Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1789: Body Rong Valley

"Oh?" Lin Fei was a little surprised.

You know, this Soul of Souls was originally of extraordinary origin, and it has been eaten and seen anyway, what can it make it so shocked that it cannot be recognized?

However, after taking a drop of blood spring, Lin Fei was a little puzzled and could not recognize it for a while ...

"Master, do you say that we have dug the legendary Huangquan?" At this time, seeing that the blood spring was still flowing, Wanhunzhu was quite excited.


Lin Fei shook his head, not to mention that the ancient Huangquan was still there, first to say that if Huangquan could be dug out so easily, it would be impossible for him to dig himself, even if it was already dug by Xuan Lao and others Now ...

This place is said to have restrictions on the entry of monks above the Fa phase, but the premise of this restriction is that there will not be any place that attracts monks above the Fa phase ...

If it appears, it is impossible to say, Xuan Lao and they broke through the restrictions and forcibly entered, just as if they came in to deal with the emperor's rebellion ...

And if Huang Quan appears ...

Not to mention the true monarch of Qianxiang, even a few dharmakayas have to take action in person, that is not something that can be held in the hands of dharma ...

"Can it be some kind of spirit water?"

Lin Fei couldn't help thinking about the legendary spirit water in his heart, but found that no one could match this blood spring in front of him ...

But what is that?

"Forget it, keep digging and talk!"

Lin Fei had no idea for a long time, and he didn't even think about it, just let Wanhunzhu urge the 18-story tower and continue to dig down.

All of a sudden, I saw this place sinking more and more, but in a moment, it shrunk into a small pit that was more than ten feet deep, and the blood spring in it was still running ...

However, no matter how much it came out, it was all contained in the 18-story tower, and Wanhunzhu was also fully decomposing these blood springs. This was only a moment of effort, and a large amount of pure Yin Qi was decomposed ...

"Don't just eat, what's the matter, do you see anything?" Lin Fei said.

"Wait, wait, there are too many blood springs ..." However, at this time, Wanhunzhu was a little too busy, where he was like a wealthy tycoon, pained and happy, madly sucking out Blood fountain.

After a while, I finally managed to cope with the biggest wave of blood spring flow, freed my hands, and studied there ...

"It's strange, this thing is not a kind of spirit water, nor is it the blood of living things, but it seems ..." Wan Soul Pearl said here, it seemed a bit squirming, and he spent a long time thinking there before continuing: "It looks like It seems that the blood from this land itself! "


Lin Fei froze for a moment, what is the land's own blood?

"Yes, that's right, that's it." However, when the Soul of Soul came here, it was definitely affirmed: "There is no breath of life in it, but it has a strange vitality, and it is similar to this earth. The breath is interdependent, and I do n’t know clearly ... anyway, it feels to me that this blood spring is the blood of this land! "


Listening to this, Lin Fei's face gradually became dignified ...

After being reminded by Wanhunzhu, Lin Fei also reacted a little.

This seems really possible ...

Obviously there is vitality, but its blood does not belong to any kind of soul, and its breath is connected to the whole land ...

This is similar to that of the ancestor of the Dark Sea in the last life ...

That year, after the ancestor of the Nether Sea became enlightened, it took thousands of years to unite itself with its own Taoism.

In the whole Tao Realm, he was directly transformed into a sea of ​​blood. His divine channeling method connected the flesh and soul, and it was also contained in this sea of ​​blood.

It can be said that every drop of blood is the ancestor of the Nether Sea. No matter what kind of disaster he encountered, as long as any one of the drops of blood will not be destroyed, the ancestor of the Nether Sea will be born again.

Not to mention anything else, the blood of the ancestor of the Dark Sea is similar to the blood spring in front of you ...

The blood sea of ​​the ancestor of the Nether Earth can be said to have been transformed by his own blood, or the blood of the world itself ...

"Can it be ..."

Thinking of this, Lin Fei suddenly moved his heart. This valley, like the world of Blood Sea Ancestor, has become an incarnation of a powerful existence?

Of course, the scale is different. At that time, the blood sea ancestor manifested a sea of ​​blood in the realm of the law body, and this place is limited to this valley ...

In this valley, there seems to be only one person who can do this ...

"Is that the emperor?"

Thinking of this, Lin Fei was a bit creepy, shit, it seems really!

This really makes sense.

The emperor merged himself with the whole valley, and the valley itself was the valley itself, so that the seal of Qian Xiang Zhenjun's suppression of their own, of course, disappeared into the invisible ...

And the blood spring he dug just now is the blood after the corpse emperor merged with the valley ...

"Do you want to go?"

After thinking about this, Lin Fei's first reaction was to go first. Isn't the emperor fooling around? If he wakes it up, it may seem like he has to peel off the skin. Wait a little longer in this place. More dangerous.

But when he was leaving, he was a bit hesitant. The ancestor of the Nether Sea was hiding in his own Dao Realm for more than tens of thousands of years, and this corpse emperor was under repression and wanted to evolve such a place The valley, but it is not an overnight thing ...

Since there was no movement when he started his own work just now, it means that he should be unsuccessful now ...

If you leave now, of course, there will be no problems, and you can still bring these blood fountains, which is a great reward ...

But if you do n’t leave, you may reap even more ...

Needless to say anything else, this blood spring alone is definitely not just that, and if you are lucky, you can dig into more yin gathering places, then the harvest should not be too much ...

I am afraid that it can directly consolidate the 18-story tower and begin to evolve towards the level of innate magic. This is also an extremely important leap for the Underworld.

It's just that this ensued, but it was also a huge risk. In case the corpse emperor was rioted, then things would be bigger ...

"Can't go."

Facing this choice, Lin Fei made a decision without thinking too much.

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