Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2093: what's the situation

It ’s okay if it ’s Lin Fei ’s sword array, but Lin Fei and Lin Wudao are now overwhelmed by a ray of light. The main array ’s distinctness is only a sword spirit. Lin Fei ’s mind is not on this sword array .

But is it such a sword array that is only dominated by Jianqi, but can't even break 50% of his strength? This is a bit unscientific. Even the spirits have never seen such a powerful sword array before. Moreover, this is obviously not the strongest power of the sword array. If it were replaced by Lin Fei's personal array, wouldn't this sword array be more difficult to break?

"Ming Fan, let's go together. This guy's strength is indeed as weak as you said." Although the demon kills, it can be cultivated to the real body, and it is also expensive. It is naturally not the kind of brainless. People, when they saw that Lin Fei's sword array was so powerful, they didn't dare to entrust them, and they directly called Ming Fan to work together.

Ming Fan also had this intention.

Just now the demon and Lin Fei's sword array confronted each other. He saw all the details clearly, and there was no omission. From the confrontation between the two, he found that Lin Fei's strength was indeed not well-deserved. Although his strength is slightly better than the spirit. But the sword array that the spirits could not break, and even he was not absolutely sure that it would be broken.

In the current plan, he must take Lin Fei away. After all, Lin Fei's value is too expensive. As long as he catches Lin Fei, he will be able to spend less than a hundred years to practice. This temptation is too big, which makes Ming Fan fundamental. Can't ignore it.

Furthermore, they were able to join forces with Lin Wudao before, but now it is not a big deal with Lin Fei. There will be no pressure in their hearts.

At the moment, the two men skimmed towards Lin Fei's sword array.

Although Lin Fei's sword array looks indeed powerful, but this sword array is not dominated by Lin Fei, but only by a sword qi, and that sword qi is only a sword qi, even if it is No matter how strong it is, where can it be strengthened, and can it stop both of them from being real?

The goals of Ming Fan and Spirit Demon are very clear. First, the Tai Yi Sword Qi will be smashed, then the entire sword formation will be destroyed, and then the lives of Lin Fei and Lin Wudao will be taken away.


Just as they were about to approach the sword array, suddenly the light screamed in the sword array, and the figures of Lin Fei and Lin Wudao suddenly appeared in the sword array. The two people also shone with the glow of light. Lin Fei's face was plain, but in contrast Lin Wudao's eyes were slightly closed. When he opened his eyes, an astonishing momentum suddenly blew out. At the same time, Lin Wudao's face was instantly full of smiles.

what's the situation?

Ming Fan and Spirit Demon were about to start the sword array, but Lin Fei and Lin Wudao suddenly appeared, but they surprised them. Especially Lin Wudao, the sudden soaring breath is extremely strong, that is clearly the momentum that the real body can have! However, hasn't Lin Wudao always been going backwards? Moreover, before fighting with them, Lin Wudao had already been seriously injured, and he went to seven, seven, eight, eight.

How can Lin Wudao still show such a fierce momentum now?

Both of you look at me, and I look at you, both of them don't understand Lin Wudao's present state.

"Lin Daoyou, thank you very much." And in the sword array, Lin Wudao thanked Lin Fei sincerely sensing the surging true element in his body.

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." Lin Fei laughed.

"This is not a trivial matter ..." Lin Wudao shook his head heavily. If this is a trivial matter, then what else is important in this world? Just now, Lin Fei has used Zhu Tian Fu Tu to completely refining the practice of moving the mountain sect remaining in Lin Wudao's body.

It was also at this moment that Lin Wudao sensed his cultivation behavior and finally stopped retrogression. And not only that, Lin Wudao also found out that there was an amazing truth in his body, pouring into his limbs and corpses. In a short period of time, not only did he recover his injuries, even Lin Wudao Cultivation behavior, there is a tendency to rise ...

Although it was said that he had experienced a fierce battle before, now Lin Wudao feels that he seems to have returned to the peak moment again ...

Lin Fei ’s explanation is also very simple. Originally, when Lin Wudao was practicing, Zhenyuan would automatically flow into the Qianshan Sect practice, but each time it was very subtle, so Lin Wudao had never been aware of it, but although subtle, but for many years Down, still accumulated a considerable amount of true yuan.

Now the hidden dangers left by the Qiang Mountain Sect ’s practice have been completely refined by Lin Fei. The true elements originally hidden in the Qiang Mountain Sect ’s practice have naturally returned to Lin Wudao ’s body. Under the pouring, Lin Wudao's cultivation was promoted, and his physical injuries were restored, which was also within reason ...

It is precisely because of this change that Lin Wudao was grateful to Lin Fei for Dade. Now Lin Fei is almost indistinguishable from his life-saving benefactor.

"Okay, now it's not time to say these polite words, the two people opposite, still thinking about taking your life ..." After Lin Fei came out, he saw that his sword array hadn't been destroyed yet. These two real bodies are much less afraid.

The two really joined hands, and the posture really looked great, and it could also cause some pressure on Lin Fei. But after seeing that his own one was not destroyed, Lin Fei almost knew at this time that he was looking at these two real bodies ...

Originally Lin Fei, in addition to opening the sword array, also buried another trap in the sword array. After the two of them destroyed the sword array, this trap would be launched, and then the two real bodies were delayed. Small meeting, give him time. But now it seems that he is a waste of time. The two of them can't break the sword array at all ...

Under such circumstances, Lin Fei also felt that Lin Wudao alone now seems to have been able to stop one of his real bodies, even surpassing the monk called the spirit demon. As for another Mingfan, it must be Lin Fei's opponent. After all, his identity is still the elder of Qingyunmen, Lin Fei did not want to keep alive, lest the people of Qingyunmen find this place soon.

"I see." Lin Fei reminded him that Lin Wudao also reacted quickly. It is indeed not the time to talk to Lin Fei. The most important thing now is to drive away the monks of the Lingshi Sect.

Lin Wudao now has returned to the peak, and now he is also in control of the original body level strength. Naturally, it is not necessary to deal with the spirit demon. The original decadence was wiped out. Now, his face is completely moved. After the confidence of Lin Fei's voice fell, Lin Wudao plundered towards the demon.

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