Li Jianbo woke up from his sleepiness. To be precise, he was awakened by heat. He opened his eyes and the bed was still lit. The light is not too bright.

There was a woman sitting in front of his bed, and the woman could not help but fell asleep on the bed.

Jianbo frowned. He didn't wake her up when he got up. He just reached out and put her on the bed and put her away. Li Wei didn't wake up midway.

Jianbo felt that there was a strange smell on his body and smelled uncomfortable, so he hurried to take a shower and rinse his mouth again. Then took a look at the time it was already four o'clock in the morning.

It will be dawn in just over an hour. He turned off the bedside lamp and lay down beside Li Wei lightly.

Although the two brothers and sisters live under the same roof, there is no scene of lying on the same bed.

He reached out and put his hand on Li Wei's waist, wrapping her in his arms. The two cuddled together, and leaned their heads lightly together. Listening to her steady breathing, at this moment, Li Jianbo felt it was unprecedentedly stable.

Once Li Wei slept for such a long time, he was always worried about losing his sister. Those painful years have finally passed, and he doesn't need to be afraid of losing. But in the days after his sister woke up, he knew that she had been unhappy. Her unhappiness has nothing to do with herself, it is all the fault of that man.

It seems that the man will never come back again, should he let his sister spend her whole life while waiting? Then life can never go forward.

In the darkness he held Li Wei's hand tightly. He didn't know what setbacks he would encounter in the future of his life, but he wanted to protect the woman next to him for a lifetime.

The morning light shone, and the outside of the window turned white a little. When Li Wei woke up from her sleep, she was shocked. She didn't know what happened to her second brother when she fell asleep. She wanted to sit up, only to realize that she was being held.

Li Wei sat up fiercely, and the people on the side finally spoke, "Are you awake?"

Li Wei hurriedly turned on the light, and she worried about her second brother nervously.

"Second brother, what do you think?"

"It's all very good."

Li Wei was obviously relieved and said: "Oh, God bless me, it scared me to death last night. Fortunately, it's fine."

Hearing some doubts, Jianbo hurriedly asked what had happened, and Li Wei told Jianbo what happened last night. Jian Bo said after hearing this: "Fortunately, you are by your side."

"Second brother, no matter what happens in the future, will you stop drinking like this?"

"It scared you, I'm sorry." Jianbo went and took Li Wei's hand.

Li Weiru relieved his burden: "It doesn't matter, as long as you are good, you are lucky. Don't practice yourself in the future."



Li Jianbo reached out and gently brushed the hair off her face, revealing her smooth forehead. Then Li Jianbo kissed her gently on the cheek without even thinking about it. Li Wei was shocked and jumped out of bed immediately.

She covered her face and said, "Second brother, if you have something to say, it's not appropriate."

Seeing her being so defensive, Li Jianbo was a little frustrated. He didn't dare to go any further, and finally let go of Li Wei.

"Can you still not let go of him?"

"I'm waiting for him to reunite."

"What if he never comes back?"

"No, he promised me that he can find me no matter where I am." For more than two months, Li Wei has always believed in this.

But now when she said this, Li Wei had no confidence at all. She shed tears in front of her second brother, but she quickly wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes and said, "Second brother, this is my private business, please Don't bother."

Jianbo said helplessly: "I just don't see you look sad. Wei Wei, your life is only a few decades long, very short. There are some things you have to learn to let go, and only if you let go can you truly grow."

Li Wei took his bag and hurriedly left the room.

Li Jianbo sat there, he did not go out with her.

After seven o'clock, he left the room and went to find a restaurant downstairs to have a casual breakfast. Then I took a taxi to Xiekang Hospital to continue to work.

Li Wei also returned to the TV station and started a busy day. It lasts until the end of the show and off work.

Hu Meijuan invited her to dinner, but Li Wei thought that the contradictions at home had not been resolved, so she declined.

When she got home, there was no dark spot in the house. The two sisters of the Qi family have already left the city. Qi Jingzhen left a letter in her room. The letter said goodbye to her concisely, and at the same time asked her to tell her second brother to move out of the villa as soon as possible. In a few days, she will let people come to take over the property.

Li Wei was surprised, Qi Jing really did this.

In the past few years, although the second brother has saved a sum of money himself, he has invested in his unfinished hotel, and other properties have not been placed. Let me move here, where can my second brother move?

Because of this letter, Li Wei did not sleep for a long time, she was waiting for her second brother to come back.

It was already 12 o'clock in the evening when Li Jianbo returned home, and Li Wei didn't smell alcohol from him, so he was a little relieved.

"You didn't sleep well last night, why didn't you sleep so late?"

Li Wei said, "Aunt Qi left me a letter, I'll show it to you."

Li Wei handed the letter up, and Li Jianbo glanced at ten lines and read it quickly. He was already calm and said, "It seems that not only I am moving, but you are also moving. I can temporarily stay in the staff dormitory of the hospital, how about you?"

"I can also live in the staff dormitory. When the house over there is decorated, I will move in."

When Li Jianbo heard it, he said: "Let's do this first, and talk about the future."

Seeing the exhaustion of her second brother's face, Li Wei opened her lips to say something, but finally did not say anything. Li Wei went back to the room and cleaned up his belongings. The boxes can still be packed.

The next day, she went back to the TV station to apply for the dormitory for logistics. The procedures were not troublesome, and it was done in half a day. Li Jianbo helped her move all the boxes.

Li Jianbo's stuff was much less than Li Wei's. He only took one box. The suitcase is full of clothes, and there is a computer in his handbag. This is all his belongings.

On the fifth day, someone came to receive the villa and the car. The hotel on the Beihai side also clearly told Jianbo that he didn't need to ask any more. He had been kicked out by the board of directors.

Just don't worry, Li Jianbo was so happy that he just spent all his thoughts on curing the disease.

However, Qi Jingzhen's sanctions against Li Jianbo are not only on houses and vehicles, but also a bank that can be frozen. There were originally more than 400,000 yuan deposited on it. Li Jianbo originally wanted to use the money to buy a car for Li Wei, but now he can't get it out.

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