Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2154: Soul of Time and Space

"Hey, I feel a familiar breath ..." Zhang Lie's face was surprised when he entered hundreds of meters. In the darkness, he could clearly see a cave-like entrance surrounded by a lot of starlight The real-element fluctuations from there are exactly the same as their previous world.

What this means is not clear to Zhang Lie. It is the entrance to their world. You only need to enter through this space entrance to return to the world they came from.

Lin Fei also observed the entrance.

Unexpectedly, it actually appeared ...

Lin Fei expressed a little emotion in his heart. Before he was honest, he was just guessing that there might be entrances to other worlds, but that is only a small probability. Moreover, there are so many entrances. Can the entrance of their world appear? Certainly, but now that I really see this entrance, Lin Fei was relieved. He finally did not flicker Huang Wei, Zhang Lie and others.

"Now that you have found the entrance to your world, then you should go there. It shouldn't take long before you can return to your world." Lin Fei laughed.

Zhang Lie looked at Lin Fei gratefully: "Lin Daoyou, this time we were able to leave the Ten Dead Realms, thanks to you, and now you have taken us to find our way home again, this great grace and great virtue is really unrewardable. . "

Wang Huan also looked at Lin Fei and expressed his gratitude.

Even Huang Wei was excited and hurried over to express his gratitude to Lin Fei. This time the gratitude is genuine, even though Huang Wei has always been careful, but now he is rescued by Lin Fei, but it is also a real thing. If he does not know gratitude, then he will It's really even worse than the beast.

"Okay, you don't need to say more polite words, this place is not a place for chatting, let's go." Lin Fei glanced at everyone, although the entrance was not very far from them, but there was space airflow around and wanted to be safe In the past, with the strength of Huang Wei, Zhang Lie and others, the difficulty is still a bit big. After all, with their present accomplishments, they have not been able to move freely in such an environment.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Fei raised his hand, he mobilized Zhenyuan, swept the bodies of several of them, and then exerted a little force to send them all into the passage. Subsequently, Lin Fei looked at their figure, gradually Disappeared in that channel.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Fei continued to move forward.

After about half an hour, finally, Lin Fei also felt a familiar breath fluctuation. Lin Fei's mouth twitched a radian, and then followed the breath and drilled into the darkness.

Following this, Lin Fei only felt a whirlwind in front of her eyes, surrounded by a boundless white light. When the eyes were finally able to open, Lin Fei found that he had arrived in another space ...

This is a world full of vitality, with green trees towering, birds and flowers, the forest here is connected to one another, the shade is very large, and there is a good place to cool down everywhere. The sky obscured by the trees is also very blue, and even a few white clouds are superfluous, and the chirping of birds and the buzzing of insects are combined.

After entering here, Lin Fei frowned.

This space is not stable, and the aura is extremely barren. Doesn't it seem to be the spirit world?

Suddenly wondering in my heart, I suddenly discovered that in the distance, there were many monks wearing the same clothes.

How can there be monks here?

Lin Fei stood in the distance, carefully observing these monks, and then discovered that not only monks, but also monks of other schools, gathered in other places, and the number of these monks is definitely not small.

And at this time, those monks passed by Lin Fei, and Lin Fei also overheard some valuable things from them ...

One of the monks said: "The head of the team sent us to the cracks in this space. What are the benefits for us if we work hard, even if we find the soul of time and space?"

"Oh, you're a real eye-catcher. You have to know that as long as you master the soul of time and space, you can manipulate this space. If you don't want to give you some soup and water at that time, why are you afraid you won't die?"

This group of monks was talking here, and they went further and further.

However, Lin Fei hiding in the dark has overheard all these conversations. When he heard the soul of time and space, Lin Fei jumped in his heart. The secret, as long as you find the soul of time and space, can you control this crack in space?

No wonder so many monks gather here. After all, it is a great temptation to control a space. I believe that any lord of power will not refuse such temptation. Ah, what a temptation ...

In Lin Fei's view, this seems to be an opportunity ...

Just follow, Lin Fei's complexion changed.

In his perception, he found that he could not even feel the trace of any strong man. The strong men he could find were only seen with the naked eye. None of the strong men found it. Not to mention the strong, even ordinary monks can't sense it.


This is a space crack.

In the cracks of space, time and space are chaotic, so the real elements flowing in the void are very chaotic.

Now Lin Fei's spiritual power cannot be penetrated at all. Even if it penetrates, it will not be able to feel anything due to the influence of chaotic truth.

"It seems that it's useless to rely on perception. You can only find it slowly by yourself." Lin Fei laughed bitterly, then stood up and walked forward.

Although there are not a few monks in this space, Lin Fei has no worries that they will find that Lin Fei has just used sensation to find monks, but nothing has been gained. Lin Fei could not perceive himself, so other monks could not sense it either.

Along the way, the monks Lin Fei saw are indeed a few ...

These monks are very different in dress and dress. It seems that they come from many martial arts. It seems that there are not many martial arts who want to come to this 10,000-year-old volcano to get a slice of soup ...

Lin Fei shook his head and went on.

"Who?" However, it is indeed extremely troublesome to feel affected here. Lin Fei kept walking forward, but he did not find that he was getting closer and closer to a powerful monk. When the monk appeared in his sight After that, Lin Fei had no time to hide, but was already discovered by the powerful monk.

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