Lin Fei grabbed him and asked the next question: "Daoyou, what happened?"

"It's the Lingshi Sect, and the people of the Lingshi Sect came up! Damn, I'm going to find some immortality medicines now and assign them to the brothers and sisters of Qian Shanzong. Our loss is very serious. "The monk said quickly.

"Isn't your head real? How can there be other schools to move Shanzong?" Lin Fei was curious.

"They said that the master of cultivation is constantly decreasing, and now they can't get the strength of their real body. This is simply nonsense, and they definitely want us to be afraid, but their Spirit Stone Sect is indeed prepared this time. , I do n’t know where they found a real body, plus the head of the Lingshi Sect, there are two real bodies, and even the head is not an opponent! "The monk dared not delay the time and pushed away Lin Fei left.

Although he said that he was pushed away by this little monk, Lin Fei did not feel any displeasure. He thought about it and wondered a little. How did the news of Lin Wudao ’s decay continue to spread, could it be that he moved to the Mountain Sect A spy appeared?

Moreover, Lin Wudao's current strength is indeed not good. In the face of the two real-level monks, there is no chance of winning at all. No wonder Lin Wudao just couldn't respond to himself. I am afraid that his current situation is really not very good.

Lin Fei pondered and went on.

When we got close, we immediately saw the monks who were fighting together in the mountains and mountains. Although the war had just erupted, it was obviously already heated up. The monks ’fighting sounds, and the real sky collision, let the original The calmly moving Shanzong station is now in a red complexion.

From time to time, there are monks falling from the sky, hitting the ground heavily and the life and death are uncertain, even Lin Fei's feet, there are many monks lying, a small part is seriously injured, but most of them have already died of death. Lin Fei could not help moving a hint of mourning, the two gates sent to war, and there were definitely a few monks participating in the war.

The monks who are falling are also increasing every minute, every second. The monk's practice is going against the sky, and there is a danger of falling at any time, but dying on the road of cultivation, there is nothing, everyone is accustomed to it, but dying here In the battle of monks, I have to say that this is a bit worthless ...

Lin Fei looked up, and suddenly saw that in the void, Lin Wudao, the head of Qian Shanzong, was fighting with two middle-aged men. The two middle-aged men were working together to fight Lin Wudao, and Lin Wudao resisted It was very difficult, and he went to the seven or seven eights and eights. According to Lin Fei's eyes, there will be more than one hundred rounds, and Lin Wudao will inevitably be defeated by these two monks.

Those two monks ...

Lin Fei paid more attention, and then Lin Fei's eyes shook slightly. The two monks, one of the middle-aged men, Lin Fei did not know, but the other, Lin Fei felt from his body. When they arrived at the same breath as the Xuanming real people, obviously, the exercises they practiced are exactly the same ...

This means that this monk is the monk of Qingyunmen ...

Unexpectedly, the monk who would meet Qingyunmen here, Lin Fei also felt a little incredible, this is fate! Moreover, Lin Fei can almost understand that Qingyun Mountain's power in this world of spirits is not small ...

You know, before, Lin Fei met two real bodies in Qingyunmen in the corpse world, but now here, Lin Fei met another real body, which adds up to three real bodies. Wei Zhenshen still appeared as a foreign aid to the Lingshi Sect, which meant that the monk was not too high in the Qingyun Gate.

It also means that there should be some other real bodies in Qingyun Gate.

The Qingyun Gate with so many real bodies, if the power is not too big, it is estimated that this piece of Wanling Realm has no great power ...

"Senior Lin Fei!" While Lin Fei was thinking about these, among the warring people in the distance, Liu Weiqing suddenly saw a familiar figure, and subconsciously shouted in surprise.

Before, when the Lingshi Sect had moved to move the Shanzong, Liu Weiqing looked around for Lin Fei's figure, but it was Lin Fei's time to refine the teleportation formation in Houshan. After all, only Lin Wudao knew clearly, so he would not think Lin Fei is in the back mountain. Lin Fei did not find him for a long time, but Ling Shizong would not give him more time, Liu Weiqing had to join the battle.

But what Liu Weiqing didn't expect was that now, he actually found Lin Fei's figure ...

When Lin Fei heard Liu Weiqing calling himself, he also reacted directly. It happened that Liu Weiqing was surrounded by five monks. Lin Fei waved his sword and cut it through, and the monks screamed and fell down. Lin Fei also approached Liu Weiqing and arranged a sword array beside him and Liu Weiqing.

Under the protection of this sword array, the monks within dozens of feet around could not get close to Lin Fei. The monks of the Lingshi Sect looked at Lin Fei in surprise. At first they wanted to force in, but the monks near the sword array All of them were patronized by several sword qi in an instant, and there were countless sword marks on his body. Following this, the other monks were terrified, and they dared not approach Lin Fei anymore.

"Thank you seniors for helping out!" Liu Weiqing also had some scars on his body, and the blood flow continued. At the moment Lin Fei appeared to win some time for him. He quickly took the panacea and quickly recovered his injury.

"Your leader is about to lose." Lin Fei looked up at Lin Wudao in the sky, he could already feel that Lin Wudao's breathing was getting heavier, and when he cast the spell, the movement was slightly clumsy, obviously , Lin Wudao is almost running out of water.

"Senior, I beg you to save the moving mountain sect, the head is facing the two real bodies, it is not an opponent at all!" Liu Weiqing exclaimed.

"Relax." Lin Fei did not refuse. Although he was not the one who moved the Shanzong, but now, after all, there is a desire to move the Shanzong. If there is an accident, it will not do him any good. Moreover, if he really wants to say it, he does have some origins with Qian Shanzong. After all, this is the first martial art he made after he came to this world of spirits.

In addition, Lin Fei is not the kind of person who can't save his life. Now that he clearly sees the Lingshi Sect taking advantage of the fire and tries to destroy the moving Shanzong when the Shanzong is weak, how can Lin Fei ignore it?

At the moment, Lin Fei skimmed into the void.

At the moment, Lin Wudao, the head of Qian Shanzong, is intensively gluing with the two monks.

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