As soon as these words came out, the rest of the monks, including that monk Najindan, were also quiet for a moment.

After all, this uncle has gone through so many battles that he can survive several battles. The scenes he has seen are far from comparable to them. This warning is also not dare to be ignored, and he suddenly put away his slack heart.

"Yes, Uncle Shi, did you witness the Battle of the Dragon Emperor? Did you say that the war has started, can we really defeat the Black Abyss side? I heard that the monsters in the Black Abyss appeared every time, Can be stronger than before, this is also a evil ... "

A monk said with some worry.

Hearing this, Uncle Shi was also silent for a while, and shook his head, saying: "The Dragon Emperor is also next, mainly a red-haired real person. I waited to win before, mainly because he didn't shoot That ’s it, although Jianzong is a closed door, I ’m not too optimistic ... "

When the other six people heard this, they were all shocked. When they heard the words, they were all shocked. Now Lin Fei, after several years of retreat, has carried the hope of countless people. The leader level figure.

It is also because he has fought against the Black Abyss many times, that makes the Black Abyss always unable to touch more worlds.

Uncle Shi followed Lin Fei to go out to fight many times, but now, even Uncle Shi is not optimistic about Lin Fei?

If Lin Fei can't handle it, then under the cover of the nest, these people are afraid of suffering ...

After Uncle Shi finished speaking, he saw that everyone was worried, but he smiled and said, "It's not your turn to worry about these things. You have already prepared for it. It is said that those who have made good progress these days have reportedly said that Now, it is already early to smelt the demon world ... "

Hearing this, the rest of the people also relaxed a little bit. Indeed, Lin Fei has also accumulated a lot of prestige over the years. If anyone can count on him during the crisis, there is no doubt that under the law body Lin Fei.

Besides, Master Shu is indeed right. Nowadays, there are always arrangements for such things. In any case, it is not their turn to worry about them. After all, it is useless to worry about ...

After the uncle Shi said, he no longer ignored them, but would continue to probe in another direction.

As soon as he released the consciousness, he suddenly froze, feeling as if it was wrong, and immediately followed the consciousness in one direction, and detected further.

Then, he suddenly changed his face,

Because at this time he can clearly see in the consciousness, in this distant void, there is a fireball, tearing the space, falling down ...

From a distance, it seems to be a meteor ...

If you look closely, you will find that every meteor actually contains a monster. Now, this scene seems to be full of monster spirit.

"not good!"

The result was that when Uncle Shi felt wrong, he only saw that the countless demon logistics stars had already rushed and bombarded heavily on the ground.

Suddenly, a series of meteors broke a lot of mountains, and after the appearance of the monsters, there was a monstrous monster spirit that was rushing towards the whole world.

"Flee fast!" Uncle Shi suddenly face horrified, said without hesitation: "It is the invasion of the forces in the Black Abyss!"

The rest of the monks were all terrified. Unexpectedly, such a normal day ushered in the invasion of foreign enemies.

However, everyone also responded extremely quickly, and without hesitation turned into a few streamers, burst out, they should pass the news back as soon as possible.

All were exposed to fear, and then inadvertently assimilated into a streamer and retreated, they must immediately pass the news back.

"Want to go?"

As a result, a sneer sounded suddenly as soon as their figure moved.

Immediately afterwards, I saw only a slight fluctuation in the space in front of them, and then a terrifying giant claw that broke through the void and suddenly appeared.

Then these few monks were directly caught in their hands.

Immediately after the monks screamed, they were crushed directly in the giant claws, and flesh and blood burst out.

Seeing this, Uncle Shi's face changed a lot, but he didn't mean to resist at all.

Because he can clearly feel that this force is not something he can contend with, this giant claw can still pinch himself to death.

But he didn't wait to rush out, but he had to stop his body.

Because at this time, after crushing the monks, the giant claw actually had a horrible figure, which emerged in the void, and the sultry demon was almost suffocating.

"I like snooping so much, then stay and see enough!"

Then, in the sneer, that Uncle Shi was almost desperate.

He knew that now he was forced into a dead end.

Right now, there is no escape.

But no matter what, Uncle Shi is a character who has gone through many wars. In this desperate situation, he suddenly calmed down.

And in the eyes, there was a touch of decisiveness.

Immediately afterwards, he shot towards that horrible figure.

"Unrestrained ..."

Along with the other party's cold hum, the giant claws stretched out again, that is, they pinched this uncle.

Immediately afterwards, I heard nothing but ...

When the uncle in the giant claws was about to be squeezed to death, a powerful real element fluctuation suddenly broke out and burst out!

Immediately afterwards, I saw that Uncle Shi completely exploded completely. For a moment, it seemed that a small sun burst out, and the out-of-control real element fluctuated, pervading between heaven and earth.

But shortly after this self-detonation, that figure gradually showed up, apparently not affected much.

After a snorting irritated, he continued to rush towards the city where the monks gathered together with the rest of the monsters ...

In the holy mountain of the demon world, several halls stood here, showing a majestic momentum, in which the monks came and went, appearing heavily guarded.

However, in this, Zhou Xiangfu suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a dignified color.

Because just now, in his perception, there was a life that suddenly disappeared, and that direction was at a boundary.

And this kind of life that can be directly perceived by him disappears, and only if it is the Fa, it will be directly perceived by him ...

Obviously, one side is lost ...


Zhou Xiangfu was already prepared for this situation.

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