Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1783: Zhou Xiangfu

Tian Wu Zuwu and the middle-aged monk beside him didn't seem to see this picture, his face didn't move at all, but he looked at the picture quite seriously, as if there was a war in it.

Qian Xiang, a true monarch, could not be so calm. Now as a junior, seeing such insulting things happening under the door of the boy, the expression is unavoidably embarrassing and a little restless ...

At this time, only the bald old man had no scruples, and he was facing the boy ’s gloating and gloating: “I ’m right, you ’re too squeezed against your disciple. After choosing the broken method, Completely degenerate, see if there is, even disciples with the name of the Fa can use it casually, I said otherwise you still have to expel this kid from the teacher's door, wrong, for this kid to get out of the teacher's door is useless, I see You have to deprive him of all his financial resources. "

"Shut up for the old man!"

At this time, even as a dharma body, seeing that his disciples were embarrassed by this was impossible to endure. At this time, the boy was almost gritting his teeth to make the bald old man shut up.

Then, looking at the two people in the picture who were talking about each other, one word after another, they said fiercely: "When the traitor comes back, see how I calculate the bill!"

Maybe even the bald old man felt that this fellowship was indeed miserable, and finally a little comforting: "I think you want to open a little bit, and he has fallen to the point where you have the responsibility to be a master. It ’s just a matter of practice, and it ’s actually making people self-reliant, and over the years, this kid has finally built a fame for that broken practice. And it ’s not cheap. "

At that time, Wu Zuwu also said with a smile: "What Vientiane said is that I think your disciple is lazy and lazy, but in this generation, this kid is the most hidden. If Choose a first person, I think it is very likely that you are a disciple. "

Hearing this, the boy's face was finally not so ugly, but he still sneered: "This boy is just going to fall on his own, and he always drags the golden boy back to him. This time the matter came to an end. , You have to put him back in Taoist thinking. "

"Ha ha……"

Tian Wu Zuwu smiled, knowing that the boy said so, but he was actually quite satisfied with the disciple. He returned to the core of a dharma body and thought about it. This really didn't know whether it was punishment or reward.

But in any case, it is an opportunity that only disciples can have. If the preparation is better, it is a foundation for enlightenment ...

This is true even for a pro-son ...

Having said that, this Zhou Xiangfu is indeed worthy of such treatment ...

"Huh? It seems that these two little guys have started ..." Thinking of these, the bald old man suddenly looked at the picture.

Sure enough, just as several dharma bodies spoke, the two over there finally broke up.

The bald old man said with a smile: "Your disciple's opponent is extraordinary, and then there will be a good show ..."

The boy snorted lightly: "It's been three years, this traitor should have grown a little bit."

During the talk, several dharma bodies knew quite well about the two.

It's no wonder, after all, that is brave enough to stop the disciples of the body, how can some of the people in the body and mind write down their names, how can they be weak, maybe in the entire city of Tianmen, there are only a few people.

These include these two.

Needless to say, Zhou Xiangfu was adopted and practiced in an intricate way since he was a child. Even the name Zhou Xiangfu was given by his teacher, which shows his expectations.

Although the practice of Tian Fu Bao Lu is a bit ugly, it has to be admitted that the power is indeed unparalleled in the world, beyond the Fu Zhuan of this era.

Because since its enlightenment, he has never tried his best. Among the famous monks in Tianmen City, it is the most mysterious ...

And his opponent, Li Fu, is also not easy ...

He was born of a monk who practiced for thousands of years, but he has also been born with real monks. Although he was not buried in the market tomb, he was also stationed in Tianmen City for a period of time, fighting against the Black Abyss The most striking record I have ever seen is the beheaded Yinlong Dragon ...

The seven-kill swordsmanship inherited from that one is even more powerful, and it is one of the top five among the sword repairs in the city of Tianmen.

There is no need to say more when the two men fight, and even several dharma bodies are interested in watching the battle ...

In the first moment of the collision between the two, they directly entered a state of intense heat. A ceremonial sword with seven kills, the ancestors even fell down for ten thousand years of the dragon. The killing power is infinite and unbelievable.

The other is a Dharma body disciple, who has a magical seal technique that has never been pushed to the limit. Once he shows his power, no one knows what he can do.

However, during this battle, Zhou Xiangfu obviously did not want to fight too fiercely. In the fighting method, he just used a Vajra Wrath Rune. After summoning a Baizhang Vajra bodyguard, there was no action, but he continued True Yuan supports the existence of King Kong, no matter what means the other party attacks, it is to let this King Kong pass through.

In contrast, Li Fu did not leave his hand at all, directly talking about the seven killing swordsmanship urged to the extreme, I saw that in the battle situation, the blood red murderous permeated, a gust of wind burst, revealing a The blood was aggressive.

When each sword was cut, it seemed to be carrying a tragic momentum, as if the sword came with a thousand years of injustice ...

These two are simply extreme ...

One offense, one offense, the two don't let ...

However, the seven-kill sword classic was originally the stronger the Vietnam War. As a sword came out, Li Fu's fighting intentions were also brought to the limit, and a sword was heavier than a sword.

However, Zhou Xiangfu, who only relied on the Vajra bodyguard, was in a weak position, and had to retreat again and again. The angered Vajra, who was full of height, became more and more dim, and his figure was slowly Zoom out ...

Obviously it is slowly falling into a weak position, and the situation is not optimistic ...

The reason why King Kong can resist now is because the figure is tall enough to be used as a shield to help Zhou Xiangfu block the sword light from all directions, but as the figure slowly shrinks, it will definitely appear flaws ... …

When a critical point is reached, this Vajra Anger symbol must be broken. If Zhou Xiangfu does not use the second character seal, then it must be defeated ...

And now, we are approaching that critical point ...

However, in this case, Zhou Xiangfu still did not have any response, but was desperately inputting the true yuan towards the Vajra, under this sword, he was struggling to support.

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