"Some ways." Lin Fei also had a very good attainment along the way of the formation. After the formation of the 10,000 ghosts, Lin Fei immediately reflected the sloppyness.

The so-called Ten Thousand Ghosts Array is actually a method of gathering spirits that can bring together the ghostly spirits of many ghost soldiers. Once such a large array is unfolded, then the mobilizer of the large array will obtain a constant flow of demon spirit and unparalleled strength growth. If it is a ten-party demon who will have the level of existence and then use the spiritual power of tens of thousands of ghosts, Lin Fei's attempt to break their joint effort is obviously not so easy.

Fortunately, it's just a ghost now ...

Seeing the might of the Great Ghost Formation, Huang Wei, Zhang Lie and others who were watching were slightly chilled in their hearts. Although they did not directly face the oppression of the dark demons, but only the aftermath made them feel. Very awe-inspiring taste, the situation that Lin Fei bears the brunt of can be imagined.

"Be careful, Lin Daoyou."

Seeing the terrifying battle in front of her, everyone was worried about Lin Fei. If Lin Fei lost to the Dark Demon, then they might be more formidable today. Lin Fei's destiny is closely related to them.

Although Lin Fei saw the thorny situation of Wan Gui Da Zhen for the first time, he did not interfere with the formation of Wan Gui Da Zhen. Lin Fei could not do that kind of thing, but Lin Fei had not done it for many days. Now, I also want to have a good meeting with one of the ten demon monsters.

Since others have said so loudly, this is a big gift for yourself, so if you don't take a look at it, it will be too much for your opponent.

As the so-called ritual exchanges, if the big gift that the dark demon will prepare for himself is not heavy enough to overwhelm himself, then the overwhelming person is probably the dark demon general ...

"Come on, let me see to what extent you Ten Fangfang will be able to do so with this ten thousand ghosts." Although Lin Fei was in the center of pressure, he did not change color at all, but was full of fighting spirit. .

"Oh, interesting, a little bit interesting!" When he saw that he showed the bottom card, the other party was still going to die with himself. The dark demon would also be very angry and laughed. In his eyes, even Lin Fei is a little bit stronger than the ghost, but the other side is so ignorant of themselves, it is obviously not sensible.

But with the lesson of the ghost ghost general, the black demon will naturally not underestimate Lin Fei. After all, the existence of a demon who can kill the ten party monsters is indeed worthy of his careful treatment.

After the Dark Demon was about to speak, a command flag suddenly appeared in his hand. With the waving of the command flag, Lin Fei clearly felt that the cold spiritual power in the Great Ghost Formation was constantly gathering and forming, obviously black The demon's first offensive is coming.

"Dark Demon Covers Heavenly Hands!" I only heard that the Dark Demon will burst into bursts, and suddenly a huge palm covering the sky and the sun appeared above the sky. With the appearance of the palm, the spiritual power between the world and the earth began to change. Slightly stagnate, it is clear that the black demon will be assisted by the attack of thousands of ghosts.

At the same time, Lin Fei also pointed a finger indifferently towards the void, only to see Lin Fei's fingertips flashing spiritually, even a golden sword gas appeared directly.

The sword energy at his fingertips seemed small, but it had earth-shattering power. As soon as the golden sword energy appeared, the entire void began to become slightly distorted. I saw the golden sword energy facing the sky and the sun. In the palm of your hand, it was bumped into the past.


A very violent energy storm suddenly appeared above the sky. Even Huang Wei and others who were watching from the side were blown by the strong wind, and their clothes were disheveled and the silk was messy.

After seeing Lin Fei ’s real means, everyone in the room could n’t help but take a breath. They thought that the black demon would help the big-death figure of the ten dead worlds with the help of thousands of ghosts. After falling into the downwind, Lin Fei didn't mean to give in at all. He just chose the hard way, and from the situation in front of him, he didn't even see any decline.

"Sure enough, there is some patience, no wonder the ghost will be planted in your hands, it seems that he lost is not wrong!"

The black demon will see Lin Fei easily, he took over his first killer, and his eyes have changed slightly. Although he had previously budgeted Lin Fei ’s strength, he never expected the latter ’s real strength. It was a bit beyond his expectations. Even with the help of Ten Thousand Ghosts, he didn't get the upper hand in the confrontation.

"What? Lin Fei killed a ten-square ghost general?" Huang Wei naturally heard the words of the dark demon general. He never expected that Lin Fei still had such an amazing record. Yeah, it was killed by Lin Fei as if slaughtering pigs and dogs.

According to Huang Wei's understanding, the masters of that level have already existed in the sky. The masters of that level have been fighting people, even if they can't beat each other, but obviously it should not be a problem to escape, unless it is The strength of the people he met far exceeded his situation.

"Is it possible that Lin Fei's strength has surpassed the terrible existence of the ten-party ghosts, and reached the point where he can keep pace with the four ghost kings?" After thinking of this almost dreamlike possibility, Huang Wei could not help but stagnate.

Lin Fei only looked about their age, and even looked much younger than Huang Wei. Such a young, non-talking guy turned out to be the kind of expert at the peak. Huang Wei felt a bit numb at the thought of this kind of thing.

"No, it shouldn't be." Even Huang Wei didn't believe it himself. In his view, Lin Feiduo was an old monster who had been practicing for many years, but he just looked a little younger.

Above the sky, the match between Lin Fei and the Dark Demon will continue. After several unsuccessful encounters, the Dark Demon will choose to fight Lin Fei directly.


Lin Fei and the Black Demon added their fists and feet, and their figures continually staggered across the sky. The Black Demon will already be a little breathless, but Lin Fei is still in a nonchalant manner.

Feeling the numbness and pain in his hands and feet, the dark demon shouted involuntarily at his own heart, thinking that the ghost will be known for its physical strength, even he was folded into Lin Fei's hands , But I chose to fight me with others, isn't that why I took a stone and hit my feet?

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