Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2034: True body peak

Yue Zuo knew that this feeling was not groundless. If he started to work with Lin Fei now, he might not be suspicious of Lin Fei ...

In other words, it is not just him, as long as it is the cultivation of the real state, under Lin Fei's hands at this time, there will not be much chance of winning.

It can be said that Lin Fei is now the first person under the real dharma body!

"Oh, there is this ..."

At this time, Yue Zuo suddenly remembered something, and waved, suddenly there were two streams of light burst from the distance, and finally fell into the void in front of the two.

I only saw that it was the eighteen-story tower and his free array.

Since this time, Lin Fei has also handed over these two half-step innate magic weapons to Yuezuo for safekeeping, in order to prevent any enemies from committing crimes. Let Yuezuo use these two magic weapons to resist one or two.

In addition, because Lin Fei has no time to warm up these two magic weapons during this time, let Yue Zuo help continue to warm up.

Since this time, in addition to Lin Fei has received countless resources, these two magic weapons have also received a steady supply of resources.

Now it appears that it is different from before.

The eighteen-story tower was shrouded in a misty black flower of glory, revealing a kind of divine power like hell, and it seemed that even if the whole world collapsed, it could not move at all.

And his free array also exudes endless sword intentions, among which the sword intention is majestic and powerful, even Lin Fei can feel a faint sense of coercion from it.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei looked at the two magic weapons and felt the strong waves emanating from it, and was quite satisfied.

Yuezuo also looked at these two amazing magic weapons with some envy. Even in his identity, there is no chance to get such magic weapons. I am afraid that in the entire Tianmen City, there are not many magic weapons. Exist in the hands of several ancestors.

And Lin Fei here, there are two as soon as they appear ...

If there is no such thing as the Black Abyss, if you want to come out of these two magic weapons, you will have a dharma body that ca n’t help but covet ...

Today, Yuezuo watched Lin Fei summon these two magic weapons into his hand, and I couldn't help but sigh. The two magic weapons have one main defense and one main attack. Two magic weapons, coupled with the self-cultivation behavior, I am afraid that it is a true invincible real body ...

"There are also the Wanlong Realm and the Demon Realm. During this time, I have already cleaned up. I just wait for you to choose and see which realm is refined."

Speaking of which, Yue Zuo was even more sighed. This random selection of the refining world is a rare opportunity. Lin Fei this time, it was really a great creation ...

"Refine Wanlong Realm!"

Lin Feiluo thought about it and chose it casually.

He knows both of these worlds. At the beginning, he once controlled more than half of the spiritual power of Wanlong Realm to fight. In contrast, he should be more familiar with how to refine Wanlong Realm.

"it is good!"

On the left side of Yuezuo, he was already prepared. Just waiting for Lin Fei to say a word, the arrangement can be started.

Now, after nodding slightly, he and Lin Fei rose to the sky and walked towards the Wanlong Realm ...

At this time, it had been almost three years since the first battle of Wanlong Realm.

During this period of time, the monks had gone through all realms and destroyed seven small realms, and they had scored dozens of tactical powers.

But for these results, Zhou Xiangfu always felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. On the contrary, as the results increased, the more he felt a little uneasy ...

Because the side of the Black Abyss actually watched them indifferently and succeeded, without any action ...

This only shows that they and others have not hit their pain, making them think that it is not worth the hasty shot.

And it's like the tranquility before the storm, the more they don't shoot, the more they are brewing a bigger counterattack ...

Under this feeling, Zhou Xiangfu felt that it was better to show that Chifa real person once or twice ...

In a ruined world, many monks flew into the sky, bringing countless killings to this world.

They are naturally monks under Zhou Xiangfu ...

Zhou Xiangfu is standing on a mountain top, but his eyes can look far away, perceiving every inch of land. If there is any abnormality, it will attract him a thunderous blow ...

Such a probe, but there is not much gain. Obviously, this small world has been swept away.

After this idea emerged, Zhou Xiangfu planned to retreat as usual, but at this moment, it suddenly moved in his heart, and in his perception, it was rare that there was a change.

Immediately afterwards, he locked a certain void in a thunderous manner, searching for that ray of movement, and tracing to a crack in some space in the void.


At this moment, Zhou Xiangfu's eyes narrowed suddenly, and without any hesitation, the whole person rushed into the space crack.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed into the dark void somewhere along the crack of the space.

At that time, I saw a dark hall, and in that hall, it was the cold-looking dragon emperor!

"Dragon Emperor!"

Zhou Xiangfu's face changed suddenly. He didn't expect that he had rashly rushed here unexpectedly.

But at this time, the Dragon Emperor in that hall seemed to be aware of it, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked up. The pair of cold eyes looked at Zhou Xiangfu ...

"Oh, boy, I found it here, it's interesting ..."

Dragon Emperor looked at Zhou Xiangfu, who suddenly came, but showed a cold smile.

"Since it's here, stay!"

When the icy voice of the Dragon Emperor fell, I only saw that he had a powerful and powerful demon spirit, which was condensed into a dragon shape and swept toward the Zhou Xiangfu!

Immediately afterwards, that monster dragon crashed into Zhou Xiangfu.

I only heard a bang, and suddenly the void shook, seeming to collapse.

When everything dissipated, Zhou Xiangfu was no longer in place.

But there is only a broken seal, burning and disappearing into the air ...

But Zhou Xiangfu suddenly burst out of the space crack and returned to the small realm, but his face was pale, there were wounds in his body, and there were demon entanglement.

Just a moment ago, it was enough to extinguish the peak of the Fa phase. In fact, if he did not have a substitute for the dead symbol recorded in the Tianfu treasure record, plus the time to avoid, I am afraid that it is really dead at this time ...

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