Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2053: The Power of Wanlong Realm

And the moment the voice fell, I only heard a sudden roaring sound, countless sword lights, at this moment, suddenly burst out of the red hair real human body, each sword light, it seemed like a real dragon roaring.

In the blink of an eye, the sword light that covered the sky and the sun filled the whole world, and the red-haired real person who exhibited this sky-throwing sword spirit was like an ancient heavenly sword immortal.


With the cold sound of the real red-haired real man resounding through the sky, I saw only that the most terrifying sword lights in the void suddenly gathered together.

In the end, it turned into a tremendous fearful sword, and the moment it appeared.

A wave of terrifying destruction was emanating from that time, and just the natural fluctuation after its formation made some signs of collapse in the void near the entire Wenjianzong.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of breaking the sky, these countless sword lights were directed towards Lin Fei, violently shot away.

In the void below, Yue Zuo and many other monks saw this scene, they could not help but change their face, the power revealed by the countless sword lights, caused them great pressure.

It was a sense of horror as if the ants suddenly encountered a real dragon ...

Compared with this kind of confrontation, the previous red-haired real person collided with Yuezuo, and it was just a hand out, there was no real person at all.

Now once the real character is moved, it is almost ruined.

None of them have any qualifications to intervene.

Lin Fei faced with such a red-haired real shot, but his face was dignified, but he didn't look down on it at all.

Instead, they immediately urged the heavens and swords tactics.

In an instant, I only heard a bang, a few natal sword qi was condensed out, and suddenly cut through the void.

When this sword fell, there seemed to be a huge tide between the whole world, bringing a tremendous pressure. These several swords were all fought together, making a terrible black scar along the road. .

This sword, condensed Lin Fei's fundamental cultivation practice, is the ultimate play of the ten thousand swordsmanship of the heavens. The cultivation practice has reached the point where it is now, and the power that blooms is earth-shattering.

In the next moment, in the void, two devastating means were to bump into each other.

The extremely powerful aftermath is that it is rippling towards the surroundings, and the void can't bear this kind of power completely, and it has broken apart, but fortunately, the impact of both sides has just exhausted their respective powers. Jianzong people.

But in this way, Jianzong still suffered a little aftermath, which directly led to the seven peaks of Jianzong, all swaying. In the depths of the earth, there were huge cracks torn apart, even faintly. Visible magma flowing in it ...

The foundation of the entire Wenjianzong was shaken ...

But at this time, no one cared about these, but stared at the war in the void.

"Today, just try the power of Wanlong Realm!"

As Lin Fei's voice fell, suddenly, a confused world seemed to squeeze out space, and suddenly appeared first, but this Wanlong Realm seemed to have been shrunk countless times, but only formed in the battlefields of both sides. A virtual image of the world in need, followed by directly encircling the real red hair man.

Suddenly, a mysterious and mysterious world power diffused, constantly squeezing the real body of Chifa ...

And the real man with red hair was immediately cut with a sword light, but every time it fell, it just made the Wanlong Realm tremble, but it did not see more results, but it was still squeezed slowly and firmly. Come up.

For a time, there was a continuous roar of collision in the void.

Every time the voice came, it made countless monks startled, they all knew that every detail of this matchup could become a foreshadowing of the victory and defeat, and that would also determine a whole life. 'S life ...

Fortunately, it seems that Lin Fei is doing well ...

In the nothingness, the powerful and vast power diffused from that dragon world, and began to form a huge imprisonment.

This seems to be stable. In fact, in these short moments, the two sides have used countless means. They don't know how many times they have confronted each other, and each time, they can directly cause ordinary real bodies to suffer.

This is already a battle between dharma body power ...

However, the monks felt that the current situation was better than expected. After all, Lin Fei was not a dharma body. As long as he could resist for a certain period of time, he insisted that the dharma ancestors appeared, or even dragged the red-haired real person.

Now it seems that Lin Fei's retreat in these years has not been in vain, and this task has been accomplished very well.

At this time, another terrible shock broke out in the void.

Chifa was standing in the void, and Lin Fei was shocked by a burst of sword light.

At this time, the red-haired real person had scars on his clothes, and his red hair fluttered like a burning flame, but the whole person was shrouded in a powerful war.

When he looked at Lin Fei, he smiled quite happily: "Yes, you didn't let me go for a while. I'm quite satisfied with this kind of fighting!"

Lin Fei didn't answer, but when he looked at Chifa, he looked colder and colder.

Chifa real people didn't care, just smiled: "Well, since that's the case, let me see how long you can resist!"

As the words fell, I only saw that Chifa real man suddenly produced a dharma seal. Then, a long sword that had never really been sheathed around his waist suddenly roared. The whole world seemed to be accompanied by swords. The sound of trembling shivered slightly.

"One of my swords should be cut!"

When the words of Chifa Real Man fell, the whole world seemed to tremble slightly, it seemed that it was really under this sword, some fear before death ...

Suddenly, the horrified eyes of countless monks all stared at the place where Chifa lived.

At this time, I only saw that in the void, the long sword in the waist of the red-haired real man trembles more and more, and then slowly out of the sheath.

And the moment when a sword was completely unsheathed, everyone immediately felt clearly that the colossal pressure enveloped by the real red-haired person suddenly increased a lot at this time.

Some of the monks below, despite Lin Fei blocking most of the coercion, are still difficult to resist under the hood of Wen Jianzong.

With the sword completely out of the sheath, the vast sword intention is condensed madly in the hands of real red hair.

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