This is probably the strongest strength of the Dragon Emperor. In the face of such offensives, even if it is replaced with such a real body as Yuezuo, I am afraid that I have to temporarily avoid it.

It's just a pity.

Lin Fei is now facing him ...

Lin Fei was standing in the void, he looked at Fu Zhuan, who was approaching quickly, and the enchanted spirit swept over, but his figure remained untouched.

After a few breaths, just before this seal was really coming, he was in the countless shocking eyes.

Slowly raise your hand and reach for a finger.

"Die to me!"

There was a roar from the Dragon Emperor. Numerous demonic energy erupted above Fu Zhuan. The power of terror surged out and he rushed to Lin Fei, who would be blocked in front.

Lin Fei looked at all this, but his face was still.

Immediately afterwards, the outstretched finger flicked lightly.


At the moment when Lin Fei flicked lightly, there seemed to be a faint sound between the whole world, and it sounded as if something was broken ...

A powerful force, as if at this time, Lin Fei's fingertips broke out.

Under a force, between heaven and earth, countless creatures have become strangely quiet.

It seems that even the wind between the world and the earth is frozen.

Hong Yitian and others looked at Lin Fei with a shock at this time.

At this moment, they can all feel a strange sense of oppression from Lin Fei.

This kind of feeling makes the real elements in them become quiet and stagnate.

There is even an urge to kneel down towards Lin Fei ...

This is an instinctive feeling, as if it is a lower life, and I looked up and saw the dragon, and could not restrain the surrender in my body ...

Hong Yitian and others could barely hold back this impulse, but those disciples who were not in the Jindan realm could not bear it.

At this time, they all snapped and knelt down. Their foreheads were cold and sweaty, and their faces were pale. Obviously, under this pressure, it was unbearable.

Moreover, as Lin Fei's finger fell, the countless enchanted Fuzhuan was suddenly quiet at this time.

Lin Fei's face was still calm, just looking at the Dragon Emperor in front of him.

Then it was a light finger again.

Suddenly, as an invisible ripple spread out, the Fuzhuan was completely broken.

There was a shock in the face of the Dragon Emperor.

There was even a sense of panic and fear on his face.

"This, this is not your power, right, this, this is the power of Tao!"

"How is it possible ?! The power of the Dao Realm, it is only the dharma body, no, you cannot be the dharma body, why do you? How did you do it!"

Lin Fei looked at the other person's terrified face, but there was no explanation at all, just a wave of his hand.

Bang ...

This time, the Dragon Emperor burst into a terrible scream. At this time, in his body, a terrifying power was actually eroded. Wherever he went, the demon qi in his body directly collapsed.

That is a force that belongs to the heavens and the earth. It is powerful and vast, and cannot be resisted at all.

"How can you master the power of the world, me, I want to tell Chifa real people!"

The Dragon Emperor roared violently, and then the green dragons behind him were all shot out, and then they exploded.

Powerful demon rages between heaven and earth, sweeping directly towards the positive film Fuli from the boundary, seeming to directly destroy this area for more than a hundred thousand miles.

Lin Fei just looked at the Dragon Emperor's full outburst indifferently, and just waved his hand gently.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a powerful hurricane sweeping between heaven and earth.

This is not driven by the true yuan, but directly driven by the power of the world.

At that time, the sweeping was to sweep away the violent demon spirit directly.

[笔 趣 阁] Shit ...

At this time, there was a hidden secret demon flashed.

Actually want to tear the space and escape ...

However, just in this demon spirit, when he appeared to tear open the space, he suddenly discovered that his body suddenly lost control.

Then I saw only that Lin Fei slowly came to him.

"To escape? Don't you feel a little late."

Lin Fei looked at the phantom in front of him and said.

At this time, the Dragon Emperor's breath was already weak to the extreme, and the demon qi was much thinner. Obviously he was hit hard by the confrontation just now.

And his complexion has become extremely pale, obviously it is not small.

"You, you have mastered the power of the world, to fight against the real red hair, you are so bold!" Long Huang said staring at Lin Fei.

Lin Fei didn't see any reaction at this time, but the Dragon Emperor seemed to know that there was no hope of escape, and his face became terrible.

Looking at Lin Fei with crazy meaning, said: "Even if you can achieve Dharma in the future, when the Black Abyss comes, you will all be annihilated!"

Lin Fei's face did not fluctuate, but after Long Huang finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand. Suddenly, a powerful force came together ...

"It's going to die, so much nonsense ..."

When the words fell, Lin Fei slammed his hands together, and suddenly, the dragon emperor's body was held in the palm of his hand in an irresistible force.

Immediately afterwards, it was squeezed into flesh and blood.

However, the moment when the flesh appeared, it was collected. After all, it is real flesh and blood, which also contains the weak blue dragon bloodline. Naturally, it cannot be wasted.

However, before the death of Dragon Emperor, the crazy voice still echoed in the void.

"You wait, the world is inevitable, you remember to me, the heavens and the world will eventually be destroyed!"

With the sound of the Dragon Emperor, it gradually dissipated in the air, and the enchantment between the whole world was quickly fading away.

Among the three demons, all of them looked a little dazedly into the void.

Even the dragon and ghost domain masters, Zhao Shu, Huo Fengzi, Guizi and others, when looking at the void, couldn't help but give birth to a sense of awe.

Because at this time, only Lin Fei was left in the void, standing there ...

Around him, there was no one, as if the whole world, only him alone ...

Who could have imagined that the Dragon Emperor, who seemed to be ruining the world before, was in Lin Fei's hands for a few rounds and in less than half a day, he was completely defeated ...

Obviously, Lin Fei's strength at this time has reached an unfathomable level.

And the next moment,

The countless monks in the Three Demon Sects finally responded. The next moment, a wave of excitement sounded.

The dragon ghost domain master listened to the excited cheers, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

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