Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 156 : Sasuke on the verge of death, angry touch! (seeking subscription)

As if to completely extinguish the light of hope in the Ninja world, the screen began to ruthlessly expose various images.

[In the camera, Senju Tobirama took advantage of Uchiha Madara's chat with White Zetsu below and launched a surprise attack.

"Flying Thunder God Slash!"

Just when Tobirama was about to kill Uchiha Madara in the same way he killed Uchiha Zona, he was put directly on the ground by Madara, and then hit the ground with a Chakra black stick.

"When the opponent is convinced that he is determined to win, wait for an opportunity to launch an attack. You have used this trick indiscriminately.

"Let the brats charge, you are sinister, Tobirama."

Tobirama disdainfully Kaidō: "To each other.

Then Madara threw a few black sticks at Tobirama's body, and said with hatred: "To be honest, I wanted to do this to you a long time ago."

"It was you who killed Izuna!"]

Seeing that Senju Tobirama was also counter-killed by Uchiha Madara, the hearts of the audience in the Ninja world were refreshed.

I thought it was relying on Second Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique to wait for an opportunity to kill Madara, but now it seems that Madara has a way to deal with Tobirama.

Although Flying Thunder God is powerful, 09 but after all, it needs to be contacted directly.

And the moment of contact is the point in time when it is easy to be killed by others.

"Even Master Second Hokage was killed. The only ones left to fight are Fourth Hokage and Sasuke!"

"If the two of them are also defeated, I really don't know who else in the Ninja world can resist the banner of Uchiha Madara!"

Konoha Village,

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Uchiha Madara really figured out how to defend Tobirama's Flying Thunder God Slash, after all, he always wanted to kill Tobirama to avenge Izuna!"

Utatane Koharu: "Uchiha Madara is also a complete Brocon!

Mitokado Homura: "Hey, the Uchiha clan is rich in Brocon."

The screen seemed to push the entire Ninja World into boundless hell in one breath, and a new picture came again.

[In the scene, Senju Hashirama shouted to Sasuke: "Uchiha's boy, I want to give you a spell. Madara, he took away my celestial art Chakra, what I want to give you is to echo the celestial art Chakra bound him The technique."

"Go stop Madara!"

Sasuke asked rhetorically, "I am from the Uchiha tribe, why did you let me go?"

"Because you look like Madara's brother, Uchiha Izuna."

Sasuke: "So what?"

"Madara was originally a kind man. He loved his brother so much, so he gave you a chance to live. You may be able to stop him by non-forced means.


Sasuke rode the Summoning eagle to the sky above Madara and seized the opportunity to slash towards Madara.

But he didn't expect that he was controlled by an invisible thing, and he couldn't move his whole body.

Then I saw the pheasant sword on the ground being picked up by Madara and pierced directly into Sasuke's heart.

Madara: "I gave you time, but you didn't know it!"

"I can't die, I...never die, Itachi's life's meaning Before the creation of the real village, before the real shadow appears, I will all"

But soon, Sasuke, who had lost too much blood, still lay on the ground and lost his vitality. ]

After watching this scene,

At the entrance of Rain Shinobi Village, a red beard rose from the ground.

Uchiha Itachi turned on Susanoo uncontrollably, and he was so angry that he didn't want to believe that his little brother, who was desperately guarding him, was stabbed to death by Uchiha Madara in the end!

"No! I absolutely don't allow this to happen! Sasuke has decided to protect Konoha and become the Hokage of Konoha Village!"

"But the ending to greet him turned out to be killed by Madara, I don't accept it!!

I saw Uchiha Itachi went crazy and ran towards the place where Sasuke left before. He wants to change Sasuke's ending!

As for the country of Tian,

Sasuke was also stunned after watching the screen. He didn't expect Naruto to die because of the loss of the tail beast just after watching it, and he turned out to be the next one.

"Not born on the same day in the same year, but died on the same day in the same year, is this the fate between me and Naruto?"

"Fine, you die. At least there is Naruto with the crane on the way to the Pure Land. It's not lonely, isn't it?"

Hokage Square,

When Naruto saw Sasuke being stabbed to death, a heartache came from his chest.

That feeling was even more sad and helpless than when he saw himself dead.

"Damn it, Sasuke was also killed"

"Do not!

"No, I can't let him die!"

at that moment,

The soaring anger accumulates in Naruto's body, and the bleeding red Nine Tails Chakra is diffused around the body.

But what is surprising is that Kurama did not take the opportunity to affect his mind, and did not think about occupying his body.

Except that Naruto was so angry and sad.

Little Sakura and Ino's emotions are also extremely low, Sasuke has always been their favorite object,

But now that Sasuke is killed with their own eyes, and they are helpless, there is nothing more desperate than this.

"Sasuke -kun!"


As for the other Xiaoqiangs, although they didn't have that deep feeling for Sasuke, they watched Naruto and Sasuke die in order to protect the Ninja World, and they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Although they are also working hard on the battlefield, they are much less than the efforts of the two Naruto.

Mingming said before that he would catch up with the two of them and guard the Ninja World with them.

But at the end,

But he can only be a spectator on the sidelines, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to intervene in the fight.

"Becoming stronger! Only becoming stronger will not drag you back!"

"I don't want to be a spectator, I want to fight with Naruto, even if it's dead!

Just when everyone mustered up the courage to work hard to improve their strength,

The screen directly exposed the picture, trying to smash the light of hope in the entire Ninja world.

[In the camera, a White Zetsu controlling the low-end version of the Senju Buddha stopped in front of Gokage, blocking their way to Madara.

"Shin Su Senju!'

Countless fists hit all the coalition forces, forcing them to keep retreating.

Next second,

Five Chakra ninjutsu began to condense in Wooden Golem660's mouth, and they were about to attack everyone at any time.

Mifune: "I can actually use all five attributes at once, how can I stop this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "I know!"

"Five Escapes-Dalian Playing Technique!'

I saw Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately use Shadow Clone Technique, and then use five Chakra attribute ninjutsu to offset it!]

The highlights of Sarutobi Hiruzen in the lens did not give everyone any hope.

After all, he was only hitting a little White Zetsu, and judging from his state in the shot, he could no longer resist the next attack.

"Third Hokage's Chakra is almost used, and there is no way to continue to resist.

"Just one White Zetsu stopped so many people, it seems the Ninja world is really over!"

But in Konoha Village,

Sarutobi Hiruzen held his chest up, anyway, he did have a little high light, and he was not ashamed of his Hokage identity.

It's just that everyone's mood is still low, and they didn't notice his small movements at all, and didn't even feel that his highlights were anything to admire.

This time made him very embarrassed.

Other Hokages can attract everyone's shouts as long as they take a shot, but when they take a shot, everyone lacks interest and is not attractive at all.

Is this disgusting that you are too weak?

I am clearly Konoha's strongest Hokage!

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