"Human monk, turned out to be a human monk. He actually broke into the human monk in the Ten Dead Realms, and also here?" After seeing Lin Fei's appearance clearly, the ghost's eyes suddenly became surprised, obviously he was In any case, I ca n’t understand how Lin Fei, a seemingly weak human monk, broke through his defenses and came here.

To know that he came here with the help of a pair of ghost eyes that can penetrate many things. The reason why he set traps outside to block outsiders is because there is an area in front that is not easy to open. Follow him According to the estimation, the chance of Underworld should be hidden behind that area, but if he wants to open that area, it will take a considerable amount of time to arrange.

So he thought of the fact that there are obstacles in the passageway to prevent outsiders from coming in. When he gets the real treasure, he can escape from the muddy water.

However, he did everything, but did not even think that Lin Fei, a human monk, suddenly appeared behind him, directly disrupting his beautiful plan.

"Come out, don't hide." Lin Fei's consciousness is so keen. After the distance is close enough, Lin Fei quickly noticed a whimsical breath, plus the previous inference, although The other party hides very well, but Lin Fei immediately determined that there was someone here.

"Shoot ..."

This ghost did not appear directly, but directly served Lin Fei with a crossbow in his hand. Although his arrows were as fast as lightning, Lin Fei was only slightly sideways, and he easily escaped.

"Hard stubble ..." The ghost first noticed that Lin Fei didn't seem to deal with it as easily as he had imagined, even if he took out his killer skill.

"Black Demon Eye!" I saw a black light burst out of the eyes of this ghost, the black light was like a tarsal maggot, it made people unable to dodge, I did not expect Lin Fei to not flash at all Evasion, directly issued a powerful sword gas, directly collided with the black light, and then both annihilated.

"Okay, okay, I can't beat you, I surrendered ..." Lin Fei thought that the other party would continue to be stubborn, but the other party turned out a white flag to show surrender.

After the ghost said he surrendered, Lin Fei also gave up the offensive in his hand. However, when Lin Fei saw the respect of the ghost, he even laughed when he couldn't help it. This ghost is different from the previous ghost. There are a pair of hands on his head, his eyes are like copper bells, and more importantly, those eyes are actually a pair of yellow eyes. I have to say that this ghost is long It is indeed very different from other ghosts.

Moreover, this ghost is too unruly, but just saw the difference between his strength and his own, he directly admitted to surrender and surrendered, did not expect to resist, Lin Fei now can not help but smile in his heart ...

"If you are laughing, I will kill you!" When I saw Lin Fei and other ghosts, I laughed at myself when I saw him. The ghost's self-esteem was immediately hit, and he followed it, rushing up regardless of everything. Then Lin Fei slapped on the ground with a slap.

"To be honest, what are the opportunities here and what are you."

"Release, you let go first." The ghost kept fluttering in Lin Fei's hands, and then clamored for Lin Fei to let him go first, but Lin Fei simply birded him, just like an interrogator, and finally this The ghost had to compromise and tell everything honestly.

According to the ghost, this is a ruin of the Ten Dead Realms that has just been unearthed. Because he has a pair of magic eyes that can explore treasures, this is the one person who came here first, and then he encountered some obstacles in front of him. Can't crack it for the time being, which is equivalent to laying an organ trap behind to stop the latecomers.

Lin Fei was slightly surprised after listening to the description of this ghost. According to his previous experience, this ghost was obviously very familiar with the arrangement of the traps of such an institution. Organ, this could not help Lin Fei a little interest.

"I'm going to see what is the existence of the **** of ghosts, snakes, and gods that blocked the way?" Thinking of the opportunity, Lin Fei's eyes were slightly hotter: "You don't have a pair of ghost eyes to find treasures? How about taking me to this underground world to transfer? "

The ghost said that his face suddenly looked dark like the bottom of the pot. After he was caught by Lin Fei, he already knew that there was nothing good, but now he was asked to be the coolie for others to find treasure. However, he is also used to this kind of thing. After all, the powerful ghosts he encountered in the past also let him do this kind of thing. The only difference now is that from ghost to human monk ...

"Lin Daoyou, it turns out that you have arrived here first? How did you gain anything?" As Lin Fei was about to let the ghost take himself to explore the world of this palace, Huang Wei and Wang Huan Zhang Lie The three also caught up as soon as possible.

It seems that he had cracked the ghost's institution all the way before, so they were also unimpeded in their march.

"How about Lin Daoyou? Is there any gain?" Huang Wei asked Lin Fei about the harvest as soon as he came up. In his view, Lin Fei might have benefited by taking the first step.

"Nothing, just encountered a bunch of organs and caught such a ghost."

"Ghost?" After listening to Lin Fei, the three people surrounded the ghost like a giant panda.

"What kind of this is, how strange it is." Zhang Lie is a straight-talking guy. After seeing the respect of the ghost, he couldn't help vomiting the first time.

"Your wonderful uncle, you are the wonderful flower."

"Yeah, I still speak human language. Tell me honestly ..." The three of you tried the ghost together with my words, and smoked the ghost's angry head.

Lin Fei's absolute strength to bully him, even if these three seemingly weak guys are even pointing fingers at themselves, Hu Luopingyang was bullied by dogs, this ghost just wants to cry without tears.

However, due to Lin Fei's deterrence, this ghost really didn't dare to do anything. He had already seen Lin Fei's means before. Even his strongest magic eye attack was dismantled by Lin Fei's fingers. By the way, if Lin Fei is right, it is obviously an act of ignorance.

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