Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 162 : Guy: Hoshigaki Kisame, I will remember you forever! (Subscribe!)

[Image continues]

[In the screen, Hoshigaki Kisame is locked by Yamato with Wood Style, and Yamashiro Aoba begins to explore Kisame's memory. 】

【in memory,

Young Hoshigaki Kisame leaned against the tree to rest.

Suddenly, a beautiful long-haired woman came over, "Mr. Dry Persimmon, sit here and have a meal."

"Please don't get close to me." Kisame earnestly Kaidō.

"Hey, leave him alone, people just look down on the secret code department of Wen Luo." A man said uncomfortably.

But the pretty woman persuaded: "Everyone is doing the same task, and the deployment doesn't matter at all."

at this time,

Kisame noticed someone approaching and urged them to continue on their way. 】

The brief exposure of the picture surprised everyone. They didn't expect Kisame to be quite feminine, and someone would speak for him.

"It's really funny, would anyone like Kisame?"

"Who knows, it feels like he should be unfamiliar, right?"

"Now I just want to see if King Guy killed Uchiha Madara, and what's the point of exposing a little Kisame?"

"That's it!"

at the same time,

In Akatsuki's organization, Kisame's face dimmed after watching it.

These pictures are memories that he does not want to mention, and it is these pictures that make him feel that the world is full of deception and not real enough.

Hidan: "Kisame still liked him when he was young!"

Deidara: "There is one thing to say, when I was young, Kisame was a lot more showy than now!"

Angle: "Don't forget our previous bet!"

Sasori: "Don't forget, I also pressed an Asuma!"

Kisame: "

[In the scene, Kisame and his party are jumping on the tree trunk, and the beautiful girl ran over again to strike up a conversation: "Mr. Gan Shi, can you wait for the end of the mission for what I said just now?"

Seeing Kisame a little bit, the girl chuckled and said, "Let's eat together."

At this moment, he remembered the instructions given to him by the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost, and must not let the members of the secret signal department fall into the hands of the enemy.

Thinking of this, he didn't reply, just took them to transfer quickly.


There was an explosion. Konoha Shinobi's Morino Ibis stopped their group.

"Surrender, you have no chance of winning.

Kisame stood in front and said, "I know you, Konoha Anbu, an expert in the torture and interrogation force. Do you want to fight?"

The fierce battle was on the verge of breaking out, Kisame let the people behind run fast, and he topped the front.

But there were too many people in the secret signal department, and soon some people fell to the ground injured.

Thinking of Watermelon Mountain's order, he had to kill the people who fell on the ground one by one.


The group was forced to the cliff, Kisame decisively killed the other two members of the secret signal department, and in the end only the woman who asked him to eat with him was left.


Kisame's emotionless Kaidō: "Slaying companions, this is my exclusive mission."

The woman looked at him distressedly, "Your life is difficult, right?"

Kisame hesitated for a moment, but still killed her.

Finally, he jumped into the cliff and left. 1】

The image ends,

Countless ninjas were directly frightened by such a cruel young Kisame.

Akatsuki Kisame's cruelty is ruthless to the enemy, everyone can understand.

But the young Kisame is ruthless to his own people, which is too terrible!

Look at him,

Everyone thought of a person,

Uchiha Itachi.

That was also the ruthless person who killed everyone in the family for the mission.

Everyone suddenly understood why Kisame would team up with Uchiha Itachi, because the two of them are the same type of people, and they are both ninjas who specialize in killing people in the village.

Deidara: "Kisame, you man is really incomprehensible. A girl who likes you was killed by you. You deserve to be single forever,"!"

Kisame glared at him, with a chill in it.

If he can, he is not willing to be a swordsman who kills people in the village. That kind of life is not easy at all.

But he has no choice. As a ninja, he must execute the above commands.


Terumi Mei looked at Kisame in the picture in deep thought for a long time. She understood that Kisame's choice was the sadness of that era.

And now all she has to do is to learn from the pain and not let Kirigakure repeat the same mistakes.

"Send my order, you will never give such an order in the future!"

"This is a kind of harm to the Anbu Ninja and the members of the signal department!"

Green: "Yes, Master Mizukage!"

At this moment, exposure began again on the screen.

[In the video, Kisame killed his boss, the puffer fish ghost, and carried his sword Samehada on his back.

Just when he was leaving, a figure came from the shadow,

"This guy knows foreign enemies inside, thank you for your hard work, Kisame."

"From now on, you will be the master of Samehada. At the same time, you will also be my subordinate."

Kisame is very enlightened Kaidō: "Until I am also wiped out by you, Lord Fourth Mizukage."

"I know your character, so I trust you. Only when you have performed countless slanderous tasks for the country and the village, and betrayed how many times to complete the tasks, do you know that this world is nothing but a fake thing."

Kisame's contemptuous Kaidō: "I already knew this. As Mist Shinobi who must kill his own Mist Shinobi compatriots, who is he? Is it an enemy or a friend? What is my purpose? Where is my position? Where are you going? Where can you get peace? The only thing you can see firsthand is your own falsehood."

at this time,

Another figure appeared behind the citrus citrus Yagura,

"Then I will free you from false pain. I will create a shelter for you!"

Kisame drew the knife directly and asked, "Who are you?"

"From now on, fight as my companion."

"You seem to trust me, but I don't even know who you are."

As soon as the voice fell, Kisame saw the Three Tomoe Sharingan shining in the dark.

"So, Lord Fourth Mizukage has been controlled by you, and this world is indeed false. Who are you?"

"Uchiha Madara!"]

In the Shinobi world, everyone was shocked when they saw this story of Kisame.

No one thought that Fourth Mizukage was always secretly controlled by "Uchiha Madara".

"This guy Kisame is really miserable!"

"I have been living in the midst of betrayal, even my boss Fourth Mizukage is false. This kind of thing is a big blow to one's beliefs!'

"In other words, this person called Uchiha Madara should be Obito, right?"

"According to the time period, it should be him. Only he has a grudge against Kirigakure. Who will let Kirigakure use Lin for experimentation!"

After seeing this scene, other villages were also sighed.

Fourth Raikage: "The top leaders of a village are all controlled. Think about how ironic this is."

Onoki: "I don't know this if I don't know it from Kisame's memories!"

Gaara: "But I think Kisame's life is more sympathetic. His life is full of betrayal and deceit, and my life is full of loneliness and coldness."

See this,

Everyone's impression of Kisame has improved slightly,

Although he was cold-blooded and ruthless, he was loyal enough to kill his companions and betray his boss in order to complete Mizukage's mission. Dare to be a cold-blooded swordsman.

At this point, he still has a little personal charm.

But just because of this personal charm, he wants to meet the Emperor Guy, which is still a bit unqualified...

At this time, the screen continued to expose Kisame's death.

[In the lens,

Yamashiro Aoba became excited, and he could see the true face of "Uchiha Madara" immediately.

But at this moment,

Kisame directly bit his tongue and broke free of Yamashiro Aoba's mind control.

He laughed, and then tried his best to break free of Yamato's Wood Style control.

Naruto stood by and asked anxiously: "What should I do, Mr. Yamato?"

"Don't worry, I'll catch him!"

But Kisame quickly used ninjutsu,

"Water Prison Technique!"

The wall of water temporarily blocked other people's attacks, but he also knew that he had been surrounded, and he had no chance to resist.

At this time, he thought of what Uchiha Itachi once said: People who have hurt their companions are not allowed to die, no matter who they are, only when they are about to die can they see exactly who they are.

Afterwards, Kisame smiled bitterly: "|A dozen of seven sang, you are right, only when you are about to die, you can see yourself clearly. Then when you are dying, do you see yourself clearly?"

"A dozen of seven mulberries, now it seems that I am a hopeless person, but that's not the case.,

I saw Kisame Kieyin shout again: "Summoning Technique!"


A few sharks were taken out by Summoning in the dungeon, and then they began to bite and devour Kisame's body frantically.


Kisame died in the hands of his Summoning beast.

This scene directly stunned Killer Bee, Yamashiro Aoba, Might Guy, and Naruto.

Yamashiro Aoba: "Even the shark he summoned to eat him, it seems that he is already extremely weak."

Yamato: "A member of Akatsuki who is strong enough to become a partner with Itachi, and Hoshigaki Kisame, known as Mist Shinobi, ended up like this.

Naruto said sadly, "But, he was all for preventing our enemies from getting information from our companions. Akatsuki turned out to be someone who was thinking of Isshin as a companion."

Finally, Might Guy walked to Naruto and comforted him.

"Such an enemy is awe-inspiring, and the value of a ninja is determined by his death."

"Hoshigaki Kisame, I will remember you forever."]

The image is finally over,

Watching the death of Kisame, the ninjas of the whole world understand why the Emperor Guy remembers Kisame's name.


Kisame used actions to win the respect of King Guy, and also won the opportunity for King Guy to remember his name.

Fourth Raikage: "This guy is also a person who thinks about his companions! And his loyalty to Akatsuki is absolute, the kind who would rather die than surrender. Very suitable to be a brother (Wang Wang is good)!

Onoki: "In order to protect the secret, I would not hesitate to be devoured by sharks. Such behavior is really too cruel. I am a capital server!"

Gaara: "Perhaps this is why King Guy admires him, because they are also real tough guys!"


All Akatsuki members looked at Kisame in disbelief.

Deidara: "Fuck, Kisame, you died worse than Hidan!'

Sasori: "Xiao Di, Kisame's death is respectable, don't joke at this time!"

Hidan: "You can get the approval of the King Guy, Kisame, you are not dead in vain!"

Angle: "What I care most about is, Deidara, your kid lost half of Asuma, when will you give me the money?"

Deidara: "???"

Angle: "Don't pretend to be garlic, Kisame thought of Itachi when he was dying, and he kindly called his name twice."

As the protagonist, Kisame walked out of the room, drenched in the rain quietly.

this moment,

He returned to peace and saw his own death with his own eyes. He realized that only people who are dying can understand.

"A dozen seven mulberries, thank you for your reminder!"

"Guy Sang, thank you for your approval!"

Within Konoha Village,

Might Guy also looked at the screen with respect, and Kisame's death in the screen earned his respect.

Facing such a tough guy,

If it weren't the enemy, maybe the two of them would sit together and have a drink.

Even though his drink volume is not so good

"Hoshigaki Kisame, I will always remember you!"

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