Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 112 : KonanVs Obito! (Please customize!)

Watching Nagato actually resurrected all Konoha Village residents,

Obito and Jue's brows furrowed, thinking secretly about their respective Xiao Jiujiu, Nagato's death and their plan are slightly biased.

In their original plan,

Nagato is a pawn to resurrect Uchiha Madara.

Unexpectedly, he succumbed to Naruto's "Between Mouth" and sacrificed himself to rescue the killed in Konoha Village.

if it is like this,

So who should resurrect Madara in the end?

Obito was heartbroken and secretly said: "Resurrect a chicken, don't I use Infinite Tsukuyomi by myself?"

There was a fierce anger in Jue's eyes, and he said in his heart: "No matter who it is, I will definitely give him a black hand. No one is more important than my mother!"

As for the other members, they also showed embarrassment,

From the future pictures, they saw that they died in the hands of the Konoha Shinobi, but they did not expect that their leader turned back and believed Naruto's words.

Does this mean that the deaths of these people are useless?

After exhausting my mind and catching so many tail beasts, I ended up in a dead end.

Angle: "Boss, do you really want to believe in the whirlpool Naruto at all costs, just like in the image?"

Hidan: "The group of people in Konoha Village killed all the people of our Akatsuki organization! Although I don't want to admit that I will be killed by the guy who likes to play shadows."

Deidara: "I am unwilling to be killed by Sasuke."

Sasori: "Although I don't know how I died, I can't get rid of the people in Konoha Village."

Tiandao/Nagato watched his subordinates express dissatisfaction with his final choice, and he hesitated.

Thoughtfully asked,

Naruto's words touched him, and it really reminded him of who he was once.

There was even an impulse to return to the original path and continue to stick to the path Jiraiya said.


He is the leader of an organization, and he can't help but think about the group of people under his hand.

This group of people joined the Akatsuki organization for different purposes.

Some are to be able to kill unscrupulously, some are to manage Akatsuki's money, some are to achieve artistic sublimation, and some are to complete the immortality of puppet skills.

Although their purpose is different from their own, they still made a certain contribution for him to obtain the tail beast to conquer the world.

He can't just abandon them like this.

In the end, Nagato said to several Akatsuki members: "I will continue to lead everyone, but there is one condition that is not to conflict with the people in Konoha Village for the time being,".

"As for the capture of Nine Tails, I will do it!"

Hidan: "Chief, but are you not afraid of dying there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several other people glared at him and blamed him for the crow's mouth.

"It's okay, how can you die after you have prepared."

After Nagato calmly returned, he thought to himself: "He is going to see his junior, to see how much he believes in what Mr. Jiraiya said."

"If he can really impress himself, then"

The happiest of these is Obito and Jue. As long as Nagato is not stupid, they can still act behind the scenes.

At this moment,

Obito's face froze for a moment, who was still happy.

The people in the picture turned out to be him and Konan.

No? He won't die so early, will he?

[In the image)

[ALFY and Konan appear in the picture, the location is Rain Shinobi Village, which is drizzling all year round. 】

["Where did you get Nagato's body?" ALFY asked indifferently.

"Not here" Konan whispered Kaidō softly.

"It seems that you are not going to give Rinnegan to me. I will not be merciful because you were my companion, Akatsuki, I will not forgive the betrayal, you know that."

"Nagato, he shouldn't use the Revolving Heaven technique to resurrect the people in Konoha Village, it should have been used on me!"]

After this screen exposure,

All the members of the Akatsuki organization are embarrassed.

In particular, the two parties, Konan and Obito, had sparks in their staring eyes.

However, this time, Obito's true thoughts are also exposed in the scene, he is to use Nagato's Rinnegan to resurrect "him" himself.

That is to resurrect "Uchiha Madara".

Hidan: "A Fei, you are so courageous, how dare you use the leader!"

Angle: "But if ALFY's identity is not revealed, he can indeed continue to fool people under the guise of Uchiha Madara."

Deidara: "Fly, since we all know you are not Uchiha Madara, why not show your true colors!"

At this time, Jue is also tense,

Obito's identity can't help others. If the ending exposed in the screen is unacceptable, he and Obito can only leave Akatsuki in a desperate manner.

"Damn it, how come this screen keeps exposing these things that hinder the plan!"

Heavenly Payne just stared at Obito coldly,

Although ALFY has exposed the idea of ​​using himself to resurrect Madara, he also wants to use ALFY at the moment.

In addition, ALFY's abilities are mysterious and unpredictable. Rather than being stunned now, it is better to observe first.

["| Rinnegan was acquired by Nagato after opening his eyes, not yours! His eyes are the treasures of this country and this village."

As soon as the voice fell, Konan directly used the paper shuriken and threw it at A Fei, but it penetrated his body without causing any harm.

"You misunderstood one thing. It was me who gave Rinnegan to Nagato.

"So to be correct, it should be I hope he can return his eyes to me,"

As soon as he said this, Konan was so shocked that he couldn't speak. 】

The exposure of the picture directly shocked the entire Ninja World and Akatsuki organization, because they couldn't believe that Nagato's Rinnegan was given by the mask man.

at this time,

There was a cold killing intent in Akatsuki's organization base, which was transmitted from Heavenly Dao Payne.

"A Fei, you said my eyes were bestowed by you, (Wang Hao) what does this mean!"

"If you don't say anything, don't you want to leave here alive today!

A Fei hated him,

He couldn't think that the "future self" would talk so much, and even said the most secret thing.

But it is forgivable,

After all, Nagato is dead, "he" has nothing to worry about, and he is not afraid of being known.

But who thinks the screen will expose the future!

And the cold sweat on his forehead on the side, I don't know how Obito can reasonably explain the past.

If it is not handled well today,

Akatsuki will definitely become polarized.

Just when ALFY wanted to answer,

The picture on the screen moved again, and everyone had to continue watching the video first.

But Tiandao Payne's murderous aura has locked Obito, preventing him from escaping from the man.


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