Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 103 : Gaara's shocking swearing ceremony (large chapters for subscription)

Although the ninjas in various villages in the Ninja World were a little shocked by the mighty ninja coalition, most of them still couldn't figure out their heads.

They don't understand why they would stand with ninjas in other villages willingly.

To know,

The "teammates" next to them are their former enemies.

It would be too far-fetched if it was just because the enemy's enemy is a friend.

"Look, the exposure has continued!"

[In the video, all ninjas hold their breaths and prepare to listen to Gaara's oath.


In the crowd, a Rock Shinobi ninja said with disdain: "Is it really okay to let such a kid be the captain of the team?"

The Sand Shinobi ninja next to him suddenly retorted dissatisfiedly: "The Gaara talent is not a kid, you don't know anything, don't talk nonsense."

"Of course I don't know. Who told him to be our enemy before!

"Clear your mouth!"

The two ninjas are battling their swords, and it feels like they have to do it at any time.

The Hyuga Huolen next to him also sighed: "To be honest, I am also dissatisfied with Sand Shinobi. They followed Orochimaru and invaded our Konoha Village!"

"If it weren't for him, Hiruzen-sama would."

The good brother Konoha on the side hurriedly persuaded: "Don't be like this, after all, all..."

"I know that this is a decision of the country and the village, and I don't want to oppose it, it's just my personal emotions."

At this time, the Cloud Shinobi ninja behind also coldly said: "Konoha's little weapon, attacking Lord Killer Bee, destroying the Five Shadows talks, and causing Raikage Lord to lose his left hand is your Konoha's rebellious ninja!"

On the other side, Kirigakure’s ninjas also said that they hate Iwagakure ninjas the most. They are all barbarians who don’t understand manners.

After Rock Shinobi's ninja heard it, he immediately pulled his clothes and beat Mist Shinobi.

Soon, the ninjas in the entire Dafang team started pushing and pushing exercises, and they were almost completely fighting. 】

In the Ninja World,

Seeing a scene in the picture, instead of being surprised, everyone felt normal.

If they were allowed to form a coalition immediately, the situation would only be more chaotic than in the picture.

"Sure enough, I knew that as long as we are together, we will definitely make trouble!"

"I think it's better to let each village take charge of a part of White Zetsu."

"Yes, that's what I meant."

But their ideas are always too shallow.

In the eyes of Kakashi, Fourth Raikage, Onoki, etc., the future 100,000 White Zetsu is controlled by one person, which means that the execution power is much stronger than their ninja allied forces.

If each village is still in charge of the ninjas in their own villages, it is inevitable that there will be cases of stealing and slipping, without effort.

The most important thing is that there is no way to display the full strength of each ninja.

Let's talk about it again.

It was the mask man who declared war on all of them.

The union must be united,

The only problem is how to twist this group of people into a rope so that everyone can eliminate the grievances between each other and then fight the enemy together.

Kakashi: "Gaara, I don't know what you will do with this!"

Fourth Raikage: "Are the few of us confused? How else would we let Gaara, the least experienced, be the battle commander?"

Onoki: "Perhaps there is a quality in him that touched our stubborn old guys.

Terumi Mei: "Third Tsuchikage, I'm still young and unmarried, don't bring me on."


For a while,

Everyone in the entire ninja world is looking forward to Gaara with his arms around his chest in the picture.

I don't know how such a young movie impressed all the coalition forces and realized the unity of coalition ninjas.

[Image continues]

[In the screen, when the ninjas were about to fight hand-to-hand, Gaara used sand to easily stop them. Then he looked at everyone seriously and said:

"For the benefit of their respective countries and villages, in the first to third Ninja World Wars, the ninjas hurt each other and hated each other, and this hatred thirst for power before I was born."

"I used to be hatred, power, and Jinchūriki."

"And I hate this world and mankind, and I try to destroy everything, just like Akatsuki now."

When the ninja below looked at him incredulously, Gaara shouted loudly:

"However, one of Konoha's ninjas stopped me, and the man cried for my enemy. He regarded me as a friend who had hurt him. It was he who saved me.

"We used to be the enemy, but he is also Jinchūriki. The pain is the same, and there is no grudge between the two who understand each other."

"There is no enemy here! Because everyone is burdened by the pain that Akatsuki left behind.

"There is no Konoha, no Sand Shinobi, no Rock Shinobi, no Cloud Shinobi, no Mist Shinobi, only ninjas!"

Then, Gaara bowed deeply and promised everyone:

"If you still can't forgive Sand Shinobi even like this, then wait until the war is over and cut off my head!"

"Now the enemy is trying to take away the friend who saved me. Once the enemy gets him, the world is over.

"I want to protect my friends and protect the world! But I am too young and too shallow to do such a thing, so please help me!"

With the end of Gaara's impassioned oath, the 80,000 coalition ninjas below suddenly clenched their fists and shouted for cheer.

"Do it yourself! Gaara-sama!"

The ninjas who had been in conflict began to apologize to each other.

As the screen ends,

There was an unprecedented wave of blood in the Ninja World.

Countless ninjas knew it at this moment.

Why did they agree to unite, for (ajbg) what would choose to fight Uchiha Madara together.

Because they have a common enemy, Akatsuki, and a commander who was decapitated by everyone in order to protect their friends.

There is such a commanding officer with deep love and righteousness,

What can't they let go of the estrangement?

"Brothers, unite me to kill the Akatsuki organization!'

"I will take the lead!"

"What Xiao organization, what mask man, in front of me are all fighting 5 scum!

"Brother Haki! I'll be with you then! Take me to lie down!"

"It's easy to talk!"

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Fourth Raikage: "I didn't expect this Fengying kid to speak so passionately, no wonder he would be the commander of the team!"

Darui: "Boss, I don't know why, but I also put forward a bit of motivation!"

Killer Bee: "Brother, I want to stand on top and say a rap! Singing a rap in front of so many people can definitely drive everyone's fighting passion!"

Fourth Raikage kicked it as usual and scolded: "Fuck you, you are not ashamed, I am ashamed!"


Terumi Mei: "The kid Gaara really has a gift for speaking!"

"But what makes me most concerned is that he has such a deep bond with Naruto!"

"Compared with Hinata, did he green Hinata, or did Hinata green him?"

"I really want to ask that little scumbag, Naruto, to ask questions!"

After hearing this, Qing thought to himself: "You're afraid that you don't want to find Naruto, but you want to talk to Naruto's father about life!"


Ohnogi: "The spirit of this Kazekage kid really broke my perception of Sunagakure Ninjas!"

"Touching his conscience and saying that he is much better than Rosha.

"That guy Luosha is a very mean guy."

Black soil: "Grandpa, why is Luo Sha mean?"

Onoki secretly said, "Sunagakure took advantage of the opportunity to check for leaks while standing by while we were at war with Konoha."

"And I also learned a secret from Kirigakure. It's about Ye Cang's death!

Hei Mu frowned and asked, "Do I remember Ye Cang is not Sunagakure's hero? He died on the battlefield with Iwagakure.

Onoki shook his head and explained, "That was all the dirty water that Sunagakure poured on us. Hakura was betrayed by the high-level Sand Shinobi, and was entrapped by Kirigakure as a political victim, and he did not die here at all."

The black soil was shocked, "That's the hero of Sunagakure, how did Luosha do it!"

Onoki sneered, "In order to make the village stronger, that guy Luosha didn't hesitate to change Gaara into Jinchūriki. Where do you think such a person can be better?"

Black soil: "In this comparison, Gaara is indeed better than Fourth Kazekage!"

Konoha Village,

The audience in Hokage Square looked at Naruto in unison.

It seems that if there is no screen suddenly appearing, the bond between Naruto and Gaara has reached the point of being very pure and warm.

Some people who are attentive find that

Naruto is not very good with women, but he can always get in with boys.

In order to protect Naruto, Gaara even did not hesitate to die.

Ya: "Hinata, I found that your competitors are not only fans who adore Naruto's identity, but also friends like Sasuke and Gaara. You must watch Naruto!"

Hinata: "Tooth I..."

Ino: "Ya, don't scare Hinata. How could Naruto like Sasuke or Gaara! They are obviously friendship, not love at all. You only know what love is when you play with dogs."

In contrast to Naruto,

He has been deeply moved by Gaara's "confession". .

As Gaara's friend and the object of protection, he feels that this feeling of being guarded in the palm of his hand is really good.

"Gaara, I didn't expect you to be so good to me!"

"Before I was angry at you for hurting Sasuke, but now I want to come, it's because I don't know what's good or bad."

At this time, Kushina walked to Naruto and smiled badly: "My Naruto still has such a good friend outside!"

"Mom was moved by him!"

"I just don't know if Little Hinata will be jealous for this, idiot, go and comfort her."

Naruto suddenly hesitated Kaidō: "The relationship between us is not what you think."

After speaking, Naruto hurried to comfort Hinata.

at the same time,

Sunagakure, one of the most exciting places in the entire Ninja world.

At this time, every Sunagakure person has a proud look on his face,

The person who stood on the stage and said that shocking oath is their Master Fengying!

Since then,

Sunagakure no longer has anyone who hates Gaara, everyone is willing to fully support him,

Support him to protect friends, support him to protect the whole world.

There are also many little fans who have already stared at Gaara pretending to be Venus, yelling frantically:

"Master Gaara!"

"come on!"

"Master Gaara!"

"We will always support you!"

With shouts and cheers, Gaara standing on the Fengying Building deeply felt the power of being trusted.

at that moment,

He felt that his existence was greatly recognized,

He is no longer born for hatred, killing, and strength.

He was born to protect Sunagakure and the Ninja World,

He is the Shura who loves the world of Ninja!

Temari: "I'm really proud of Gaara. Those words that came out of his mouth must have gone through a lot of important things to reflect on!"

Kankuro: "Gaara protects others, then I will protect him!"

Baki: "Master Fourth Kazekage, your judgment at the time was wrong. Gaara is a proud son."

Mother-in-law: "Kareniuluo, if you see Gaara is now recognized by everyone, you should be completely relieved, right?"

"Gaara has grown up and knows how to protect others, just like your sand that always protects him."

"And the old man is finally at ease, and I won't feel guilty for sealing the guarding crane on him back then."

Ebizō: "Sister, don't blame yourself. You did it only for the village. You are not entirely to blame for the death of Kayura.

Gaara's swearing ceremony in the future exposure screen will greatly inspire the ninjas in the villages.

Finally twisted everyone into a rope,

But does this really mean that they can defeat the masked man?

As the shadows of the villages, they often think more than ordinary ninjas. They only see their faces darkened, hoping that there will be more ways to expose the masked men in the picture, which can also make them fully prepared.

[The "Fourth Ninja War" in the video]

[On the grassland,

Gaara took the lead, followed by Darui, Huang Tu, Kakashi, three ships and four people.

Eighty thousand ninjas ran in a fan, following their captains.

In the air, surprise troops.

Dozens of people took the white bird drawn by Sai to the front of the battlefield.


The rear supporting medical units led by Shizune ran towards the designated location with their rescue boxes on their backs.

And standing on the Cloud Shinobi building are Fourth Raikage Ai, Fifth Hokage Tsunade, Third Tsuchikage Onogi,

The three stand on their feet, sitting in the rear, and provide the highest level of command for the Ninja Allied Forces!

All of a sudden, the five major ninja villages opened the team mode, and the battle was about to start. 】

[The camera turns,

Under the ground, one hundred thousand White Zetsu is also moving quickly towards the main battlefield, seemingly to compete with the 80,000 coalition forces.

In a pitch black cave, the four coffins were opened one by one, revealing the true appearance of the filthy people inside.

Second Tsuchikage no!

Third Raikage Ai!

Fourth Kazekage Luosha!

Second Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon!

Behind these four coffins, there are hundreds of coffins. It is conceivable that they are all powerful ninjas out of the dirt. 】

When the opponent lineup was so perverted, the whole world of Ninja was shocked again.

"How is it possible that the other party has so many filthy shadows, I thought there was only one Uchiha Madara!"

"It feels like this battle is not easy to fight!"

"Did you see the hundreds of coffins in the back? Maybe there are many powerful people in them! Maybe there are our friends and relatives."

"The other party is really despicable. They use dead people to fight us and let us throw rats.


There are also some ninjas who are looking forward to it:

"Actually, I really want to see my dad! Let him know that his son has become a proud Jōnin.

"Hey, I also miss my son. If I can meet him, it will be a dream come true.

"If I can meet my childhood sweetheart, I will have no regrets even if I die. I want to tell her that I regret not confessing to her in time! I love her!"

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Fourth Raikage: "These bastards, when did they create my family's ancestral grave!"

Killer Bee: "Brother, be sure to take good care of your family's ancestral grave, otherwise, if Lord Third Raikage is really out of the ranks, you will be beaten!"

Azabu Yi: "Master Third Raikage is known as the strongest man in the history of Cloud Shinobi Village. If he is filthy, who can have a chance to seal him?"

Samui: "Master Third Raikage has the strongest spear and the strongest shield. I'm afraid Fourth Raikage can't break the defense. I really don't know how violent the battle in the Ninja world will be in the future."


Gaara clenched her fists and thought to herself:

"Father, I didn't expect you to be used by others after you died!"

"However, taking this opportunity, I want to prove to you that I am definitely not a weapon of war without feelings! I am also a human! I am a man with feelings!"

Temari, Kankuro: "Father, watch Gaara this time!"

A certain base of Rain Shinobi Village Akatsuki,

After reading A Fei's great work, the Akatsuki members couldn't help but exclaim.

Deidara: "ALFY, you still have cards other than White Zetsu?"

Hidan: "It seems that you have done the work of digging graves.

Angle: "A Fei, you should have gotten a lot of funerary goods in the tomb? If you don't know how to deal with it, please leave it to me. I have a way."

Heavenly Path Payne: "Fly, it turns out that Uchiha Madara was also from your Summoning! You are hiding too deep!"

Listening to them bragging about themselves, Obito sweats profusely, and secretly said: "I don't know that I will still be Impure World Reincarnation!"

"Furthermore, if I really know Impure World Reincarnation, I will kill a few of you first, and then I will take you out to control it.


Now that my force is there,

He had to bite the bullet and brag, pretending to be relaxed Kaidō: "Impure World Reincarnation, a simple ninjutsu, just have hands."

"People don't really think Impure World Reincarnation is difficult, right?"

Just finished loading,

A new exposure picture appeared on the screen.


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