Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2111: Red hair old ghost

Moreover, Lin Fei did not feel the breath of innate fine gold in the days of Fire Phoenix City. Now in Fire Phoenix City, it is not easy to say whether there is innate fine gold. To be honest, Lin Fei has not yet made up his mind. Don't go back to Fire Phoenix City. If Fire Phoenix City doesn't help you, what can you do back to Fire Phoenix City?

Lin Fei wandered around the Fire Phoenix City for a long time, and has been asking for this matter.

"call out!"

But when Lin Fei was thinking about it, he suddenly realized that there was a breath locked in himself, could it be that the people in the Linghai Pavilion came to the door? Lin Fei did not expect that the people in the Linghai Pavilion would find them so quickly. When they looked away, in the shadows of the distance, they found several figures rushing towards themselves.

Sure enough, he is the person of Linghai Pavilion!

Although these people did not have their familiar faces, but from their appearance, they can judge their origin. Lin Fei did not leave, but stood on the spot, waiting quietly for the Linghai Pavilion. People appear on the floor.

"How did you find me?" Lin Fei asked curiously when the people from the Linghai Pavilion came to him.

"Hey, want to leave the Fire Phoenix City and avoid our Linghai Pavilion? Too small to see the Linghai Pavilion, our intelligence network is not comparable to your little role." Linghai Pavilion, a law sneer Started.

"Oh ..." Lin Fei couldn't help but smile. If the intelligence of the Linghai Pavilion is really as powerful as they said, you should know that you are not just out of the Fire Phoenix City, but have already been to the Spark City Yes, and just came back, and then spent a long time near Fire Phoenix City ...

"Hurry up and take out the iron lion in your hand?" A monk over the Linghai Pavilion sighed in a deep voice. In the past, Zhang Guanshi was unfavorable and could not find the iron lion, but the news of the killing by the pavilion master has now spread to the Linghai Pavilion. The patriarch ordered the portrait of Lin Fei to be sent to the monks of the Linghai Pavilion, and He promised that as long as he could recapture the iron lion in Lin Fei's hands, he would be rewarded by the patriarch.

These tempting conditions made the monks of the Linghai Pavilion perish, so everyone was looking for Lin Fei's whereabouts. Now that I saw Lin Fei, their attention naturally fell on the iron lion taken by Lin Fei.

"Oh, are you talking about this?" Lin Fei took the iron lion out of the storage bag, hugged them in his arms and shook them towards the monks, followed, Lin Fei saw their fanatical eyes, Lin Fei smiled Laughing, backhand back the iron lion back into the storage bag.

"If you have the strength, although you can come to **** my iron lion."

"Looking for death." Seeing Lin Fei so rampant, the monks in the Linghai Pavilion suddenly angered him, and then as soon as they were monks, they rushed towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei smiled, and then disappeared in place.

By the time it appeared again, it was already hundreds of feet away.

Looking at the monks in the distance, Lin Fei laughed: "If you can catch up with me, just come and chase." This is just a group of monks who are not strong enough to watch. Lin Fei is really too lazy to talk to them. Hands on, now, the figure skimmed towards the rear.

The monks saw Lin Fei leave quickly, and they were all in a hurry. They finally found Lin Fei. They naturally didn't want Lin Fei to leave this place so easily, and now they all chased in the direction of Lin Fei's departure.

However, at Lin Fei's speed, naturally these monks could not easily catch up, and soon, Lin Fei disappeared into everyone's sight.

"A group of shrimp, soldiers and crabs ..." Soon, Lin Fei could not find any monks. Lin Fei's face showed a faint smile, followed, and stayed in place, thinking about where he should go next.

But what Lin Fei did not expect was that at this moment, in the void, there was suddenly a ray of light coming out, and the speed of the light was extremely fast, almost in the blink of an eye, only three feet away from Lin Fei. distance.

Lin Fei was slightly surprised, is there really a master in this Linghai Pavilion, can he find himself so quickly? Thinking about this in his heart, Lin Fei also quickly condensed Dao Jianqi on his body to protect his body. Followed, only heard a loud noise, the light collided heavily with Lin Fei's body.

In a ray of light, Lin Fei's body was intact, and a light voice came from the void, followed by a cold voice: "No wonder it can kill my brother Xuan Ming, it is indeed a bit of strength."

Brother Xuanming?

At first, Lin Fei did not know why the monk suddenly shot at himself, but when he mentioned Xuan Ming, Lin Fei suddenly remembered that he was in the corpse bone world, and indeed killed a real person who was making alchemy, and now The origin of the person's identity is also forthcoming. Those who can call Xuanming real people in this way are naturally the people of Qingyun Gate.

What makes Lin Fei strange is, why can this person find himself? Now there are hundreds of thousands of miles away from the corpse bone world, and he can only come by teleportation array. Even if he can find the teleportation array, it is impossible to find himself so quickly?

"It really has to come without any effort. I didn't expect that I can meet you if I practice here. You can't run this time, I must take your first level to comfort my Xuanming brother in the spirit of heaven." Between thoughts, a figure flew out of the void, and then appeared in Lin Fei's sight. What surprised him was that the monk in front of him seemed to be similar to the real person Xuan Ming. It's no wonder that the words just contained a great deal of anger. Looking at his appearance, the relationship with Xuanming real people should be unusual.

"I don't know who the Daoist is?" Lin Fei asked.

He smiled sensibly: "Who is Taoist with you, Lin Fei, I am the old ghost of Qingyunmen Chifa, the real person Xuan Ming is my brother, and at the same time, he is also my twin brother, now you know that what you encounter is Who is it? "

"Red-haired old ghost?" Lin Fei almost laughed out loud, who would call himself a red-haired old ghost, but looking carefully at the appearance of the monk in front of him, it indeed has red hair, which is also with Xuan Ming The only difference between real people. But now that he knows the relationship between him and Xuanming real people, Lin Fei also knows that this matter today may not be good.

In the final analysis, I was in a bad luck. I ran into the hands of the old red-haired ghost, but then again, I just passed here unintentionally, who knows that the old red-haired ghost just happened to practice here ...

Lin Fei couldn't help but laugh bitterly, and then looked at the cultivation behavior of the old red-haired ghost.

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