"That's it?" Miaoxuan Zhenren looked at this scene with amazement.


"What should be, this is Vulcan Array, there is a slight difference, we will be buried in it." Miao Xuanzhen is full of black lines, is it probably what should be along the way, can it be reliable?

"Well, it makes sense ..." Lin Fei didn't refute, but just thought about it, and suddenly said, "Would you like to explore the way first?"


Speaking of which, Lin Fei made a decision and urged: "You go to see it first. If there is danger, I will meet you outside."

Just now, Miao Xuan Zhenren also reminded Lin Fei, after all, this is his own hasty crack, and if it does not succeed, Lin Fei does not dare to guarantee ...

Just like what Miao Xuan Zhenren said, he was buried in it, and that's it. After all, this is an illusion. Lin Fei didn't know that if he died in this illusion, could he still come in here.

It would be a pity if I missed this opportunity like this ...

Anyway, Miao Xuanzhen is also a character in the illusion, here he is dead, it is just illusory, it does not matter, at most when he sees Xuan Lao again, he apologizes to him, saying that he pitted him when he was young.

But now Miaoxuan Zhenren does n’t know this. Hearing this, his face is almost dark. Damn, now it ’s a time of crisis, not so much time, but is your **** a bit too Sincerely?

Let me explore the way without blinking? Can you feel a little more conscientious?

Lin Fei was very irresponsible and said: "Now we have no retreat, if you don't go, then we are equivalent to a trip, it is better to go back and wait for death."

"I know, I know……"

Miaoxuan Zhenren also sighed. It is impossible to go back. Now, the entire Tianmen City is almost a hell. There are countless kinds of murderous things. Not to mention going back is to temporarily separate from Lin Fei and rely on his own strength. Once you encounter a fierce beast, it won't take long, I am afraid that you will be buried in a large group of fierce beasts ...

In fact, this is the same for Lin Fei. Although Lin Feixiu wants to be stronger, if he loses his collaborator, Miao Xuan Zhenren, in this dangerous city of Tianmen, he is more and more fierce ...

Forget it, now is not the time to care about these things. Miaoxuan Zhenren also knows the importance of it. After all, it was an accident. That person died was better than the whole army annihilated.

Should sacrifice, still have to sacrifice ...

Now, this is the only way to live, maybe this way, there is still a line of life.

"Open the way for me!" Soon, Miao Xuan Zhenren calmed down, showed a firm face, looked back with justice, and walked towards the red light in front of him.

Lin Fei urged the moire sword spirit, the ice-cold white sword awn, suddenly swallowed three feet long, and gently penetrated into the red light in front of him.

It was like a jade stick in white and bright, and a red veil curtain was picked up. It was in this red light that a channel was opened for Miao Xuanzhen.

As Miao Xuan Zhenren stepped forward, there was an empty space. Gradually, Miao Xuan Zhenren's figure passed through the envelope of the Vulcan Array and entered the pavilion. among……

Upon seeing this, Lin Fei also knew that there should be no danger, so he walked in.

But after walking in, he found that the scene in this pavilion was completely different from what he had seen.

As he stepped in, there was a strange scenery in front of him. The verdant bamboo forest spread all around, and there were many white flowers next to it, swaying gently in the breeze.

A scent of birds, flowers and greenery.

But in this forest, there is a strange vortex that is extremely conspicuous. Among them, the vortex is like a chaos, rotating gently, endlessly, as if you can attract your eyes with a glance.

Obviously, this vortex was the passage to the treasure house that Lin Fei had traveled.

But now, beside this vortex, there is an old man in a gray robe. I see that the old man has white hair and a thin figure, but it looks like a fairy bone.

And beside the old man, Miaoxuan Zhenren had a bitter face and sat there, as if he were a boy under the old man ’s seat, but now, he ca n’t move, but after Lin Fei comes in, he can only be Eyes desperately.

From the unsightly look, it was clearly telling Lin Fei that the two of them were self-seeking ...

After seeing Lin Fei coming recently, the old man's thin face showed a smile: "It can break the Vulcan formation, but it has some skills. However, if you want to use the chaos to calculate the treasure house, you two, but still It ’s a bit unqualified. "

"No, we are the one ..."

Originally Lin Fei wanted to explain one or two, but he did n’t wait for a sentence to finish. As the old man ’s words fell, he saw the bamboo forest around him, but it suddenly shook up. Suddenly, the peaceful scene suddenly changed, and the bamboo forest shook There was a rustling sound, and there was a sense of serious killing in the forest.

As if each of these bamboo leaves had become a flying sword, as the old man raised his finger, a sharp sword was pointed at Lin Fei!

Lin Fei didn't hesitate at all. At the moment when the killing intention broke out, the heavens and swords immediately responded immediately, and the boundless sword intention suddenly broke out.

It is a pity that these ten thousand sword tactics have just been urged, and the bamboo sword opposite to it has already arrived suddenly.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, which destroyed the sword meaning of the Ten Thousand Swords of the Heavens like a wave of raging sea and swept towards Lin Fei!

Lin Fei was suddenly shocked, knowing that this force was far beyond the Fa, he had no hesitation at that time, and he would use his freedom to resist.


He erupted into a free array, and the boundless swords spread across the sky. One of the thousands of sword lights, cutting forward, directly collided with the bamboo sword that swept across the front!

Only a moment, as if the whole sky is lit up, the bamboo forest, the old man, Lin Fei, and even the whole world are covered by this sword light.

This burst seems to be only a moment, and it seems that after an hour, when it finally calms down, everything seems to be dissipated, and it seems that nothing has happened.

There was still a green scene in front of me.

However, the bamboo forest next to the old man was already half broken, and it was destroyed as if it had been cut off by Qi Qi.

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