Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 1802: what the hell

"Your curiosity is enough ..." Zhou Xiangfu sneered: "Do I have to tell you what Fu Zhuan I just painted?"

"Isn't it the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the Ghost Spirit Rune? From the moment just now, there is no one who can feel it."

"Go!" Zhou Xiangfu's face suddenly turned black, shit, the longer it took to deal with this guy, the harder it was. Even the fuzhuan he drew could be judged from the clues.

Immediately afterwards, he warned, "If you dare to follow me, do n’t blame me next time!"

Who knows, Hong Yitian didn't mean to be angry, but just smiled and said: "What anxious, anyway, the core of the ruin tomb is so big, just go on, everyone will meet again sooner or later, but when the time comes, Not just you and me, there are others ... "

"What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiangfu was somewhat aftertaste. He glanced at the other side suspiciously. According to the previous understanding of the other side, this Hong Yitian was annoying, but it was not the kind of nonsense. Going on, it's not a fight, the conversation is always just two or three sentences.

What's wrong with this today, this guy is uncharacteristically, here's how to grind the chirp, what do you mean?

But now, Hong Yitian suddenly asked: "Otherwise, how about you and I going together?"

"Together?" After hearing this, Zhou Xiangfu suddenly sneered: "Forget it, I'm not interested in anything to do with the tiger, and ..."

"And, do you think it is not necessary to use your own strength?"

Unexpectedly, when Hong Yitian heard it, he didn't feel a little angry, but took the words to him.

Zhou Xiangfu just snorted. Although he didn't say anything, it seemed to mean that.

Everyone came in to look for opportunities, and they did not give in to each other. If they had any opportunities that could not be missed, it would be difficult to negotiate. The two sides would definitely not give up, and the lightest one would have to fight.

And in terms of the strength of the two, what they cooperate is a joke, no matter what obstacles are encountered, that battle is to bring an ill-predicted ally, but will regret it.

But when it comes to this, Hong Yitian said: "Originally, you and I swept this place, there was no problem, but this time, the situation has changed a little, I don't know how much you know about Lin Fei ..."

"Lin Fei?" Zhou Xiangfu frowned as he heard this: "What do you mean?"

"You are not familiar with Lin Fei, and it is normal for you not to know enough about it, but I can tell you that his strength is by no means weaker than that of you and I, I think, and you do n’t want you and me to fight for both defeats. , Finally picked up by that Lin Fei cheaper? "

Hearing this, Zhou Xiangfu did not immediately reject it. Obviously, he was thinking about something. After a while, he suddenly asked: "Do you think that Lin Fei has already defeated Luo Xiu?"

In Hong Yitian's remarks just now, Lin Fei was only mentioned, but Luo Xiu and others were not mentioned. Obviously, the meaning in this remark is only to worry about being picked up by Lin Fei for cheap, but he did not take Luo Xiu into account at all .

"It's hard to say if you can't beat it, but this Lin Fei suddenly came out and didn't show much roots. It is always good to guard against one hand. Moreover, as long as you and I can cooperate, there will be no hindrance in this ruins. Well, it ’s not difficult to drive out all the competitors. No matter what chance you encounter, it ’s in the palm of both of you ... "

"Then you try to secretly count on me, and swallow all the benefits alone?" Zhou Xiangfu said with a sneer.

"Oh, that's not what I said. In short, clean up the scene first, and the rest is just a matter of my own ability." Hong Yitian didn't mind, but admitted it generously, but it was quite frank.

Zhou Xiangfu didn't give much consideration this time, just nodded and said: "Then remember what you say, after you go out, don't complain."

Hong Yitian did not have any worries about Zhou Xiangfu's remarks, he just agreed ...

As a result, the two most famous monks in Tianmen City, even if they had reached a cooperation, had to clean up the scene first, and then the two would show their magical powers.

Sure enough, after the two cooperated, the action was very fast.

Immediately heading towards the core of the ruins of the ruins, but for any opportunities encountered along the way, did not stay to collect, just to drive out the monk along the way,

Although it was met with resistance, there was no united enemy under the cooperation of the two.

Hong Yitian's nine-handed wooden sword is in his hand, and ordinary people are not close to him at all. Zhou Xiangfu's runes of seals are even haunting and changing endlessly.

The monks who met with them, at a glance at the combination of these swords, did not even have the mentality of confrontation. They just evacuated the secret consciousness and consciously retreated.

Although there will be a few unwilling monks in the middle, who have their own strength and want to meet, but the end is very miserable ...

Chopping melons and vegetables along the way, it gradually approached the core of the ruins ...

It was only here that the number of outsiders met was less and less. The two people who originally formed the cooperation, but did not cooperate as closely as they did before, began to unconsciously open a distance.

After all, the opportunities here have also begun to increase.

Significant changes began to appear in the environment alone. The aura is almost full of water, and you can breathe casually. The true elements can grow up at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. , Are swallowing precious elixir.

Even if you do not deliberately practice, but only stay here for a hundred years, you must be able to make obvious progress naturally.

If it is outside, except for the many heaven and earth blessings between heaven and earth, I am afraid that only the realm of the dharma body can create such an environment.

After the expulsion of the two, the reputation has long spread. No one has followed it. After all, in the whole Tianmen City, there is really no one who has the confidence to cope with these two people at the same time. Nowadays, only two people enjoy it alone ...

Just came here, the two competitors, only left each other.

So now, the defense between the two is getting deeper and deeper, and even most of the energy is spent on each other ...

In this way, they walked all the way with their own spirits. When passing through a stone forest, Hong Yitian's footsteps suddenly became slow.

When Zhou Xiangfu looked at this, he could not help being alert and secretly looked at the other party, and at the same time, he was already prepared to avoid the other party's sudden trouble ...

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