"Although it's temporarily safe at this time, we also know that we have gone too far and have no chance to look back. Each of us has reached the limit. I have even broken down, even if there is no opponent, just let me pass by myself In a few months, the flesh will naturally decay, I only have soul, and I ca n’t survive in this place ... "

"But at this moment, we met the man ..."

"That person?" Lin Fei has also experienced heavy winds and waves, but I heard it here, or the heart of listening has been raised a bit. Since several people have reached the limit, then their escape from the difficulties should be related to this newly emerged person. ...

"Good ..." Speaking of this, the old man's eyes are a little distant and complicated, as if returning to the moment of life and death, and after taking a deep breath, he said: "I was there, I met the man, the one ... Peak Sword Fairy, forest half lake ... "

"..." Lin Fei.

When the voice fell, there was a moment of silence ...

Lin Fei was silent for a few seconds before speaking again, and said a little uncertainly: "You said ... who?"

"You don't know him? When I asked Jianzong the first sword immortal, it was also the first dharma body that once killed Heiyuan, Lin Banhu." The old man seemed a little surprised by Lin Fei's ignorance.


Perhaps it was Lin Fei ’s strange appearance. The old man gave him a strange look and said, "Why, is there a problem?"

Lin Fei did not answer immediately, but took a deep breath and continued to say: "Then what?"

"Then ..." The old man looked at Lin Fei doubtfully, but he didn't ask any more, just continued: "Then things are simple, the Lin Jianxian stayed here for a long time, but I don't know how many years, in fact I have long known a space channel leading to the outside world. After hearing about what we have done over the years, we opened that space channel and sent us out. Before leaving, they said they asked Jianzong no longer has many descendants. Asking Jianzong's heritage seems hopeless to be born ... "

"So, he gave us a place and said that there is the inheritance of Wenjianzong, let us dig out and cultivate future generations, that is, this treasure house, and later, with the help of this treasure house, this city of Tianmen also More and more prosperous ... "

Lin Fei came in, just for this treasure house, but now, the news about the treasure house doesn't care so much, and he just immediately asked, "What about the forest and the lake? How did he survive there? And Why not come out and open the treasure house yourself? "

"It's not clear ..." The old man shook his head, thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered something: "Yes, he seemed to say that he was waiting for someone there ..."

"Waiting for someone?" Lin Fei was shocked.

"Not bad." The old man thought for a long time before he nodded definitely, but there was some doubt in his words: "But who is this waiting for? It's not very clear. In short, he guards a passageway, but stays there, It's really strange ... "

After listening to this, Lin Fei frowned and said nothing, but he was silent for a long while before suddenly asking: "You just said that when Lin Banhu handed it to your treasure house, he asked Jianzong how much was left. Descendants, even ask Jianzong's legacy is hopeless to be born? "

"Yes, that's right ..." After looking at Lin Fei, the old man also felt that Lin Fei's reaction seemed to be wrong, but he couldn't say it for a while. He just asked a little strangely, "Do you know something?"

But Lin Fei did not answer, but frowned there, not knowing what to think ...

Seeing Lin Fei did n’t mean to speak, the old man could n’t hold back a little: “I should tell you, I should n’t tell you, I have already made it clear that there is no one under the nest when Tianmen City is in crisis. Being able to take care of yourself, even if your master and apprentice can escape for a while, I will sooner or later be affected by the black abyss. I wo n’t ask you to do anything, as long as you do n’t take advantage of the fire this time. No blame for your past, and it will keep you complete! "

Although Lin Fei listened, his face did not change, as if he did not touch these promises.

Looking at this attitude, the old man frowned, as if thinking of something there, and continued to say: "Well, besides, I can still call the shots and give you a battle in the war , To appreciate the opportunity to practice one year. "


Hearing this, even if Lin Fei was immersed in the news about Lin Banhu, he couldn't help being attracted attention.

Cultivate for a year in the realm of war?

It should be known that the cultivation of a dharma body in its own way is in its own realm, which contains all the reasonable results of the dharma body's lifetime practice. It is not an exaggeration to say that the foundation of a dharma body is.

If you practice here, you will naturally be able to perceive the Dharma body and rhythm, which is equivalent to having a guide lamp on the foggy practice road. It is easy to see the road ahead and avoid some pits on the road.

And this is not the most exaggerated. What makes Lin Fei a little unbelievable is the old man, who actually wants to practice under the circumstances of his warring state ...

Under the state of engagement, the dharma body's realm will be like a sleeping lion, fully awakened, and exhibit various extreme gestures.

It seems that it is not enough to give you a Tongtian Gongfa, but also to bring Lin Fei to the founder of this Gongfa and give Lin Fei a little bit of clarity.

This treatment, let alone an enemy to yourself, even to your own son, is nothing more ...

This old man's promise is simply a price ...

No, wait ...

Just when Lin Fei felt incredible, he suddenly remembered something, and after looking at the old man, he looked a little weird and said, "Which one is the legal body you promised?"

"Who else can be my body, of course." Said the old man.

"The predecessor's road number is ..."

"It's easy to talk about it, Taoist."


"Huh? Why, boy, you come to my treasure house of Tianmen City, you will not even know the name of the old man, haven't you heard of it?" Seeing Lin Fei looked a little strange, the old man said with some doubt.

"heard about it……"

Lin Fei shook his head, but inwardly secretly said that we were fortunate enough. I still dug your relics, but of course, these words, I thought about it in my heart, even if this is an illusion, you can't talk nonsense.

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