Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 127 : Gedo Statue and the old, weak, sick and disabled duo! (seeking subscription)

On Konoha Hokage Square,

Everyone looked sadly at the four Asuma masters and apprentices.

Because they all know,

The four of them are likely to have a real duel in the future.

"The screen has begun to be exposed. Since it is impossible to avoid it, watch it carefully and learn from it!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said to Asuma and Shikamaru.

Shikamaru and others also wiped away their tears and faced the battle, after all, this was an opportunity to promote their growth.

[In the picture, the three Shikamaru have just rushed in front of Asuma, who would have imagined that it turned out to be a double wood with a detonating talisman.


A huge explosive shock wave rushed to the three people, and Chōji was blown to the ground because his movements were too slow.

"The action is too slow! Cheer up, Chōji!"

Chōji gritted his teeth at this time, and he also knew that he should cheer up.

But facing the teacher,

He still couldn't make it. ]

All over the ninja world.

Cloud Shinobi Ninja: "What's the matter, doesn't this little fat guy fight very fiercely? I was very impressed in the previous few battles! How is it like a little rookie now!"

Mist Shinobi Ninja: "You can't hide from such an explosion. Isn't fighting Asuma looking for death?"

Sand Shinobi Ninja: "It feels that Nara Shikahisa's command is too reluctant. Letting the three young disciples and the teacher fight is obviously to die!"

Rock Shinobi Ninja: "It's not easy to fight, the fat guy's state is obviously wrong.

Konoha Shinobi: "Chōji, a child who is very emotional when he was young, is facing a teacher, how can he be able to do it?"

The next scene in the picture soon confirmed everyone's guess.

[I saw Asuma was forced into Chōji's attack range by Shikamaru's shadow mimicry.

"Take advantage of this, Chōji!"

And Chōji also used a doubling fist, but when he was one centimeter away from Asuma's nose, he stopped.

Asuma couldn't help but yelled, "What are you doing! Chōji, hit it down!"

But this is Chōji has closed his eyes, tears can not stop streaming, "I still can't do it! I can't do anything to the teacher."

But Asuma uncontrollably kicked Chōji.

"Why does it become like this!" Chōji asked, grabbing his heart.

Asuma encouraged: "Chōji, your expression is so ugly, I am just your enemy now! I am a dead person, there is no need to show mercy!"

"I understand, I understand everything. But"]

In the Shinobi world, countless people are tickled by the roots of Chōji's soft weaving operations. They can't help but want to slap him and make him sober.

"Is this little fat guy okay?

"Also Ino–Shika–Chō! What a shame!"

"I think so, looks strong, fat, but it's actually a waste!"

"I don't dare to let him be my teammate with such a person, I feel embarrassed!!!"

Only a few people in Konoha Village,

They knew that Chōji was not weak in strength, but too soft in heart.

Every fat man is a very gentle person, and Chōji is that kind of person.

At this point,

The protagonist Naruto has a great say.

after all,

He, Shikamaru, Chōji, Ya and the four of them have been skipping classes since they were young, and they have spent a long and pleasant time together.

That is then,

He knew that Chōji's seemingly chubby appearance had a kinder heart than anyone else.

Chōji would share snacks with him, and would also lend him toys to play with.

These benefits are not available from other people.

At this time,

Naruto shouted at Chōji: "Come on! Chōji, I believe you can defeat Senior Asuma!"

Chōji looked at Naruto with tears in his eyes, and thanked him sincerely: "Thank you, Naruto!"

A new round of exposure began on the screen.

[The scene came when Chōji was twelve years old. 】

[In the picture, Shikamaru, Chōji, and Ino are fighting and training together.


Chōji had been on the sidelines, and did not actively attack the other two.

Ino said angrily: "Wait a minute, Chōji, if you don't make it, doesn't it mean that Shikamaru and I are singled out?"

Chōji lowered his head. Kaidō: "But it must be painful. I'm so strong that I don't want to hurt you.

Ino: "You look down on people, don't you? Then try to hurt me!"

However, no matter how Ino bullied and beat Chōji, he always held his head and didn't want to touch Ino. 】

After watching this scene,

A white-haired man with a blue nose and a swollen face in Tian Zhiguo grieved: "I think I am like Chōji. I have never shot Tsunade, but Tsunade always bullies me like this!"

Tsunade said angrily, "Why, don't you like being bullied by me? Huh?"

Jiraiya licked her face and smiled, "I like it, how can I not like it!"

But soon he turned his head and started crying again.

Orochimaru said nonchalantly, "Can you not be so disgusting if two people add up to over a hundred?"

Tsunade: "You have to take care of it! The snake!!"

Jiraiya: "I want you to control it! A snake!!"

Orochimaru: "Hehe! Speechless!

The exposure of the picture prevented this unfair two-on-one curse.

[Chōji's kindness caught Asuma's attention, and he walked to Chōji: "Chōji, your kindness stems from caring for your companions, right?"

"If this is the case, the wrong kindness is still unnecessary,". "

"Competing with stronger opponents means that Shikamaru and Ino can also become stronger."

Then he put on a fighting pose: "Right now with me, if you can hit me with a punch, you will be considered qualified. However, if you don't touch me within an hour, the three of you will have to go back to the ninja school to retake.

"For them, you must attack me as an enemy with all your strength and turn your kindness into strength!"

However, no matter if Asuma taunts Chōji, he still just holds his head in defense.

Shikamaru saw Chōji's heart and had to use a big move: "Chōji, stand up straight and fight back, fat man!"

I saw Chōji's eyes shot with murderous intent, "Shikamaru, do you call me Fatty?"

Shikamaru takes a step back. Kaidō: "It's Mr. Asuma who called you Fatty."

"Really? Mr. Asuma!"

Asuma nodded helplessly, "Uh."

At this time, Ino also made trouble. "Chōji, Asuma teacher said that this fat man's fist can't hit him at all!"

I saw Chōji enter a state of anger, but when he hit Asuma, his fists still stopped.

He cried reproachfully, "I'm sorry, I still can't deal with the teacher. But if I want to go back to school, let me go back alone. Please let the teacher let Shikamaru and Ino go."

Asuma realized it, he touched Chōji's head and said, "I lost, so take care of this true kindness in the future! But training."

Chōji's firm Kaidō: "Don't worry, teacher. Although I don't like working with people in the village, as long as I encounter an enemy who tries to hurt everyone, I will fight with all my strength!"]

on the square,

Ya, Neji, Naruto, and Shikamaru expressed one hundred agreement with Chōji's words.

In the battle to recover Sasuke,

It was Chōji who risked his death to stand up to Jirōbō, one of the four Otonin people. Even if he was allowed to take the red curry pill, which had the most side effects, he had to fulfill his promise.

And he did it, even at a heavy price.

Naruto: "If it weren't for Chōji, we wouldn't be able to easily break through Jirōbō's block!"

Ya: "That's right, it's the first time I have realized Chōji's greatness.

At this time,

A certain man in a sunglasses and windbreaker said with a grievance: "If I had taken me in the first place, I'm afraid the task would be much easier!!"

A helpless Kaidō: "Shino, why do you still care about this?"

Shino: "I will never forget this in my life."

Mist Shinobi Ninja: "This little fat guy would not survive graduation in Kirigakure. After all, a ninja who doesn't kill an adult will not show mercy to his companions.

Cloud Shinobi Ninja: "This guy is very loyal and suitable for being a brother."

Rock Shinobi Ninja: "Don't mistake benevolence for weak, this little fat guy should have potential! I looked down on him before I took it back."

For a time, the discussion of the entire Ninja world changed drastically.

But even so,

Some people still worry about the safety of their Ino–Shika–Chō trio.

Because this kindness is used in the wrong place, which is tantamount to harm to one's own people.

[The camera turns again, the picture comes from the future. 】

[Asuma once again encouraged: "It's now, Chōji, I understand how kind you are, but now you can only be truly kind if you defeat me."

"Please, stop me!"

"Cheer up, fat man! Come and kill me!"

As soon as he said this, Chōji's eyes were cold, "You call me fat! I am not fat, this is strong!"

I saw Chōji rise directly, looking at Asuma firmly.

And at this time Shikamaru also encouraged again: "Chōji, cheer up, we are no longer a kid who needs to be protected! Don't let your kindness make a big mistake!"

At this time, Ding Zuo came down and admonished: "Don't be naive, Chōji, you are the future Patriarch of the Akamichi clan!!!"

Finally, Chōji's eyes were firm and loudly shouted: "I, Akimichi Chōji, protect the Yamanaka, Nara family. To protect Konoha Village, I break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly at this moment, spreading my wings!"

In an instant, behind Chōji, a butterfly wing illusioned by Chakra appeared. 】

This scene directly surprised the ninjas except Konoha Village.

"Isn't Ino–Shika–Chō the three code names, Ino is a butterfly, and Chōji is a pig? Why did this little fat man become a butterfly?"

"I finally understand that the butterfly in Ino–Shika–Chō refers to the Akamichi clan that broke through its cocoon and became a butterfly!"

"Chakra Huayi, this little fat guy is really capable!"

There are still many female ninjas who have four words in their hearts, "Who are you handsome?"

Konoha Village,

Ino asked worriedly: "What's the matter? Did Chōji eat red curry balls again?"

Shikamaru: "The side effects of using this trick are so big, won't it be okay?"

Akamichi Dingza comforted Kaidō: "No problem, he did not use the secret calorie control of the Akamichi family, but achieved it through his own ability, that is, there are no side effects of drugs."

[In the screen, the exciting blue bird music came, and a large amount of Chakra was condensed from Chōji's fist. A fierce iron fist hit Asuma's face, and Shikamaru used a shadow restraint technique to make him incapacitated.

Asuma smiled with satisfaction: "I finally saw the complete Ino–Shika–Chō!"

"Seal class! Go!""

In the end, under the affectionate gaze of the Ino-Shika-Chō trio, Asuma was sealed and completed.

At this time, Chōji broke out a strong belief in fighting. He said to Shikamaru and Ino below: "I will put an end to this battlefield, please help me!"]

The picture ends here,

The entire Ninja World was moved by this little fat man breaking into a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, and everyone believed that the battle on the seaside battlefield should be finished by their younger generation.

Konoha Village,

Shikamaru, Chōji, and Minano became excited. In the end, they lived up to the entrustment of everyone and completed the seal of Asuma teacher.

Asuma: "I am proud of the three of you!"

Shikamaru: "But Asuma-sensei, if you really die in the future"

Ino: "Ms. Asuma, you have to work hard to change the ending!!

Chōji: "No matter what, I must protect the teacher and never let him be killed by the angle Hidan!"

But Asuma didn't answer them. As a teacher, he had the consciousness of dying to protect the students.

Now it seems,

Even if he died, his three disciples could become perfect Ino--Shika--Chō, so what can he regret?

The only pity is,

He didn't know what happened to him and Xi Rihong.

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Fourth Raikage: "The cooperation of Ino–Shika–Chō is really wonderful!"

Killer Bee: "Chōji butterfly, Ino pig, Shikamaru deer, it's weird!"

Darui: "The seaside battlefield is also a perfect ending, right? I finally live up to everyone's trust!


Things were not as simple as he thought, and the battlefield on the seaside continued.

The following screen gives the answer.

[In the picture, White Zetsu on the seaside battlefield was cleaned up, the angle was re-sealed, Kato Dan was locked by the purple barrier, and the ninjas all gathered to rest.

However, a man wearing a white mask, blue Uchiha costume, and a huge fan behind his back appeared silently in front of everyone.

"Summoning Technique! Gedo Statue!"

As soon as the words fell, a giant tens of meters high climbed out from behind the masked man, roaring and killing the coalition forces. 】

The people in the ninja world were shocked by the monster's appearance again,

They had never seen such a big monster, even bigger than the tail beast.

Eight Tails inside Killer Bee explained: "This is the Gedo Statue! It is the body of Ten Tails!'

Fourth Raikage: "Damn it, is it just that the body is so big? If it is the main body of Ten Tails"

At this moment,

They thought of the huge strange hand when Neji died before.

Now, they are finally willing to believe that the monster with such a huge hand is Ten Tails.

Darui: "|I ​​found out that I am really a crow's mouth!"

Within the Akatsuki organization,

Hidan screamed and shouted: "Boss, look, that guy A Fei even changed his clothes! It makes him beautiful!"

Deidara: "Haha! I already anticipated the end of ALFY!"

Kisame: "???"

Deidara: "Taking off Akatsuki's clothes means he will die! Everyone can celebrate in advance! Hmm!"

Hearing this,

Sasori, Angle and others hurriedly tightened their uniforms, for fear that they would also be affected by this curse.

Nagato: "Quiet, keep watching!"


[In the screen, the impact of the Gedo Statue was blocked by Ding Zuo and his son, but helplessly, they only blocked it for a few seconds.

Accompanied by a roar from the Gedo Statue, they were blown away several tens of meters.

The coalition forces below couldn't withstand the impact at all, and were beaten flying everywhere.

Then, the several pillars on the shoulders of the Gedo Statue instantly condensed the extremely large thunder attribute Chakra, and directly tore the heaven and the earth!

The deaths and injuries of the coalition forces are horrible.

At the same time, the masked man moved to the side of the amber bottle, took away the ninja easily, and then disappeared with the Gedo Statue. 】

Seeing this cruel side, the good mood that was originally because of the victory on the seaside battlefield suddenly disappeared.

Unexpectedly, the Gedo Statue summoned by the masked man would be so powerful.

To know,

This is just the body of a Ten Tails, if it is a real Ten Tails, who can fight it?

Not even Naruto?

After all, Naruto is at most a Nine Tails Jinchūriki, which is far worse than the real Ten Tails!

Kakashi: "Although it is a pity that the amber bottle that sealed the golden horn was robbed, it also guarantees the safety of Naruto!"

Fourth Raikage: "This also means that the masked man has collected the Chakra of nine tailed beasts, and should be able to summon the real Ten Tails."

Onoki: "Ten Tails if you can, I really don't want to face it!"

Terumi Mei: "Whether you can survive from Uchiha Madara is a problem. Are you still worried about fighting Ten Tails?"


Because Ten Tails is about to appear,

Countless ninjas in the ninja world began to look forward to the exposure of Naruto's picture on the screen.

Everyone is still willing to put hope on Naruto.

Because he is a miracle boy, the son of destiny, and the little sun that can bring hope to the Shinobi world.

"I really want to know what Naruto is doing!"

"It's also the first time I look forward to Naruto's appearance."

"The picture is coming again! Look!

Sure enough, the screen seemed to hear everyone's expectations and began to expose new images.

[In the video, Uchiha Itachi (Wang Hao Zhao) takes Nagato slowly along the river. Judging from their complexions, they looked like patients with two and a half feet stepping into the coffin, without the appearance of a strong man. 】

[Uchiha Itachi said softly: "From last night to now, it seems to be fighting!"

"who is it?"

Itachi frowned and murmured, "It turned out to be him."

Nagato also felt the Chakra of the visitor, and the corners of his mouth raised: "There is a feeling of nostalgia."

Soon, the golden bodies, Naruto and Killer Bee, appeared in front of them.

"Uchiha Itachi and Nagato?"

Killer Bee: "Do you know? Naruto!"

"Well, I know both of them, and it's too strong"]

In the Ninja World,

Countless ninjas suddenly sweated their foreheads, and the Naruto they were expecting encountered the old, weak, sick and disabled duo.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t know them before,

But after seeing Penn carrying rice, Uchiha Itachi drove Gundam to kill Orochimaru,

No one thinks these two men are so bully.

Within the Akatsuki organization,

Nagato: "Itachi, thank you very much!"

Uchiha Itachi: "Chief, please don't say that, you should!"

Hidan: "I don't see it, Itachi is quite good at taking care of people!"

Deidara: "Huh, this guy has a kind side too!"

Kisame: "A dozen seven sangs, why have you never changed to help me... Obviously I was seriously injured before."

Angle: "You guy is getting more and more fierce and won't get hurt at all. Except for that young man, who can help you be beaten?"

Kisame: "I just want to try what it's like to be held by someone!

Konoha Village,

After seeing Itachi and Nagato, Naruto suddenly shouted helplessly: "Why, why are you fighting with these two perverts!"

Little Sakura: "Naruto, don't worry, the two of them may be better dealt with in this state!

Ya: "That's right, Nagato can't even move, it must have been great when it invaded Konoha!"

Hinata: "Naruto-kun, you can definitely defeat them again!"

Xiao Li: "Naruto, hit it lightly then, after all, these are two patients"

Naruto: "

In the expectation of everyone in the Ninja World,

The screen began to expose the battle between Eight Tails Jinchūriki and Nine Tails Jinchūriki and their patients.

[Blowing in the image]

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There are sensitive words in this chapter, I just found out, it is really speechless!!!

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