As the white clouds dissipated, the Dragon Emperor looked at the ground, and those monks who were unobstructed showed a bloodthirsty color in their eyes.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and waved. Suddenly, the powerful and powerful demon spirit gathered together, like a whirlwind, and formed a roaring sound, which seemed to tear the world.

"Damn man, die for the emperor!"

With the sound of stern drinking, the whirlwind-like enchantment was swept away quickly, and the powerful force of destruction seemed to sweep the whole three demons. .

In the air, Hong Yitian looked pale.

However, while watching the roaring endless evil spirit, clenched his teeth, but still did not step back.

Just clenching your teeth, you must hold those wooden swords, want to urge the real element in your body again, and try your last strength.

In fact, he also knows that with his remaining power, it is already too far from the peak, and there is no possibility to stop it.

But now there is no other way ...

His crumbling body is still standing at the forefront, and this battle has reached such a point that it is already extremely tragic ...

In the Three Demon Sects, countless people saw this scene, but they all closed their eyes in despair and couldn't bear to look at it again ...

The devil Zhao Shu and others all sighed sadly.

"Next, it's time for us ..."

Gui Lao's voice was low, but he glanced at the dragon ghost domain master, and they all saw the decisive color from the other party's eyes.

Bang ...

At this moment, that endless demon spirit finally reached the three demons.

Immediately afterwards, it exploded ...

In the blink of an eye, all people can be swept in and wiped out together.

Hong Yitian raised his hand tightly to hold this wooden sword, and the true element bloomed out of his body, and he had to make a final blow.


It was at this time that Hong Yitian felt suddenly.

At this time, the subconscious looked to the sky.

Next, he was shocked to find that in the void, there were countless sword lights splitting the void, and then, a thin figure, slowly came out of the cracks in the space ...

The slender figure didn't wait to walk out completely, but stretched out his hand and held it gently towards the enchanted spirit.

Suddenly, I saw only that the boundless demon spirit was really held by an invisible big hand, and was quickly gathered into a ball, and finally turned into a drop of sticky black liquid.

Then the black liquid seemed to have encountered some high temperature. Under the gaze of countless lines of sight, there was a burst of white gas, which was quickly evaporated.

In the end, the shocking boundless demon was actually in his hands, and was easily evaporated into nothingness ...

Among the three demons, countless people are staring at this scene in a daze.

They were already desperate, almost waiting to die.

But what is the situation now?

Has the situation changed again?

In this unbelievable gaze, all are speculating, who is this figure, and is it a means to easily crush a real body?

"You, you!"

Just when everyone was puzzled, the Dragon Emperor seemed to recognize it, and he roared with shock and anger, losing his calmness and indifference for the first time.

In the countless incredible sights, in the sky, a faint voice also sounded ...

"Last time I let you escape, but I dare to take the initiative to show up, how come, real red hair is going to send you to die?"

Bang ...

Just when this voice fell, it made many people stunned. What kind of arrogance did they want to regard the Dragon Emperor as a person who died?

However, when most monks doubted, the devil and others recognized it inconceivably.

Is that Lin Fei? !

For a time, both Guilao and Zhao Shu were incredible. They never dared to think that Lin Fei, who was supposed to be in retreat, suddenly appeared here at this time?

And in the end, what shocked them most was the way that Lin Fei's previous understatement disintegrated the Dragon Emperor.

You know, that kind of freehand brushwork is not pretended at all, but Dragon Emperor's just that kind of means is almost his strongest means.

What does this mean?

This only shows that Lin Fei is no longer on the same level as the Dragon Emperor, he is much stronger than the Dragon Emperor ...

This will cause such a gap.

"Lin Fei?"

Not to mention devils and others, even in the air, even Hong Yitian was staring at Lin Fei, who was suddenly surprised.

You know, during these time Lin Fei closed, even he has never received much news from Lin Fei ...

Who could have imagined that he suddenly appeared before his eyes now?

Hearing Hong Yitian's voice, Lin Fei has completely walked out of the crack, revealing the face that Hong Yitian and others are quite familiar with, and smiled and said, "Fortunately, it's too late. timely."

Seeing Lin Fei's familiar indifferent posture, Hong Yitian's tense mood suddenly relaxed.

It was only then that I felt weak for a while, as if I had to hollow out my soul, and almost couldn't maintain my face.

"It's hard work, then I'll deal with it."

As Lin Fei's words fell, he saw only a strong force that brought Hong Yitian to the ground.

Hong Yitian then said quickly: "Don't care, he may have a back hand, he just didn't use his strength just now."

"Dragon Emperor, we met again. It seems that this time, we are ready to die?" Lin Fei didn't say much, just nodded, and turned his head and said to the Dragon Emperor.

At that time, Lin Fei was going to kill the Dragon Emperor and Li Qingshan, but it was because he was afraid of being a real person and did not succeed, but this time he saw it again ...

At this time, Dragon Emperor's eyes were also staring at Lin Fei, and his voice showed a murderous intention: "I haven't seen it for many years, so arrogant ..."

However, in the face of Dragon Emperor's murderous gaze, Lin Fei just smiled: "I think it's you who is arrogant. I haven't seen it in a few years, and I forgot to lose my life ..."

"Boy, arrogant people don't live long!"

Dragon Emperor stared at Lin Fei with a strange look: "What do you think this Emperor is doing in these years, and how will it appear now?"


Just when this voice fell, I only saw that the face of the Dragon Emperor suddenly became extremely unbearable.

Then he raised his hand, and suddenly there was a drop of blood in his hand, and the powerful and powerful demon gas gathered around it. In the end, it turned into a long monster with a blue dragon.

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