Chronicles of the Modern Empress Dowager

Chapter 518: Where are you going

On Saturday night, Li Weishou waited for the show to be broadcast in front of the TV.

Li Wei was paralyzed on the sofa, holding the chilled watermelon in his hand. The show started after the commercial. She hasn't been on the scene for a long time, maybe it's been a long time since she has studied her show. Li Wei looked for his own shortcomings from the way he dressed to the tone of voice.

This is a brand new program, an attempt by the TV station. The response after the broadcast has to be expressed in terms of ratings.

After watching the show, she plans to wash and sleep. As soon as she lay down, the phone rang. As soon as she saw that the call was from Qiu Kai, Li Wei quickly sat up, and she connected the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Qiu, this is Li Wei. Is Zhao Qian back yet?" Li Wei couldn't wait to know the answer.

Qiu Kai listened to Li Wei's hasty voice and said apologetically: "I'm sorry Miss Li, I don't have any news from him, so I called to ask if Miss Li has any information on this?"

Li Wei's hopes ignited instantly again.

"I have no news from him."

Qiu Kai said on the phone: "Zhao Qian disappeared for such a long time without saying a word, causing such a great loss to the brokerage company, and he personally lost a lot, so why didn't he show up. It's been a year, Miss Li, the last person Zhao Qian saw was you, do you know something about him?"

This is how Li Wei explained. She was silent and said below: "Mr. Qiu, I'm sorry, I don't know much about his situation."

"Then why does this person disappear out of thin air? If there is any accident, there should be a report to the police. Where can he go after missing for such a long time? His passport is still in my hand, so it is impossible to hide it if he wants to go abroad. I."

Li Wei couldn't explain, she was silent for a long time, and at the end of the phone call, they both said that they had news to notify each other. After hanging up Qiu Kai's call, Li Wei fell into contemplation. Zhao Qian disappeared out of thin air, so the imprints left in this world will disappear one day. No one thought of him, he really couldn't come back.

Even if everyone in this world forgets him, she will remember him. forever and always.

The mobile phone's signal light was flashing green, but she did not turn on the message in the end, and Li Wei had fallen asleep.

The next day, she woke up one minute before the alarm clock went off, freshened up, and simply dealt with her belly. Then go to work.

The sun has risen, and it is another sunny day. Yesterday’s weather forecast said that today’s maximum temperature may reach 39 degrees, and at this time it has already started to get hot at 8 o’clock in the morning.

The traffic on the street is constant, it is the morning rush hour. Fortunately, Li Wei lives in the dormitory building of the TV station, and to the TV station he only has to cross a street to get there.

When it comes to the column group, everyone is waiting for the latest ratings.

Yang Li went to make a cup of tea for Li Wei, and Dao Gu got the latest newspaper today, but Zhu Heng was not there.

Yang Li and Li Wei said: "Today's weather is afraid that it will be the hottest day, so I don't have to run outside. Otherwise, people will die."

Li smiled, and when she saw the skirt on Yang Li she had never seen it, she asked, "Is it the skirt you just bought?"

"Yes, I bought it at the mall when I was on vacation. But is it a bit old-fashioned?"

Yang Li was wearing a peacock blue sleeveless H-shaped dress, made of linen.

Li Wei took a closer look and said, "You can't be old-fashioned, but it looks pretty stable, but it doesn't seem to match the color of your lipstick today."

Yang Li smiled and said, "I only have such a lipstick now. It seems that I have to choose some other lip colors."

The two happily talked about dressing up when Zhu Heng came in.

"I'm announcing good news to everyone. According to the latest ratings, our program was 0.82 last night, ranking second in the weekend satellite TV self-run column. The ratings are higher than some variety shows."

This news undoubtedly brought everyone a great surprise. Director Gu tore the newspaper in his hand on the spot and threw it into the air. Lin Chunming, who was still calm on the side, frowned and said, "It will be troublesome to clean up later."

It's really good that the first episode of the program has such ratings.

An hour later, the director and the deputy director came to the column team to express their congratulations. The deputy director Guo and Li Wei shook hands and said with satisfaction: "How about it. Isn't the column specially created for you not bad?"

"Is it made for me?" Li Wei was surprised.

Deputy Director Guo smiled and said, "That's true, but it's not all. You work hard and try to get to the next level."

This is a great encouragement, and Li Wei also expressed his determination.

After the leader left, Yang Li pulled Li Wei and said, "Anchor Li, have you ever been to your post?"

"Post it? What is that?" She didn't react for a moment.

"It's where the big fans gather."

"What is a fan?" Li Wei was in a coma for more than half a year, only to find that many places could not keep up with the trend.

Yang Li opened the post bar on her computer, typed in Li Wei's name, and quickly entered the relevant bar. Li Wei took the mouse and slowly scrolled down through various posts, all about her content. All kinds of screenshots of her, and all kinds of news gossip. The atmosphere in the bar is very good, and there are no black posts and malicious attackers, which makes people feel very warm.

"I didn't even know there was such a place."

"So I said you are OUT, anchor Li, and you are not how old I am. You should still accept these new things. Or I will register an account for you, so you can respond to your fans."

"This is also a BBS."

"It's not exactly the same, it's more convenient to communicate than BBS."

She has been away for so long, but these supporters have never left her and have been waiting for her to appear again. In any case, she has at least a group of people who support her. This made Li Wei feel extremely warm.

Li Wei has been studying the posts without any other work all morning. When she found a post about her and Zhao Qian, she clicked in without hesitation. There were various speculations, and most of them were well-intentioned. Of course, some people pointed out that Zhao Qian disrespect Li Wei and betrayed Li Wei.

Li Wei just smiled helplessly, and finally she didn't leave a message under any post.

When going back at night, she opened the post bar again, this time input Zhao Qian's name, and quickly entered the related bar. Zhao Qian's popularity is much higher than her, and even if he hasn't appeared for so long, he still maintains a high popularity. Looking at those messages, it should be mostly women, and there are countless "male gods" and "husbands" below. Li Wei looked sweaty. Today's young girls are really passionate and bold, and they dare to say anything online. In Zhao Qian's bar, she naturally found a post about herself, but when she clicked in to read it, she abused her more. Listening to the tone of those people, she was not worthy of Zhao Qian.

There are also various voices about Zhao Qian's disappearance and not appearing for so long, but his fans, like himself, are waiting for Zhao Qian's return.

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