"Even if I die, I will pull you down together." The ghost was obviously only half breath, lying on the ground and coughing up blood. This time it was not like it was just now. It was just a serious injury, but now Lin Fei is Even his ghost spirit was cut off.

But although he was already dead, the spirit of this ghost was very crazy. His skin was red and he knelt on the ground, his body was actually swelling, and soon, it was as big as a hill ...

This is obviously self-explosive ...

Lin Fei's eyelids jumped, but he didn't expect these ghosts to be so crazy, and they retreated at the moment. Although this ghost does not even have the power of the law, in a place like Lingshan, such a ghost explodes and may cause some very special misfortune.

Lin Fei is not easy to go directly, so he can only back away temporarily.

Soon, the ghost exploded, and the old monsters and other ghosts behind him also retreated at the same time. There was no change in their faces, but they seemed very accustomed.

Obviously, this hasn't happened less ...

Among their ghost clan, if a certain ghost clan is no match for the opponent, they will inevitably exhaust their last trace of power and drag their opponents into the water as much as possible.

And this ghost who already knew that he was invincible to Lin Fei, in addition to self-detonation, naturally there was no way to stop Lin Fei. At the moment of his self-detonation, he was so shocked that he was crying like ghosts and gods, and the sound was like a thunder shock, waiting for him On the ground, a huge giant pit appeared, with a depth of tens of meters.

Under the influence of self-detonation, the geocentric spring water deep underground is evaporated by the majestic ghost gas.

Even the ghost spirit in the Lingshan Mountain can evaporate, and the power of this explosion can be imagined ...

In the distance, Lin Fei, with a strong sword spirit flowing all over his body, the black heavy water sword gas, even surrounded his body, making his skin look strange black.

This kind of sword gas, although offensive and defensive in general, but the sword array formed by heavy water sword gas, can increase the weight of the air and infinitely enhance the defense of the surrounding space.

It's really suitable to resist the self-exploitation of ghosts ...

Only now, Lin Fei's face was also full of accidents. He didn't expect that the speed of the self-detonation of this ghost was so fast. If he had already been the real body and could fully withstand this self-detonation, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Looking at the ghost that had been scattered into the sky, Lin Fei touched his nose.

It seems that even the self-destruction is specially trained ...

The ghost race where the old monsters and other ghosts are located really surprised Lin Fei. Unexpectedly, among the ghost races, there are also such cruel ghost races, which are completely using the ghosts under the door as weapons. When they should be sacrificed, they are absolutely There will be no hesitation.

It's just now that the old monster may be more angry today, and has given the life of a ghost, but he has left himself unscathed. Anyway, if he is his own, it must be intolerable ...

Lin Fei is really good.

But after seeing him blew up by a ghost, it was unscathed. The ghosts in the distance, after the ghost gas was released, also showed a surprised expression.

The ghosts of the ghost races they belong to have been specially trained since they were young. This kind of training is specially trained for the power of self-detonation, although it does not greatly improve their own strength.

But when it explodes, the results of this training can be fully demonstrated ...

Even if it is the most common self-destruction of ghosts, the power generated can at least be comparable to that of Jindan Peak Cultivation, like those ghosts that have reached a certain level of self-explosion, the power of self-detonation is absolutely no less than that of a French phase ...

Precisely because of these details, the ghost race where the old monsters are located, although the number of ghost races is very small, even less than the ghost-crow, but it has not become the slave of other ghost-clan like the ghost-clan.

All of this is because the power of self-detonation is too great. If the range is close enough, even the ghost of the peak of the Fa, you have to drink hatred ...

But now, Lin Fei is unscathed.

This is not scientific ...

It was also at this time that these ghosts really began to pay attention to Lin Fei ’s cultivation practice. Originally, in their eyes, Lin Fei was just an ordinary ghost, which was totally worthless, especially if they came to Lingshan now. Luxurious lineup.

However, when Lin Fei survived under self-destruction and survived intact, they knew that Lin Fei was not a simple ghost at all ...

"What's the strength of this guy ..." Luo Hai narrowed his eyes and wanted to see Lin Fei's strength, but the ghost spirit that shrouded Lin Fei's body was not too strong, and Lin Fei's own strength was also Hidden deliberately by him, no matter how powerful Luo Hai is, he still wants to see Lin Fei's current strength.

So after looking around, I found nothing.

"There are some strange doorways in him. It seems that in addition to Lord Tiancang and Lord Luo, I am afraid that no one can deal with him easily ..."

Beside him, the voice of the talking ghost was not much louder than the ants. The fluctuations generated by the previous self-detonation were still surrounded by this space, feeling the violent energy, and then look at the opposite face of Lin Fei.

His mind was completely disordered, coupled with the heat and heat here, he felt that he was in the stove and could not help throwing himself on the iceberg.

The other ghosts sniffed their noses and laughed a few times ...

That's right ...

This time they can be chosen to accompany the Tiancang old monsters and others to Lingshan because they are the elite of [Biquge 5200www.bqg5200.me] among all ethnic groups, as well as the former self-explosive ghost.

But now they seem to have become cumbersome. Even if a ghost has exploded, Lin Fei still can't help it. In this case, even if they go up, they might not be of much use ...

Now they really can only rely on Tiancang old monster and Luo Hai.

Whether it is the ghosts on the side of the heavenly old monsters, or the ghosts brought by Luo Hai, it is a bit embarrassing. If this matter is passed back to the family in the future, it is difficult to retain the name of their elite ...

But at this time, the old monster was moving.

Now that he has come to the place where the carnivorous spirits are located, he naturally cannot allow things here, because of Lin Fei's interference and other accidents. He glanced at the magic light that enveloped him.

Followed, it was found that the light of magic light seems to be dimmed again ...

There is only one magic weapon, and this is also the one they got through all their hard work. How could Lingshan come in so well, if it is not possible to get carnivorous gas before the magic weapon is completely destroyed, this time it is really It was the loss of his wife and the collapse of her soldiers.

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