Maybe ... I really have to follow the steps left by the Spiritualist Daoist to re-analyze a little bit?

do not care……

Anyway, there is not much clue now, the dead horse is also used as a living horse doctor, so simply try it.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei did not hesitate. He just raised his hand and waved the stone platform again. This time, he did not reorganize the lines above to form the seal and seal, but immersed himself. After the Spiritualist Daoist, among the remaining Daoyun ...

Follow the guideline if there is nothing, sketch a little, and describe ...

This is a long process ...

This is like following the map and re-traveling, even if you already know how to go that way, but Lin Fei is not impatient and follows the guide of the map to go slowly.

For a time, Lin Fei simply fell into a state of no focus.

No matter what kind of obvious things are encountered in the middle, they have never been shaken, just follow the map, go a little, go a little bit.

This time the analysis is longer than before ...

During the period when Lin Fei dealt with the characters of Guiming and Clan, the outside world became quite anxious ...

After coming out of the valley, several monks were busy carrying out their own repairs as confirmation, and at the same time, they continued to explore the ruins of the ruins while advancing.

Within just a few days, several people's cultivation practices have become more and more refined. The benefits brought by the innate spirit water are also more and more manifested. Different levels of improvement.

At the beginning, there were less than ten of the monks who came to the tomb. They could pose some threats to them. For example, a few people who could compare with Xu Yao would still be competing for the tomb. Walk with them on the way to resources.

But gradually, as I moved toward the inner circle of the tomb, the deeper I advanced, the fewer people who could walk with them ...

This is a kind of tacit understanding, and it is also a potential rule in this ruins tomb. The most precious resources in the ruins are all hidden in the most central place, where the most powerful monks are buried.

In those peripheral areas, the strongest burial person is just an out-of-control corpse emperor, and he is already regarded as the most top king.

However, in the core place, the existence of the emperor can only be regarded as a medium existence ...

Tianmen City has been established for so many years, and the real monks who have appeared from generation to generation have already had double digits, and most of them are eventually buried here ...

Even several Pharaoh Ancestors are in that core place, preparing for many opportunities, waiting for future generations to discover, and even legend has it that one of the Pharaoh Ancestors repaired an empty mound in advance for himself there. There are many treasures in it, and they are buried only after they die.

Of course, if there are juniors, dig out the empty tomb left by that ancestor in advance, the old ancestor will not mind, and may also be interested, personally see the one who can dig out his own empty tomb Junior ...

All of this is to guide everyone to the core land.

It ’s just not easy. Those who can get here are all geniuses. To stand out from the crowd, it is destined to be a very fierce competition.

Compared with this, the previous competition for innate spirit water was only pediatrics. In fact, before Zhou Xiangfu and others, in front of the valley, they did not fight too fiercely. , More or less to prepare for this place ...

For example, now, deep inside that ruin tomb, there is already a series of wars ...

In a wilderness, there is a snow-white giant elephant that is nearly one hundred feet. At the edge of the wilderness in the distance, it rushes out. As it rushes closer and closer, you can see that the giant elephant is snow-white like jade, and two curved ivory skyward When Pentium was on this wasteland, it almost caused the earth to shake. This was at least a bloodline alien colossus repaired by the demon emperor.

But now, this snow-white giant elephant seems to have been attacked. The snow-white jade body has a black trace on the surface, as if it had just escaped from the sea of ​​fire.

At the time of galloping, it was a bit panic, and chose a direction to run while screaming at the same time. Although the grand voice was shocking, but it was a bit panic ...

As it ran all the way, there were cracks on the ground. When ran all the way, it was like a straight gully happened behind him, making a mess ...

However, at this moment, in the sky, there was a sudden thunderstorm ...

Followed by, I saw this ignorant, gray sky, and suddenly there were several silver thunder and lightning, and dark clouds gathered, and one of the thunder snakes was rushing through it, and the thunder sound continued to explode, as if the punishment could be dropped at any time. general.

After the appearance of the thunder, the giant elephant seemed to be a startled bird, and the roaring sound became more and more terrible. For a time, it was beyond its own limit. The speed of escape seems to be faster again ...


At this moment, the thunder in the sky has been split ...


For a time, a thick thunder pierced the sky, making the whole space seem to be a piece of silver, crashing down.

No matter how fast the giant elephant is, it is impossible to get faster than the Thunder. This Thunder is unbiased and happens to be a hit.


In the last desperate and sad roar, the giant elephant had no resistance at all, and was swallowed up by the thunder.

At the beginning, I could still see the body of the giant elephant, a jade light appeared, and he was contending with the thunder, but unfortunately, this kind of contend did not even maintain the three breathing time, and soon it became defeated, ruined Yes, it was destroyed by the Thunder ...

And the roar of the giant elephant soon received a thunder blast, which drowned out ...

The sky was densely clouded, and thunder thundered one after another. At first, it was just thunder. The thunderbolt that appeared later, even brought a hint of purple, if you have a knowledgeable monk, you can see at a glance that this kind of thunder is already With a bit of real body thunder, the charm of Zixiao Shenlei ...

This thunder bombing lasted more than half an hour ...

When the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, the Thunder stopped, and the ground was no longer what it used to be. It just turned into a huge crater with hundreds of square feet.

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