Facing Lin Fei in this state, even if he has returned to the peak, he dare not take it lightly.

In the countless horrifying glances, everyone saw that the Dragon Emperor, the boundless demon spirits gathered, very thick, even the sticky seemed to be condensed into dew, surging an extremely powerful and powerful There is also a fierce breath.

At this moment, whether it is Zhou Xiangfu and other monks in Tianmen City, or those large numbers of monsters and dragons, under this pressure, they feel an endless pressure.

The people did not dare to hesitate, and they stepped back and left the scene of confrontation between the two sides.

At this time, anyone can see that at this time, the two sides are already desperately desperate. Next, these three parties will use the earth-shattering tricks, just to kill the other party.

Those scenes are bound to be extremely scary, and even surpass the confrontation just now.

In this void, it was only a moment of silence, and then only three magnificent roaring sounds were heard, and suddenly they resounded, shaking,

"The demon is born!"

Li Qingshan's eyes became more and more enchanting. When he reached out his hand, a shadow of a heavenly monster appeared. As he gently raised the tip of the sword, the figure gradually lifted up. A devastating wave ...


And the Dragon Emperor roared, revealing the meaning of infinite fierceness. On his side, the demon qi swept and condensed, and finally seemed to turn into a powerful force of extinction. Go out.


Lin Fei was expressionless, just raised his finger, and suddenly, beside him, he emerged as a free array, an eighteen-story tower descended, and the sea of ​​sword stars spread out ...

This way of doing everything, at this moment, infinite swordsmanship climbed to the peak!

Countless eyes, at this time, are staring at these three mighty figures, and the body can't help but tremble a little, because at this moment, the next three parties collide, maybe they have to decide Tianmen City and the Black Abyss, the powers of the worlds in the heavens and the earth are changing each other ...

Looking at the respective offensives of the three sides, many monks in the void are all cold, and the real elements in the body are faintly stagnation and unavailable signs.

Under this coercive pressure, it is almost impossible for them to move ...


And at this time, the three sides offensive were already facing each other, getting closer and closer. Soon, the sword of the demon had already broken through the sky, and I saw the **** demon qi diffused, which showed An amazing sword spirit of the heavenly demon, under this sword, seems to be earth-shaking.

In the face of Lin Fei's numerous means of covering the sky and the sun, this sword did not hesitate at all. It directly cut through the void and slammed into it.

Bang ...

Just at the moment when the two sides collided, the power of this sword also brewed to the most powerful moment, followed by, only to see endless demonic energy, as if numerous volcanoes erupted at the same time, suddenly filled the entire void.

The whole void was stunned by this powerful collision sound. The powerful demon qi swept around. Even at a distance of Po Yuan, it still made many monks feel like a powerful demon qi came. .

All kinds of means are carried out quickly from the monks, and they are trying their best to resist this ruinous spread.

This sword also slammed into his free array, and at this time, his free array also started to counterattack. I saw that in the array, there were suddenly countless sword lights.

These sword lights are extremely sharp, and each one represents a unique sword intention. Even if the priests of the peak state touch a little, they will immediately disintegrate, and the power can be said to be extremely overbearing.

Under the confluence of countless sword lights, it is starting to erode each other between the evil spirit and the demon opposite.

Even the entire void is under the erosion of these two sides, and there are cracks in the road.

Under the crazy confrontation of these three forces, in the void, it seems that the ancient scenes were re-enacted. This battle scene made Zhou Xiangfu shocked. He had previously thought that he might be able to help. Busy, but now it ’s not easy to look at it, let alone help, to protect these monks around.

Seeing this kind of scene also let many monks gradually realize that this is the real body.

Only this kind of power can determine the future of many worlds ...

The aftermath of terror has been continuous, and when it is full of incense, it gradually disappears ...

At this moment, the monks all looked at the center of the eruption at the same time, but the two sides had previously exploded their respective strengths to the extreme, without any reservation.

If that kind of horrible method is released directly against Wanlong Realm, I am afraid that it can immediately cause serious damage or even broken ...

Obviously, the result of this collision will also allow everyone to see who is better in the end ...

It is the two dragon emperors and Li Qingshan who joined hands, or Lin Fei.

In the countless tense lines of sight, the terror fluctuations in the void disappeared, and everything was exposed in front of everyone.

I just saw it there, and the powerful celestial phantom and horror demon qi became thinner ...

On the contrary, it is an eighteen-story tower with a wound of his self-free array and a slight rotation beside it ...

"Both of these two offensives just tied Lin Fei's tie?"

Seeing this scene, many monks were astonished, and then they looked relieved.

"Not quite ..."

Zhou Xiangfu gazing at the void, muttered to himself, and felt something was wrong.

In the void, Lin Fei stood in the void, but his face was very calm, but his slightly indifferent eyes looked at the demon and the demon phantom not far away, and suddenly raised his hand, gently bomb.

Followed by, I saw only a swift sword light, suddenly flew out, and then fell on the sky demon phantom.


Suddenly, this time it seemed that a flying needle had crossed the ice surface. That day, the demon phantom appeared a dense crack on the surface of the body immediately, and it shattered.

And that sword light did not see a pause after passing through the sky demon phantom, but immediately flew, and entered the infinite demon gas, suddenly, the demon gas slowly disappeared at the same time ...

At the moment when the ghost ghost and ghost spirit were broken, the Emperor Dragon Emperor and Li Qingshan were also shocked, and their faces became very gloomy.

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