After all, these three real bodies were not weak during their lifetime. Now even if they are dead, the strength of the body contains their own remaining Tao and Dharma. It is not easy to absorb them safely and accommodate them in their own bodies. Things.

It can even be said that this is harder than letting Lin Fei beat the three of them.

If one is not careful, they cannot absorb what they don't say, and they will even disturb their cultivation.

However, at this time, Lin Fei can no longer hesitate. If he wants to achieve his true body as soon as possible, he must seize this opportunity.

After making a decision in his heart, Lin Fei did not hesitate, immediately raised his hand, a powerful suction was poured out.

Bang ...

In that moment, Lin Fei was shocked, because he could clearly feel that a powerful real power was actually swept into his body, with a powerful and powerful The overbearing attitude is directly mixed into its own true element ...

Under this extremely powerful force, Lin Fei's arm blood vessels were all applauded quickly, and the blue tendons protruded like earthworms.

Then, when this force became stronger and stronger, the skin was suddenly torn apart, and the flesh and blood of Lin Fei's whole body were breathing together, desperately absorbing the massive real elements that poured in ... …

Fortunately, the true elements of these predecessors have been cultivated for countless years, and their respective foundations of Taoism and law have long since disappeared, which has removed the biggest obstacle to Lin Fei's absorption.

But in spite of this, there is still a kind of old death and anger, which is born after countless years of warm up.

If the ordinary monk absorbs these real elements, it seems to be drinking poison, fearing that it will be repulsed by the power of it immediately ...

Lin Fei did not worry, however, that his heavenly sword tactics had the effect of having hundreds of rivers, not to mention, he practiced all the way by absorbing countless **** gold to temper himself.

Today, Lin Fei's physical body is already intrepid to an incredible level.

To some extent, it is really the best person to absorb the flesh of these predecessors.

It is difficult to absorb these forces now, but fortunately it can bear ...

The rolling Yuanyuan, like a giant wave, continuously poured into Lin Fei's body, and a muffled sound like a tsunami thunder came from Lin Fei's constant turbulence ...

It was only half a scent of time in the middle. Lin Fei was more like a two person than before. His body was dripping with blood and a small wound was split.

These injuries are not serious, but at first glance, it is quite terrifying, the whole person seems to be a blood ...

Fortunately, most of these wounds are just superficial. Lin Fei's flesh has gone through a lot of hard work, and now he is rapidly recovering his flesh while being destroyed.

Gradually, this real element is pouring in stronger and stronger ...

From a distance, I can see that at the top of the altar, there is a huge true element converging, like a gust of wind, like a thick cloud, in which Lin Fei is the center ...

The astonishing coercion that came from above was violently rushing in all directions ...

This force of pressure overwhelmed the radius for hundreds of miles, making countless monks looking up and shocked.

Here, the real person of Qianyuan, as the head of Wen Jianzong, stayed in the Taoist palace.

Now standing in the Dao Palace, the tall altar not far away from the arm, seems to be faintly able to see Lin Fei in the endless True Elemental Storm ...

Just across such a long distance, Qianyuan real people can feel a strong coercion from it. It is hard to imagine what kind of pressure Lin Fei in the center is under.

Looking at this scene, the real people of Qianyuan felt as if they were alien.

Who would have thought that, unconsciously, that younger disciple had actually come to this point ...

At this time, the real people of Qianyuan could easily feel that the force of real yuan that Lin Fei gradually exuded at this time became more and more powerful, and seemed to be a monstrous beast, gradually waking up in the storm of real yuan ...

Although this powerful momentum is slow, it is so stable and unstoppable. If it can be maintained in this way, then the achievement of the real background is a matter of course ...

"It must be successful ..."

The real person of Qianyuan looked at Lin Fei's figure, and unconsciously, his face became nervous and worried ...

Wanlong Realm ...

At this time, Wanlong Realm has changed greatly, and it looks like it is about to end. The sky is dull, the ground is full of holes, like spider webs, with countless cracks spreading, even the ghosts of the past The water system is all dried up ...

On top of a mountain, Hong Yitian looked down at the ground and looked at the distance. From where he could see, he could clearly see that there was a flash of escape light, and in a flash, he could gallop out a thousand miles away.

It takes only two days for a monk to encircle the entire Wanlong Realm.

At this time, they are all looking for traces of the remaining Jiaolong ...

It has been a year since the first war to the present ...

During this year, some surprisingly, in these heavens and the world, no incredible war broke out.

Just when the monks wanted to destroy the entire Wanlong Realm with the intention of destroying the realm, they did not encounter much resistance, and they defeated the remaining dragons in succession.

Everything went surprisingly smoothly ...

Today, there is no longer any dragon activity in the Wanlong Realm. The entire Wanlong Realm, which was prosperous in the past, has become surprisingly empty.

If it is not occasionally seen in some remote places, the broken limbs and corpses left by the Jiaolongs may make people think that this world is born desolate.

During this year, the monks encountered fewer and fewer dragons, often just found that those poor dragons had no time to make any resistance, and they would be swarmed by a large number of monks and drowned them directly. ...

"The remaining Black Abyss forces seem to be fragmented and mixed into several other small circles ..."

Luo Xiu's figure suddenly appeared on the mountain without warning, and said to Hong Yitian Shen Sheng.


Hong Yitian glanced at the extremely peaceful Wanlong Realm, frowning slightly, and this kind of calmness was the last thing he wanted to see ...

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