Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 135 : Kabuto's tragic past! (Subscription required!)

In the Ninja World,

Most people are condemning Danzo, the guy who has done all the bad things, but many people are also condemning Sarutobi Hiruzen for not doing anything.

What's more, I feel that everything behind this is Sarutobi Hiruzen's instruction, but he is not good to personally let Noona go to Iwagakure to investigate, so he has to push Danzo out as a shield.

There are also smart people who are forced to say "Danzo will only be used by Sarutobi, not by the common people of Konoha" to speculate with Danzo.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō grew up wearing a pair of trousers. One sang red face and the other sang white face, and jointly managed Konoha Village.

"Fortunately, this Sarutobi Hiruzen was pushed down by Minato, otherwise he still doesn't know what moth he wants to make during his political life!"

"That's right! The Konoha period under Sarutobi Hiruzen's rule was the most chaotic period. In this period, Konoha defected the most ninjas, and brought more disasters to the ninja world!"

"Keep watching!"

[In the picture, Kabuto has also become a spy like Nooyu, and has been investigating intelligence in multiple villages. He basically went to Iwagakure, Kirigakure, Sunagakure, Cloud Shinobi Village.

However, when he was an Iwagakure spy, he revealed his identity and was being hunted down.

I glanced at my watch, and it was nine o'clock.

"If there weren't things in the past, it should be bedtime now. Five years later, I really want to see the dean and them again."

at this time,

A figure of "June 4 3" suddenly attacked him, and Kabuto was forced to use Chakra Scalpel to protect him and severely injured him.


When the moon shone on that person's face, Kabuto looked at that person in disbelief. He turned out to be the dean he was thinking of.

"President! How could this be! Why are you here?"

Kabuto treated her desperately, and then slowly remembered that the dean had accepted Danzo's order to spy on Iwagakure.

"Could it be that you are still continuing the mission at that time?

At this time, Ye Naiyu recovered a bit of consciousness and asked in surprise: "Why? Why do you want to heal me? Who are you?"

Kabuto hurriedly Kaidō: "It's me, dean, I'm Kabuto!"

But the next second, Ye Naiyu asked again, "Who are you?"

As soon as he said this, Kabuto was nearly into a mental breakdown, and the healing action on his hand stopped. He couldn't believe that the dean had forgotten him.

"Why doesn't the dean remember me? Why?"]

The picture is paused,

Not only does Kabuto in the picture do not understand, even all the audience in the Ninja world do not understand.

Oh Nogi: "Damn Danzo, he arranged for Nou and Kabuto to be spies in Iwagakure!"

Black soil: "Grandpa, the point is not here, right? I want to know why Nonoyu can't remember Kabuto..."

Chitu: "Could it be that Ye Naiyu also lost her memory?"

Hei Tu: "Brother, this is impossible, right?"

Konoha Village,

Everyone's heartbeat continued to speed up with the fight between Kabuto and No Nao in the screen, but I didn't expect Kabuto to accidentally hurt No Nao in the end.

I thought Kabuto could save Nonoyu and the two left Rock Shinobi together, but in the end, why didn't Nonoyu remember Kabuto?

Everyone's hearts seemed to be scratched in half by a cat's claws, and it was too itchy!

Tian Zhiguo,

Jiraiya turned to look at Orochimaru: "What is the reason, you should know?"

Tsunade: "Hurry up and tell us, I really want to know what happened between Kabuto and Nonou. It's clear that the relationship between Kabuto and Nonou is so good, it's impossible to remember the other side's appearance!"

Orochimaru pursed his lips and said faintly, "Let's keep watching. If I say it, wouldn't it be boring?"

Jiraiya: "You guy, you like to sell Guanzi!"

[In the picture, Kabuto keeps rubbing his hands by the river, trying to clean the Bloodline that is soaked in Nooyu. At the same time, he questioned his own existence.

If even those closest to him have forgotten him, what is he who has always been?

What is all the dean gave him?

The name was given by the dean, and the person was also adopted by her. She even gave this pair of glasses.

Then he looked at the reflection in the river and questioned,

"Who is this person? This is not me, not the real me.

Suddenly, Orochimaru got out of the river and smiled:

"You really became a great ninja, I remember you, Kabuto.

"I have been monitoring you and Ye Naiyu, come with me, I will tell you everything you want to know!

Kabuto asked curiously: "What do I want to know?"

"For example, why the dean wants to kill you, and why she doesn't remember you."]

[As soon as the camera turns, Kabuto followed Orochimaru to his laboratory and asked anxiously: "Please tell me everything I want to know!"

Orochimaru said straightforwardly, "Gen planned to kill you and the dean together!'

"Why?" Kabuto didn't understand.

"You are too good as a spy, you know too much."

Hearing this, Kabuto’s faith collapsed at that moment,

"I... I spent so long collecting information for the village in spite of safety, but it's only now."

"But now you are a dangerous person in their eyes, and your ending is doomed from the very beginning. Even if yours died together, it was already written in the script!"]

As soon as this remark came out,

All the ninjas who are spies in the ninja world are full of horror. They also know that engaging in espionage has a great responsibility, but if the ending is killed by someone or designed to kill, it would be too ruthless.

They are thinking,

Will my end be like Kabuto, who has worked so hard to give everything for the village, but in the end, only death is waiting for me.

The shadows in the major villages frowned when they noticed the strangeness.

Although they are afraid of their own spying ninja, they are not as vicious as Danzo.

Fourth Raikage: "Spy ninjas can be cultivated in any village, but the result is by no means as miserable as Kabuto!"

Onoki: "After all, it's just that Danzo is even more inhuman, otherwise, how could the village persecute such an excellent ninja!"

Terumi Mei: "I always thought that Kirigakure's watermelon mountain pufferfish ghost was vicious enough in dealing with spy ninjas, but compared to Danzo, it is nothing short of insignificance, not worth mentioning!"

at this time,

A certain shark nodded secretly, and said with emotion: "I'm good at killing the spy ninja..."

Deidara: "Kisame, since you are good at killing spy ninjas, go and kill Uchiha Itachi, he is also a spy hidden in our Akatsuki organization!

Kisame: "I haven't received the leader's mission. I won't kill people easily."

Deidara: "I think you just did a mission with him to make feelings, and you kindly call him Itachi San, then why don't you call me Di San!"

Hidan: "Deidara, do you deserve to be a junior? If you want to call Kisame, you have to call me first, Duan Sang!"

Angle: "You two are enough, just say one more thing, I will send him to death!"

Akatsuki's farce is over,

Most ordinary people in the Ninja world still want to know why Nonoyu can't remember Kabuto.

[I saw Orochimaru slowly telling the truth, "After you left the orphanage, Danzo told her the real reason for leaving. The dean asked him to return you free, and Danzo also offered an exchange."

"That was a few years ago, he ordered her to assassinate a certain man, strangely, that assassination target was you!"

After listening to all of this, Kabuto still expressed confusion.

"The dean agreed to give me my freedom! Why didn't the dean find out that it was me.

Orochimaru directly threw out a bunch of photos and smiled: "Let's take a closer look!"

Kabuto tremblingly picked up the photo, and the more he looked at it, the more he became frightened, thinking that the person in the photo was someone who looked a lot like him but was not him.

He also understood that the reason why the dean did not recognize him was because it was not his current appearance in the dean's memory.

And "Kabuto" has also become someone else.

Immediately afterwards, Kabuto rushed to Orochimaru frantically and shouted hoarsely:

"I always want to know what I am and want to give myself an explanation.

"I thought I got it, but because of your roots, I lost myself again."

"The glasses should be the bond between me and the dean, and the name should only belong to me! No matter what happens, I will never forget my relatives. Obviously it should be the dean!"

"But now it's all changed, then who am I?"]

After watching this scene,

Everyone in the Ninja World was dumbfounded, and the truth of the matter turned out to be like this.

In order to prevent Nonoyu from knowing Kabuto's appearance, the root organization,

The two of them were deliberately arranged far away, causing them to only know each other through photos.

However, Danzo made some tricks in the photo, changed Kabuto's appearance to someone else's, and took a long time to brainwash Ye Nai, so that she never dreamed that it was the real Kabuto who killed her.

"Fuck! I'll call you good guy!"

"Is this the way Roots act? Too horrible, too mean, too ruthless!"

"If this is Kabuto Blacken, who has been working hard to find himself, and then become the last big snake Kabuto, I seem to understand it!"

"After watching this picture, I hate the roots of Konoha Village more than I hate Kabuto. Acting so extreme will definitely create extreme people!"

"Kabuto, Itachi, Orochimaru, these people are all from the root organization, and they are all people with extreme personalities.'

"I feel more and more that Root is a production and processing base that causes trouble!"

Konoha Village,

Naruto said to Kakashi, "Ms. Kakashi, you must ban the root organization!"

Kakashi touched his head and said, "Although Konoha has dark places, it absolutely cannot tolerate the existence of organizations like this. Don't worry, the roots have been disbanded!"

Other Xiaoqiang heard Fifth Hokage Kakashi say 1.6,

Their hearts are also much more comfortable.

They are all children living in the sun, and they really can't accept Konoha's darkest side.

And at this moment,

The screen finally began to expose Uchiha Itachi's Izanami Technique!

[In the screen, Kabuto uses Jirōbō's Earth Style, Doyuna's illusion, Guidoumaru's spider silk, Sakon's clone, Kimimaro's Dead Bone Pulse, Orochimaru's Snake Spit Technique, and frantically attacks Sasuke and Itachi.

"You lost!" Kabuto said confidently.


I saw Itachi's left eye turned white, and Ninjutsu had been launched successfully. 】

[In the picture, Kabuto seems to have entered a dead end. He has been fighting Itachi and Sasuke, but each time it ends with the same ending.

No matter how he kills the opponent, the opponent can be resurrected!

And the most weird thing is that the horns on his head have recovered again.)

The audience in the Ninja world also looked silly,

Because in their opinion, Kabuto is like a person who lost his way in the forest, Kabuto Kabuto turned back and forth.

"I haven't figured out when Itachi started ninjutsu!

"I didn't see it anyway."

"This ninjutsu is too inexplicable!"

"What is the principle? Hurry up and expose it, so that we can also take precautions in the future!"

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