So you have to find a reason ...

However, while Lin Fei was thinking about this, the real monarch of Qianxiang turned to Bai Jue and said, "You have guarded the gates for many years, which is also a merit. If you leave the city, come to the temple in the future. Ask for a token. "

"Thank you Zhenjun!"

Hearing this, Bai Jue was immediately agitated, quickly saluted, and the excitement was beyond words. Obviously, the so-called token is of great significance.

Qian Xiang Zhen Jun just nodded casually, "That's it, you go."

When the words fell, I saw a young man who came in from the door and led the two to leave with Qianxiang Zhenjun after a farewell. In the large palace, there was only Qianxiang Zhenjun left. Read a book on the book case.

Soon, the young man returned to the palace, but he didn't dare to disturb. He was light-hearted and lit a incense beside him.

As the green smoke emerged, the whole hall suddenly had an irrelevant scent, which added a bit of peace to the hall.

The young man finished this, but before he left, he was near Qianxiang Zhenjun and whispered: "Master, since that Lin Fei rejected your kindness, is that vacancy in the mountain ..."

"Well, go find someone to make it up, that Lin Fei neither wants to leave the city, nor does it have to be forced." Qian Xiang Zhenjun said, looking at the scroll in his hand, without looking up.

The young man should be, but when he talked about Lin Fei, he was a little dissatisfied and said, "This Lin Fei really did not know what to do. He deliberately gave him a quota. For the sake of danger, he refused such a good opportunity. Those intelligences are so brave, he is afraid that he can't save the merits of going back all his life, so he can only eat together and wait for death. "

In fact, this is also the true idea in the hearts of young people. I just felt that Lin Fei was too courageous. For a little danger, he would rather stay in the city than go to the Eighty-One Mountain on that day.

After all, in the eyes of the youth, there is really no other explanation. No matter how you look at it, the only advantage of staying in the city is that it is relatively safe. In addition, it is better to go to Tianmen Bayi Mountain.

The choice made by Lin Fei may not be anywhere else. After all, this is just a personal choice. The consequences are all borne by oneself. Who can control it?

But in Tianmen City, it is a bit easy to be despised. After all, in this dangerous world of war, you do n’t know when, everyone has to fight side by side.

Everyone can often accept that there is an ambitious and brutal person beside him, and he is not willing to accept people who are full of such risks and will not take risks.

When it's really dangerous, those who can fight side by side with themselves are often the former ...

"It's no big deal. Since he is willing to stay in the city, he just stays there. Originally, he is also intelligence-oriented, and it's not bad to play his strengths in the city."

Qianxiang Zhenjun didn't care much: "Okay, let's go and arrange."


When the young people told Qianxiang Zhenjun these things, Lin Fei also returned to the hut, studying the pile of information in front of him ...

These information are all things that Lin Fei just took out from Bai Jue, without exception, they are all about the treasure trove and Xuan Lao ...

It is intelligence. In fact, the above is just some basic common sense. Old people who have stayed in the city for three or four years can know almost the same.

Even if it is a little unknown, it is often insignificant, and it is not even a secret.

In fact, when Lin Fei just talked to Bai Jue about essential information, Bai Jue was still a little nervous. Seeing Lin Fei was a little serious about what he wanted to do.

However, after hearing that Lin Fei wanted these, he was relieved, and he threw out such a thick stack of intelligence, and threatened that this is the whole Tianmen City, about the mysterious old man. The most complete version.

As for the remuneration, I do n’t even bother to mention that it ’s not valuable. Lin Fei is willing to watch it, and he does n’t want to watch the footrest. Anyway, it ’s a bad thing.

Lin Fei was also surprised at that time. The Xuan Lao said that they are all high-ranking figures in Tianmen City. How should his information be classified? Can I just give it away casually?

But after turning it over, I realized that this old Xuan Lao has long been famous.

Three hundred years ago, Xuan Lao did not appear under this name. At that time, the old man, the real man with the slogan Miao Xuan, had nothing to do with a real body, and he was also proficient in various medical astrology and horoscopes. The technique, to this day, many of the formations in Tianmen City are from his hands.

At the peak of that year, two people, like the real king of Qianxiang, had several terrifying battles between the souls of the Black Abyss in exchange for tilting the balance towards the side of the human monk. During that time, it could be said that Tianmen City was the strongest in 300 years .

It was at that time that this top real body was fighting, and the various magical skills and exercises that appeared were all used to be talked about, recorded, and widely circulated.

However, the good times did not last long. After a big battle, the Tianmen City side won again, but at this time, this Xuan old man did not know what was going on, but actually broke away from the boundaries of the world and went deep into the abyss ...

No one knows what happened after that.

It's just that this old old man was discovered again, but he was already disheveled, confusing his mind, walking on the wilderness like a living dead, muttering in his mouth some words that no one can understand, no matter if he saw the Black Abyss The souls are still monks in Tianmen City, all of them are mad, and they are killing ...

Later, Qianxiang Zhenjun took him back, but even if there was a Dharma body to take action later, he could not be cured, and he could only be temporarily sealed and repaired.

Finally, this mysterious old man continued to go crazy for more than a hundred years, and was also sealed for more than a hundred years, but one day after more than a hundred years, this old man did not know what it was, and suddenly slowly He calmed down and regained his consciousness, but someone asked him something in the abyss, but he didn't remember it at all, but the memories before and after it were clear.

As if there is a vacancy in this, who was stolen at that time ...

After that, Xuan Lao still insisted on staying in the city as the guardian of the treasure house. According to this Xuan Lao, he wanted to enter the Black Abyss before his death. This time, even if he died, When you come out, you must investigate what happened.

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