Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 129 : The self-cultivation of two actors! (please subscribe!)

While Naruto and Nagato are fighting,

Killer Bee also played against Itachi.

As Naruto's life mentor, he also received the treatment of being taught by hand.

[In the screen, Itachi slammed behind Killer Bee and reminded him~: "Be careful!'

"Fire Style- Impatiens Claw Red!!

The Fire Style is combined with the shuriken, and shoots towards Killer Bee like a goddess scattered flowers.

Facing an attack,

Killer Bee easily blocked it with a big palm.


After blocking the attack, Bi stretched his tail to take the opportunity to grab it, and gestured: "Grab! Oye!"]

Cloud Shinobi Village,

Killer Bee danced happily: "Uchiha Itachi, but so! Oye!"

Fourth Raikage frowned, feeling that things were not that simple. Itachi's combat IQ was so high that it was impossible to be caught so easily.

as predicted,

In the next second, Killer Bee was slapped in the face!

[Inner world, Gyūki woke up Killer Bee with his finger, "Wake up! Compare!"


I don't know when he has been hit by Itachi's illusion.

The caught Itachi instantly turned into a crow and fluttered away, while his body was hidden in the dark, and he took the opportunity to lose a few shurikens.

"Don't look my eyes directly!" Itachi reminded.

More serious than that, he drew seven knives from Samehada's mouth and fought with Itachi again. 】

In the Ninja World,

Everyone watched the battle in the picture nervously.

without any exaggeration,

Naruto and Killer Bee can be regarded as the hope of the Ninja world. If they are taken care of by this old, weak, sick and disabled duo, then the Ninja world will really usher in darkness.

But through the battle between Itachi and Killer Bee,

They discovered another incomprehensible thing.

"Killer Bee used to hit Sasuke with cuts and bruises when he used the seven swords. But now he is easily evaded by Itachi. But Uchiha Itachi is defeated by Sasuke again. I don't understand the strength relationship between the three. Is it?"

"Did I have hallucinations?"

"No! One of these three must be an actor!"

[On the other side, Naruto put the Hellhound on the ground, proud: "It's not small, it's easy to deal with.

"Don't be careless, Naruto!" Nagato hurriedly reminded.

Sure enough, the Hellhound would continue to split every time he attacked, as if he would never die.

Nagato: "You have to beat me first, Naruto!

Although it was reminded, it is not so easy to want to defeat Nagato for a while.

At this time,

Uchiha Itachi jumped to Nagato's side, the Sharingan pattern in his eyes changed, and he aimed at Naruto.

I saw Naruto suddenly clutching his stomach, and then a crow with Mangekyō Sharingan came out of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Itachi said lightly: "Sure enough!"]

See this,

The people in the ninja world are all in a daze.

"Naruto's recipe is quite rich, toads, crows, worms, the nutrition is quite balanced."

"The crow's eyes turned out to be Mangekyō!"

"Could it be Shisui's Sharingan? Didn't we have seen Shisui give Itachi his eyes before he died?"

On Hokage Square,

Naruto only felt nauseous for a while, but no matter how much he vomited, the crow did not come out.

Kushina patted his back to comfort him: "Naruto, don't worry, I checked it for you, you don't have these strange things in your stomach yet."

Then Naruto relaxed, "Bah, baah, I don't want to eat crow! I just want to eat Uncle Yile's ramen!

[In the scene, Itachi's right eye is bleeding, Nagato reminds: "Naruto! It's Amaterasu! Get away!"

Killer Bee threw a knife to interrupt Amaterasu, but was blocked by Nagato with a move.

"Damn it, move by yourself again!"

At this time, Amaterasu of Itachi and Mangekyō Sharingan of Crow constituted a certain condition, and Amaterasu who had been performing to Naruto also stopped.


Itachi used Amaterasu directly at the Hellhound and burned the Hellhound with the black flame that never extinguished.

When the camera turned, Kabuto felt as if he was being peeped in the dark cave, which made his heart palpitate.

Then he found Itachi got rid of his control and secretly said: "To the effect, this guy Uchiha Itachi is completely different from ordinary dead people."]

In the ninja world,

Everyone was shocked when they heard Kabuto say that Uchiha Itachi got rid of the control of Impure World Reincarnation.

Fourth Raikage: "How is it possible that Uchiha Itachi got rid of Impure World Reincarnation? Even someone as powerful as my father can't unlock the control of Impure World Reincarnation!"

Ohnogi: "What the hell did this fellow Itachi do just now? I can't understand it!"

Kakashi: "If I'm not mistaken, Mangekyō on the crow must have performed some kind of illusion on Uchiha Itachi!"

Terumi Mei: "How do you know?"

Kakashi: "Well, I also have a Sharingan."

Sure enough, as Kakashi guessed, Uchiha Itachi was indeed modified by Distinguished Heavenly Gods.

[The scene continues, Itachi really got rid of the control of the dirty soil. 】

[I saw him hit directly and hit his good partner Nagato with Amaterasu, and then jumped to Naruto's side.

"Come!" Naruto said nervously.

"Calm down, I have gotten rid of the control, the enemy's ninjutsu has been covered by the new illusion. The illusion called'Guardian Konoha Village', it offsets the Impure World Reincarnation technique. Thanks to Distinguished Heavenly Gods, I was able to recover. "

But Naruto asked puzzledly: "Why do you want to set this up?"

"You said that Sasuke is your brother, so the only one who can stop Sasuke is you. In order to gain real power, Eternal Mangekyō, Sasuke will definitely transplant my eyes. At that time, when he casts pupil surgery on you, the crow will appear It was my plan to cast the illusion of protecting Konoha on him! It's a pity that I ended up using it on myself."

Killer Bee: "Then why didn't you use Sasuke earlier?"

Itachi: "Shisui's Mangekyō was in a cool-down period at the time, and it couldn't be used. And I still need to use my death to let Sasuke do a lot of things."]

All over the Ninja World,

When everyone listened to Uchiha Itachi's plan, they were all shocked by his resourcefulness.

Is this a fucking human?

It was so clever and terrible, even his own death was in his plan.

But Sasuke himself becomes stronger, revenges, and protects Konoha. Everything is arranged clearly, and the whole person lives in Itachi's calculations.

People don't know if this is unfortunate or lucky.

Tian Zhiguo.

Seeing this scene, Sasuke was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to kill Uchiha Itachi directly at this moment.

Why should his life be arranged by him?

Even if he is dead, he wants to control himself with Distinguished Heavenly Gods,

Konoha killed his parents and family, and asked him to protect Konoha. How dare he?


"Damn Uchiha Itachi!"

"I must meet him in person and ask him why he wants to control his life!"

Within Konoha Village,

Countless ninjas and villagers were moved after seeing Itachi's plan to protect Konoha.

No matter how cruel Uchiha Itachi's plan is to Sasuke,

But it is beneficial to them,

It is thankful!

"Uchiha Itachi is really a respectable Konoha Shinobi! In order to protect Konoha, he will use Distinguished Heavenly Gods to impose illusions on Sasuke to prevent him from becoming bad."

"It is Konoha's blessing to have such a ninja!"

"Compared with that, Sasuke is a bit of a loss, even half of Uchiha Itachi can't catch up!"

"That's right!"

0………Look for flowers………

"Sasuke is a bit unworthy of Uchiha Itachi's younger brother!"

When everyone belittled Sasuke and raised Uchiha Itachi,

Naruto suddenly retorted loudly:

"I forbid you to say that Sasuke!"

"You think Sasuke is naive, impulsive, and wants to destroy Konoha, but is this really what he wants to do?"

"I admit that Uchiha Itachi's original intention to guard Konoha is good, but his method is not right at all!"

"His selfish behavior will only backfire for Sasuke. Sasuke's idea of ​​destroying Konoha after learning of his sacrifice in the future is the most direct proof!""!

"Since Itachi wants Sasuke to protect Konoha, he should communicate with Sasuke more, trust Sasuke, and let Sasuke protect Konoha willingly!

"Rather than just calculating Sasuke under the guise of being a good Sasuke!"

The Konoha twelve Xiaoqiang suddenly widened their eyes when they heard Naruto's retort for Sasuke.

They never expected that such an idiot who usually didn't study well would say such reasonable things.

Shikamaru couldn't help but cheer and said, "Naruto, good point!"

Little Sakura looked at Naruto with the same excitement. In her eyes, Naruto turned into a dazzling light.

Ya: "Naruto! Your head is so good!"


Kushina looked at her son with satisfaction, and was happy for him to have such a correct three views.

At this time, the Konoha Shinobi and the villagers were immediately embarrassed,

It's undeniable,

What they just thought was really selfish.

They were too one-sided and didn't think about why Sasuke had such extreme thoughts, but thought that it was his fault that he wanted to destroy Konoha.

In the Akatsuki organization base,

Deidara looked at Itachi with an exaggerated expression: "You guys, you guys are really humble, even your brother is doing this calculation! If it's me, you won't be your brother if you kill him!"

Hidan: "Itachi, you told me clearly! Are you Deep Brocon?"

Kisame: "One hit seven sang, I still said that, people who deceive others will not end well!"

Nagato: "Itachi, your plan seems to be seamless, but you clearly have your own set of numbers. You can't calculate a person to death. For the sake of supporting me, I advise you not to deceive Sasuke! "


At this time, a new round of exposure began in the picture.

[In the screen, Naruto said to Itachi, "Itachi, you have made too many sacrifices to Konoha, leave it to me, Sasuke!"

Itachi smiled comfortedly, "My brother is so happy to have friends like you!"

At this time,

Nagato, who was still being burned by Amaterasu, used the Shenluo Tianzheng under the control of Kabuto to directly disperse the black flames.

Not only that, he also summoned the chameleon to disappear in stealth.

Suddenly, Nagato came behind Naruto, stretched out his hand and shouted, "Shinra Tianzheng!,


The huge Chakra airflow directly blew Naruto upside down hundreds of meters, breaking countless trees along the way.

Seeing that it was invincible, Killer Bee promptly turned on the half-tailed animalization state, and the whole body was covered with dark red Chakra.


"Hungry Kidō!"

I saw that Nagato, who was originally a thin and weak voice, returned to its heyday after absorbing Killer Bee's Chakra. His body was full and full, and even his hair turned from white to red!]

This scene directly made the hearts of the people in the Ninja World grabbed again.

"This Master Killer Bee turned out to be a power bank again!"

"I was sucked by Kisame before, and now I am sucked by Nagato again. When can Lord Killer Bee stand up?,

"Nagato has been controlled by Kabuto, there is no way to report, Damn it!!!"

"The fake game is gone, it's overtime now, Naruto! Go for it!"

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