At a glance, yin and yang are divided, and everything is clear.

In fact, it is precisely by looking at these singular spells that Zhou Yuan can be seen by young people and join this team

Although it usually can't help at all, and even in the crisis, it has to be a person who is protected from the hind legs, but at this time, this yin and yang broken eye has an amazing effect of winning.

"It's in that magma lake to the north!"

Soon, Zhou Yuan saw a shadow, flashing away not far away, and immediately reminded him.

As the voice fell, a sword light in the hands of young people was already galloping out. With a bang, the magma lake that Zhou Yuan pointed to was directly overturned by this sword light.

Massive magma flew into the sky, and it turned into a piece of magma.

In that magma of the sky, I only saw a black shadow blown out, but just stumbled in the air, and then flickered again and disappeared into the space.

It was only then that the Shadow Assassin disappeared into the space, obviously slowed down.

"carry on!"

The young man didn't care about it, but kept Zhou's formation while let Zhou Yuan continue to search.

"He is in the rock pile on the right!"

"Now is in the underground magma ..."

"Senior Fang is careful, he is at the left side of you!"

In fact, this shadow assassin's concealment has been called perfect. After several concealment, everyone did not notice it. Only under the eyes of Zhou Yuan's pair of yin and yang broken obstacles, he could not escape.

Several times, being called to break the position is equivalent to directly depriving the shadow clan assassin's biggest card. Although several times, the shadow clan assassin has escaped the attack dangerously, but the number of times is more than that The assassin was also exhausted.

Under that endless attack, the movements were deformed, flaws were exposed, and injuries began.

After several defeats, the number of active attacks was getting less and less, and, gradually, it began to recede towards the periphery. It seems that I already want to retreat ...

Unfortunately, the youth did not mean to stop.


When the words fell, the youth no longer shot at this time, just let everyone around him shoot, covering an entire space with a intensive attack, to force the Shadow Assassin to continue to show his body ...

And his pair of eyes, which seemed to have a surge of sword light, followed the position of the shadow clan assassin every time, slowly narrowing the lock range.

Under the action of all people from all directions, the shadow assassin's range of activity became smaller and smaller, gradually, like a trapped beast, and could only dodge within a few dozen feet ...

It's just that every time I dodge, it is inevitably injured. Compared with before, I don't have the slightest uneasy calmness, but look a little embarrassed.

And the sword light inside the youth is also strong to the extreme. It seems that the whole person should be transformed into a sword light. That bitter sword meaning has completely locked the range of a dozen feet or so, just waiting for the shadow clan If the assassin's scope is reduced, you can kill in one blow ...

Thousand feet, hundred feet, ten feet ...


At this moment, I only heard a piercing sword sound, and suddenly I saw the young person incarnate into a sword light, which was heading towards the shadow clan assassin trapped in a corner.

However, at this moment, the young man suddenly saw that the shadow clan assassin, who was supposed to avoid the inevitable, suddenly flickered a few times, avoided the rain-like attack and hid behind.

This time, the range of activities that was originally only ten feet is actually magnified a dozen times ...

The killing blow was defeated ...

"and many more!"

When the young man looked back, he suddenly discovered that with the encirclement and suppression of the shadow assassin, the airtight formation became more and more loose.

"This is a trap, be careful!"

When the youth reacted at once, they had to turn around and gather up again.

Unfortunately, it is a little late.

At the moment when the youth shot, a gap appeared in the already elongated formation, and at this time, I saw another black shadow, flashed in the air, and reached Zhou Yuan at the center of the formation A dozen feet ...

However, before waiting for Zhou Yuan to react, the dark shadow flashed again, this time like a ghost, appearing beside him ...

The second Shadow Clan Assassin!

Suddenly, everyone responded. From the beginning, there were two Shadow Assassins here, but one of them has been distracting himself and others.

The remaining one is waiting for an opportunity.

It seems that everyone has the upper hand, but in fact, it has always been in the other party's calculations.

At this time, when we saw that the Shadow Assassin came to Zhou Yuan's side, we can say that this calculation was successful.

For this Shadow Assassin who has mastered the way of assassination to the point of fascinating, as long as he can get close to within three feet without knowing it, the battle situation has already been determined.

Not to mention, this week it was just a golden nine turn ...

There is no need to mention what has been completed. This time, it directly turned the situation into a mortal situation, and that Zhou Yuan, even if it reacted at this time, could not cope with it ...

To everyone, losing Zhou Yuan is like losing eyes and ears. There is no good way to deal with this ghost assassin who is haunted ...


At this time, the movement of the Shadow Clan Assassin was clearly exposed to everyone's eyes, and everyone could even see that when the Shadow Clan Assassin shot, a brave anger ignited ...

A black gas like an awl, with a sound of breaking the sky, instantly penetrated into Zhou Yuan's body. Then, a violent force broke out from Zhou Yuan's body.

At this time, I saw Zhou Yuan's whole person exploded from the inside out, large pieces of thin flesh and blood, with broken bones, which were scattered all over, falling everywhere ...


The young man ordered with a sullen face, but he did n’t mean to chase any more. After all, people with bright eyes knew that it was useless. After the shadow clan assassin shot, it must be escaped.

Not to mention, at this time another shadow assassin has also got out, and then hurriedly pursued at this time, but it is easy to be broken by each.


At this moment, after the shadow clan assassin who was supposed to escape, disappeared in the air for a while, I don't know why. When he appeared again, he still appeared in the same place.

Actually failed to move ...

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