Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2066: Kill Li Qingshan

At that time, as a real brother of Qianxiang Zhenjun, Da Chi Zhenren had appeared.

It's just that this big red real man appeared with the red hair real man, and later disappeared with the red hair real man. Looking like that, he actually betrayed the Tianmen City and turned to the black side ...

Now, has it appeared again?

Sure enough, after seeing the coming person, Qianxiang Zhenjun was a little stunned: "Brother?"

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time!" The middle-aged man opposite showed a gentle smile on his face.

But at the next moment, Qianxiang Zhenjun was suddenly agitated: "What happened that year! Tianmen City is broken, did you do it?"

"Brother ..." The middle-aged man just sighed softly and glanced at his brother, as if he were looking at the child at that time: "I thought you could be more stable for so many years, but you still look the same ... … "

"Die to me!"

This sentence suddenly detonated Qian as a true monarch. In this stern drink, Qian Xiang as a real monarch just killed up ...

Moreover, after this, there were actually one person after another, all of them are real-level monks. At a glance, there must be as many as ten.

Some of them are like real people like Da Chi, they are famous, and some are like Li Qingshan, few people know, but without exception, they are all powerful monks since the beginning of the monk era.

In a flash, this battlefield started to fight ...

In front of Lin Fei, he still faced Li Qingshan ...

Compared with before, Li Qingshan's appearance has not changed much. I saw that he is slender and wearing a black robe. I don't know what material he used to make and what magic weapon it looks like. In this battlefield, There is no loss at all, just a slight wrinkle caused by the aftermath of the nearby battlefield.

His face is still as cold as before, but at this time, his eyes are actually like monsters, showing a strange yellow color, making people look kind of creepy ...

An extremely powerful momentum spread on him ...

Lin Fei suddenly looked dull.

At this time, the enchantment in Li Qingshan's body suddenly rose, and there was no meaning to speak at all. The Yin Hong long sword in his hand seemed to be impregnated from the blood.

All of a sudden, it seemed that Li Qing was the whole person and turned into an ancient monster.

Today, Li Qingshan also feels Lin Fei's breath of extreme strength. Although he was unexpected of his cultivation, he did not prevent him from starting quickly.

After vigorously urging the Tianya sword tactics, Li Qingshan's whole person actually followed his ears, and the yellow pupil turned into a monster-like vertical pupil, revealing a cold meaning.

Behind him, there appeared a shadow of a thousand monsters. Between this world and the world, overlooking Lin Fei, even in the whole battlefield, the momentum was not small.

For a time, the enchantment turned over, and the sword light filled the sky and earth.

In the real-world realm of swordsmanship, Li Qingshan is clearly able to bring it to the extreme,

When the overwhelming sky monster's sword spirit was urged out by him, the sky monster behind him actually raised the Yin Yin long sword in his hand and flew down towards Lin Fei.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole world was still, and there was only one sword left between them.

Celestial Slaughter!

After a lapse of many years, this sword is reappearing, but now, Lin Fei is not the original Yang Yuan monk who only has the strength to resist in front of Li Qingshan ...


The true demon sword tactics have made Li Qingshang the whole person, began to demonize, his face pale as blood, but his lips are red as Zhu, a pair of vertical pupils almost condensed into two thin lines.

The whole person has a very strange meaning.

This burst was too fast. At this time, Lin Fei seemed to be too late to resist.

This sword is carrying infinite demon spirit, accompanied by the monstrous sword light, and fell towards Lin Fei.


Just for a moment, Lin Fei's whole person was drowned in this monstrous sword light.


After the outbreak of this sword, Li Qingshan couldn't help but cough up a sip of blood, because in the attack just now, he didn't care about it at all. The first blow directly overdrawn himself, just to give Lin Fei One hit hard.

From asking Jianzong all the way to the crack in the space, Li Qingshan was very clear about Lin Fei ’s difficulty. The longer this kind of war is, the more it will be given to Lin Jihui.

As long as it can win with a single blow, Lin Fei should never be given a second chance.

Fortunately, it looks pretty good now. This sword is in the middle of Lin Fei. Even if it is injured, it is worth it ...


Before waiting for the dissipation of the sky's fluttering monster spirit, Li Qingshan felt wrong. How does it seem that there is no breath of life in that monster spirit?

Lin Fei died directly under this sword?

How can this be……


Li Qingshan immediately reacted, and immediately urged Tianyao Jianjue to return to defense, but this action was only half done, and he suddenly felt that his heart was cold ...

I looked down at it inconceivably, but I only saw that my heart, I do n’t know what, has been taken out by people ...

Followed, only heard a bit cold voice, ringing in his ears.

"I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time. If I have the ability, I will live again and show me."

Li Qingshang's eyes became more and more indifferent, and the vertical pupils began to scatter, but he could do his last bit of strength. When he looked up, it was Lin Fei's indifferent eyes ...

The heart in his hand is still in the dark earth. As the nourishment of the dark earth, Lin Fei looked at the body of Li Qingshan who was unable to fall down on the ground. He thought about it, or he took it in the dark earth. in.

The body of the real body level, even if it is used as nourishment, can make the nether earth usher in another great fortune.

In fact, this kind of creation, the underworld has ushered in as many as three times in the past wars. Now the underworld is nourished by this kind, it is already vast, and compared with the real small world, it is not much worse ... …

It's just that this fight is over, Lin Fei is just thinking, how will this Li Qing shirt appear here, perhaps, this may be related to that real man?

However, there was no chance to confirm, because then, there was a battle after another ...

Moreover, when he arrived here, Lin Fei understood why, in front, the magic powers of those black abyss were all guarded and dispersed.

At the beginning, on the surface, it gave the Tianmen City side a chance to break one by one, but in fact, it made the power of the Tianmen City side unconsciously dispersed.

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