earth in the long years and slowly blended in ...

It can be said that when it was born, it started more than a little bit higher than it was at the beginning, and its end point was even dare not imagine ...

However, at this time, Lin Fei suddenly said: "Don't watch it, it's your turn now."

"Ah? What should I get on?" Suddenly he heard this, and Soul Bead suddenly froze.

Lin Fei said: "I didn't promise you to be an innate magic weapon before. This is your chance. After the two are merged, it is actually a dead thing. Although after a thousand years, I can slowly produce an spirit, but I also There is no time to wait. Now you come to the Lord to control the eighteenth level of hell. In this way, you will have the opportunity in the future to achieve the innate magic weapon. "


At this time, Wanhunzhu suddenly stayed for a while, but then, I understood it completely, I rely on, it turns out that this is the innate path of achievement you said ...

Moreover, it seems really feasible ...

After all, this is eighteen layers of hell.

Now, after it merges with the body of this tower, it is on its way to the magic weapon, and it is gone forever.

The future potential is simply beyond words.

But these two, after all, are forcibly merged, and one of them is missing. At this time, when I took the opportunity to enter the Lord, I really took a treasure ship and had the opportunity to follow the innate.

However, when the opportunity was in front of him, Wanhunzhu was hesitant ...

Do you believe it ...

It's easier to get on the boat, but harder to get off ...

As I said before, I worked for this human being for hundreds of years. After that, everyone parted ways, but once it is merged with these eighteen layers of hell, it is not so easy to try to get out again.

Besides, stepping into the congenital is not something that can be done in a moment, saying that it is necessary to accompany the 18-story **** tower and grow up slowly ...

However, just when it hesitated, Lin Fei smiled and said, "Why, unwilling?"

Wan Soul Pearl this time, hesitated for a moment, and no longer spoke.

"I will!"

However, just when Wan Soul Pearl was considering here, a loud sound of sword demon sounded on the side, at this time, it turned into a black light, beside Lin Fei, fluttering around, almost drooling dripping , Looked at Lin Fei with a disappointed look: "Master, I am loyal to you, choose me, I will not let you down!"

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