Qian Xiang introduced: "This sword repair was originally a big disciple, and later it seemed that he had grudged with the descendants of the master. As a result, he was suppressed a few times. Later, he fell into the city by chance, but this made him angry and strong. He walked out of his own sword path, but this young man has suffered a lot of hardship for many years, and his temperament is a bit extreme, but in any case, although his sword path is immature, it seems that there is still some potential. "

"Um." Tian Wu Zuwu said with a smile: "I see this last quota, which is the sword repair, and when the matter is over, I can see this young man ..."

After the words fell, the rest of them had no objection to this view, and obviously they were all quite satisfied with the young man. For this young man, how can he get some chances if he can be received by several dharma bodies.


Just as several dharma bodies nodded, the boy's face changed, and he said in amazement: "Wait, what is that ?!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seeing the boy's face change, the bald old man was also a little curious, but when he looked at it, he was also shocked: "Where did the corpse king come out? Wait, who is that young man?" , How could he be chased by the emperor ?! "


Under the astonishment of these two dharma bodies, the rest of them only saw the strange scene in the picture ...

A corpse emperor with a height of 100 feet, but no flesh or two left on his body. At this time, he was controlling the monstrous yin qi, with blood gleaming in his eyes, constantly urging a yin qi, and bombarded below. Along the way, the sun and the moon were almost dull, and the sand was gone.

What's more notable is that the emperor's front ...

It was a young man, looming in the wind and sand where the yin qi was constantly blowing, constantly flashing left and right to avoid the mad mad bombing. At this time, his body was quite staggering, but he did not care. Any stay, just fled wildly in that wild bombing ...

"Lin Fei?"

At this time, Qian Xiang Zhen Jun recognized Lin Fei at the same time as Wu Zuwu, but Qian Xiang Zhen Jun was only an accident. On that day, Wu Zuwu changed his look, and his face became a little different ...

However, this change of expression was only fleeting. Tian Wu Zuwu immediately saw more things and suddenly froze for a moment: "Wait, how far have they gone?"

With such a reminder, the rest of them immediately discovered this.

Behind Lin Fei and the corpse emperor, the mess along the way has been extending backwards, no matter how far away the picture is, you ca n’t see the end for a moment. …

"This image is chased and killed so far by a corpse emperor?"

When he got this conclusion, the boy was stunned for a moment, a little too unbelievable.

"This ... seems to be more than three hundred miles ..." Qian Xiang Zhenjun said that when he saw the scene of the bombardment in the picture, he felt that it was a bit unreal ...

Not to mention him, the other few looked at the picture at this time as if they had seen a ghost ...

No way, this looks really outrageous.

It ’s not very pleasant to say. The gap between the Fa and the real body may be greater than the gap between the person and the dog. One hundred methods are quite good. In the end, one can achieve the real body, which is good. Waiting for a chance is enough to explain the big gap between the two ...

A real body really wants to deal with a Fa, it can be said that it can be crushed to death, and there is no difficulty at all, no matter how bad it is, there will be no drama of chasing after thousands of miles.

That is not necessary at all ...

But now what's going on, this corpse emperor is really chasing a dharma phase?

And chased more than two hundred miles?

If it were n’t for seeing it with my own eyes, it ’s really hard to believe ...

"Wait, this Lin Fei is a bit strange, what's wrong with his body ..."

When the boy said so, everyone noticed that the real-level attack fell on Lin Fei, but it didn't have much effect. It just made Lin Fei stumble ...

This is just a joke. No one would dare to believe that when he said it, a Fa, could actually carry the real body's repeated attacks without dying?

For a while, even the several ancestors present were stunned. They couldn't figure out, what was the situation ...

"I heard that you have a disciple who is practicing immobile gold body ..." At this time, the bald old man hesitated a little and looked at the boy said: "That seems to be the strongest physical body in the same realm, can he reach it? This level? "

"What a joke ..." Tong Zi shook his head eccentrically: "Although my disciple's practice is not moving, but himself ... is only a form of law, and it is good to resist the same realm. , How could this be achieved ... "

At this time, Lin Fei did not know, and some people were looking at themselves. At this time, Lin Fei had already urged the speed to the extreme, and he could see it at a glance. In the distance above a valley, there was aura in the sky. Know that it is a place of strong aura.

"finally reached."

Although the valley is not far away, Lin Fei still dared not relax.

Fortunately, although Lin Fei was already scarred at this time, it seemed that it was safe to spend a distance in the middle ...

However, almost at the same time Lin Fei saw the valley, the corpse emperor behind him seemed to know that Lin Fei was about to get out. Suddenly, he opened his blood basin and snarled loudly, only a moment, and the sky was covered with anger The whole sky, which was filled with irritability, even thunderous bursts, as if a sky penalty was brewing in it ...

"I depend!"

Lin Fei suddenly knew bad.

Sure enough, next, I saw the **** thunder, which fell down from the thick yin.

Massive yin qi, at this moment, burst like a tide breaking the **** ...

"Damn! Are you the one!"

This time Lin Fei couldn't help but scold people. These **** thunders are the source of this corpse emperor. Every time he cuts, this emperor must be restored for at least one year.

This corpse emperor is now disregarding it and wants to hurt people with his source ...

This is not to mention the Fa, even if the real body is here, it is not easy to bear ...

How the **** can stand this!

But now Lin Fei has no way to do so.

Only at this time, the blood thunder after another, like the punishment of the sky, kept falling, and the ground was trembling, like an earthquake.

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