Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2166: Carnivorous

Rather than searching hard for yourself here, you might as well follow them, maybe you can find some clues.

Of course, this is a very dangerous act.

After all, they were forced to retreat by the old monsters just now, and now they are following up again. If they are met with them, that day when the old monsters and other ghosts are angry, can they not tear Lin Fei to pieces?

It's just that if you don't have the courage to do so, then find a fart treasure ...

It's better to get out of Lingshan now.

It was with this idea that Lin Fei followed behind the old monsters and other people from far away, watching them turn left and right, over mountains and over mountains, and finally to an area covered by thick ghost spirit in Lingshan.

The ghost gas here is very different from the general ghost gas. The ghost gas here has a dark gold color, which is very similar to the color of metal, not only the color, but also similar in weight. Under the spread of the ghost gas, The weight of air here is at least a thousand pounds.

It is this force of gravity that causes the grass here to grow out of life, apparently in a valley, but it turned out to be a plain out of thin air.

The depths of the plain are covered with thick ghost spirit, and it is impossible to see what is hidden in it. But after the old monsters and others came here, Luo Hai and other ghosts' faces clearly showed surprise.

Lin Fei saw in the distance, and his heart also moved, it seems that in this plain enveloped by ghost gas, there should be something that can make the ghosts and powerful people move.

It happened that at this time, Lin Fei saw that one of the ghosts had something similar to the Qiankun bag in its hand, and there were objects creeping in the bag.

As soon as he opened the rope, four figures rolled out of it one after another. Lin Fei took a closer look.

I am ...

Isn't this a monk from Luofu World?

Lin Fei looked surprised.

Unexpectedly, the first monk I met in this spirit world was actually a few orders of prisoners. Lin Fei originally intended to rescue them, but after careful inspection, Lin Fei shook his head and gave up.

These monks did not have any treasure protection. After entering the area covered by Lingshan, the body immediately aging at a rate visible to the naked eye, in a blink of an eye,

Soon, they lost their vitality in a wailing sound. Seeing this, Lin Fei did not need to rescue these people.

Although he himself did not fear the curse here, but he was not strong enough to stop the curse, so he could only watch them grow old in front of himself ...

However, this ghost, taking these monks out at this time, did not seem to let them die here, just when they had only one last breath, this ghost took them one by one.

But these monks obviously wanted to rebel.

After all, it was a monk in the early phase of the Fa. It was impossible for him to be so obediently arrested. Even if he was already on the verge of death, they still rely on the last fierceness and want to drag these ghosts into the water.

But, two ordinary ghosts around them immediately besieged them ...

These physiognomy, under the siege, the end is quite bleak, not only hooded, but also far away from the ordinary spirits, there is a monk, beheaded by ghosts, and died on the spot.

Several other monks were really incapable of resisting these ghosts. They could only be caught in the hands of the ghosts, and then thrown into the ghost spirit in front.

After entering the ghost spirit, their bodies suddenly changed. Only the killing surged in their eyes. For a moment, it seemed to have become a humanoid, completely ignoring the broken body and the old age. Rampage.

Even in their mouths, there is a heartbreaking roar ...

How is this going……

Lin Fei's eyelids jumped straight behind him. Could it be that ghost spirit has the effect of influencing the monk's sanity? Only this explanation is the most reliable. If it were not so, their broken body would not be able to explode such a strong force at the end, and they could manipulate them and run in a ghostly spirit.

If they are outside of the ghost spirit, they may even have a hard time acting.

And during the running, their flesh gradually decayed, while they are getting older, they are still decaying. Soon, only the bones of the forest are left, but strangely, they are still rushing in ghost spirits.

This scene is extremely infiltrating ...

These monks can be said to be a terrible monster in front of everyone ...

"It seems that this is the place, and we made no mistake, this is where the carnivorous gas was born." But although the scene is scary, the ghosts including Luo Hai are overjoyed.

Chapter 8

Because their goal is this carnivorous ...

Carnivorous gas is a kind of ghost gas born earlier than ghosts. This kind of ghost power is creepy, but it can corrode the flesh and blood of all living things. In the process of corrosion, it can also affect the sanity of living creatures To make them crazy.

In the process of running in the carnivorous gas, the carnivorous gas will gradually corrode their bodies, but it will not corrode life. Instead, it will strengthen life, so that these objects that have become bones will not die.

After the bones are bathed by carnivorous gas, the bones will be strengthened to a certain extent. The strengthened bones can withstand the full blow of the Fa, which is also an improvement in disregard of the cultivation behavior, even if it is an initially born ghost. , Can also get this ability.

It's just that this is the fighting power exchanged for life ...

So even among ghosts, it is an evil spirit that is rarely useful and useful.

After listening to their explanations, Lin Fei was also in a chill. They did not expect that their goal was actually carnivorous gas. Are these guys planning to take the carnivorous gas out?

At this time, the old monster also spoke.

Lin Fei continued to listen.

Finally, I realized that their goal was really carnivorous.

Although the strength of the old monster is strong, but the ghost race he is in is not a well-known ghost race in this world. Those ghost races that competed with Lin Fei and other people at the beginning are no longer a level.

To compare, it is like the difference between the ten major schools and the ordinary school.

However, since the Tian Cang elders have succeeded in their cultivation, this ghost race has always wanted to enhance the strength of their own ghost clan. This time, the Tian Cang elders came to Lingshan on their own initiative in order to bring back the flesh-eating spirits.

Then they are catching ghosts of other races and investing in carnivorous corpses, thereby becoming their right assistants to the ghost races they belong to, thus enhancing the status of this ghost race in this spirit world.

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