Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 171 : Haruno Sakura, the hateful Haruno Sakura! (seeking subscription)

Inside Orochimaru base,

The cold Sasuke couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth after seeing that he frustrated Six Paths Madara. Madara had been squeezed before, but now he finally changed his breath.

He is very satisfied with the new Rinnegan's abilities and works well with him.

Unlike Itachi and father,

He is better at physical combat and doesn't like illusion.

At this time, the screen exposes the picture again.

[Image "Plotting Loudly"]

[In the camera, Uchiha Sasuke proudly walks towards the injured Uchiha Madara, jokingly: "You won't die with this little injury, right?"

"It seems that your shadow will return to your body after a period of time"

Through the scar on the shadow's arm, Sasuke understands that Naruto's Sage of Six Paths Chakra can cause damage to the shadow.

Then Sasuke loudly arranged to Naruto and said: "Naruto, wait for the guy's shadow to appear again, you go and deal with him, I will deal with the one that is visible.

Naruto was speechless, "I was upset as soon as I was ordered by you. My problem hasn't changed until now.

Sasuke drank lightly,

"Listen well, now is a good opportunity."

"Prepare the next move with the power of an immortal, and that move will do, as long as it can block his actions."

Shou Crane inside Naruto asked to go into battle, "Then use my Chakra to perform the seal technique."

"Thank you, Qin?"

Shouhe screamed angrily: "My name is Shouhe!"

After Uchiha Madara saw that the other two had prepared a move against him, he gave Sasuke a high look.

"Very keen, calm analysis and judgment ability, and also opened up straight like me, if he was born before Obito, I can take him."

"It seems that I have to take it seriously, and gather my eyes as soon as possible."

At this time, Naruto launched an attack,

"Sage Art- Magnet Style Rasengan!"

"Six Paths- Thousand Birds!"

Sasuke shouted at Naruto: "Naruto, attack me!"

Under the shocked gaze of Six Paths Madara, Naruto rubbed the balls and killed Sasuke, and Sasuke also killed Naruto, looking very much like the Endgame Battle. 】

With the exposure of the image, many people in the Ninja world covered their eyes.

On Hokage Square,

Yaman said in shock:

"What's the matter? Why are Naruto and Sasuke fighting again?"

Xiao Li was still confused after reading it, and asked a little puzzled:

"Hasn't their relationship been reconciled? Why use killer moves to attack each other?"

Not only did they fail to react,

There was also a certain imperial ninja who did not react.

Might Guy saw Kakashi, Asuma, Yurihong and others very understanding, he was embarrassed to ask Sasuke why Naruto beat him.

But in order not to let others laugh at him, he had to pretend to be very clear, and at the same time, he kept nodding and muttering:

"Sasuke and Naruto are in seconds!"

"In this case, I can definitely defeat Uchiha Madara!"

When Xiao Li heard that Teacher Guy understood the reason, he ran over and asked admiringly:

"Mr. Guy! You are really amazing, can you tell me why?

Might Guy didn't expect Xiao Li to come and ask himself, he touched his head and said haha:

"Lee! This question is actually very simple, just like this and then Uchiha Madara is defeated, do you understand,"?"

Xiao Li nodded seriously, then shook his head in confusion, he cried Kaidō:

"Mr. Guy, I'm sorry, I'm too stupid to understand."

Guy took a deep breath and cried as well:

"Lee! This matter is too reluctant for you. Let my eternal competitor Kakashi tell you this kind of thing!"

After hearing this, Xiao Li ran to Kakashi to ask for an answer, and Guy also leaned in at this moment, preparing to overhear.

Kakashi saw through Might Guy's careful thoughts at a glance, but didn't let him lose face, but deliberately explained it loudly.

"Sasuke's Rinnegan has the ability to exchange the caster with the target object."

"So he can switch Uchiha Madara to the attack route between him and Naruto, so he will let Naruto use ninjutsu to attack himself, do you understand? Lee!

Xiao Li nodded hurriedly, "Thank you Lord Fifth Hokage!"

The Might Guy on the side laughed loudly: "That's what I think, but unfortunately I didn't explain it clearly to Li. I am still not as good as you in terms of mouth! Kakashi!"

Kakashi was full of black lines and accepted the compliment symbolically.

At this time, the image continued to be exposed, and the scene on the screen was just as Kakashi said.

[In the camera, just when Naruto and Sasuke were about to meet, Six Paths Madara suddenly appeared in front of them, the Magnet Style Rasengan with sealing ability and Chidori with the power of Six Paths hit hard. On Madara's body.

Madara was shocked: "Why am I here!"

At this time, Sasuke shouted: "Naruto, use the trick taught by Sage of Six Paths, do you understand?'

Naruto replied, "Understood, here comes it!"

Just when the two of them were about to use their combined ultimate, Six Paths Madara got away and left, leaving the shadow of the wheel tomb here.

Naruto said anxiously: "Sasuke, I'll stop this guy, you go chase the body!"

Directly, Sasuke still wants to continue to use his hand power, but beyond the distance, he can't use it.

And Six Paths Madara also analyzed Sasuke's Rinnegan flaws and quickly grabbed Kakashi's location.

Kakashi is squatting there to rest,

I just feel that a figure suddenly appeared, and then my Sharingan disappeared)

The image ends,

Everyone in the ninja world was stunned on the spot, a little unacceptable, but Uchiha Madara escaped from the killing.

On Hokage Square,

Might Guy lamented: "It's a pity, I didn't expect Six Paths Madara to escape with a shadow!"

Xiao Li: "But Naruto and Sasuke are good enough, at least they have pushed Six Paths Madara back!

Ya: "The problem now is that Sharingan of Lord Fifth Hokage has been detained."

Chuanzhi domestic,

Obito was upset when he saw his eyes taken away by Six Paths Madara.

But when I changed my mind, my anger disappeared.

After all, he also took a Rinnegan from Madara, and he was not at a loss in comparison.

Many people in the chat group have already heatedly discussed this matter.

[Ohnogi: Kakashi, what shoelaces do you think you’re okay with!]

[Ai: The gift is too unlevel, I suspect that you are the undercover agent of Six Paths Madara!]

[Terumi Mei: The title of Sharingan Kakashi can be cancelled. 】

[Gaara: Now what I have to worry about is that Six Paths Madara will regain her Rinnegan when entering the space. If you double Rinnegan, I am afraid that the strength of Six Paths Madara will increase a lot. 】

[Baki: Sakura and Obito must have already dealt with that Rinnegan, right?]

In the Ninja World,

Many people are praying silently, hoping that the little Sakura and Obito in time and space can get rid of that Rinnegan.

As long as you deal with that Rinnegan, with the strength of Sasuke and Naruto, you can definitely crush the current Six Paths Madara!

In order to meet everyone's expectations, the video began.

[In time and space.

Obito said to the little Sakura in front of him, "Hurry up and destroy the Rinnegan on my left. I can't even move."

"If you are not careful, Black Zetsu will even take Rinnegan away from me."

"In this way, Black Zetsu will use the pupil power of my right eye to go back outside and directly hand Rinnegan to Madara. Once both eyes are gathered, terrible things will happen."

Little Sakura asked in shock: "A terrible thing?"

Obito explained: "I was not able to transplant two eyes back then, but with only one left eye, I almost lost myself because of the excessive Chakra and pupil power. One eye made me so strong that I was not the original owner. , If there are two original owners of Rinnegan Kaidō, I am afraid that no one can fight with them."

"With both eyes together, the real pupil power can be exerted. Come on, hurry up and do it.

Little Sakura slowly lifted Kunai and put it in front of Obito's Rinnegan, but she hesitated.

Obito saw her hesitate, and hurriedly persuaded: "Let’s destroy Rinnegan! I can’t suppress Black Zetsu anymore..."

"Little Sakura swallowed, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, but her movements were so stiff that she couldn't get her hands down.

Obito couldn't wait now, and urged: "Hurry up!"

Little Sakura cheered up: "I understand"

Just when she was about to stab Rinnegan, Six Paths Madara had already used Kamui to transfer in. 】

The video ended briefly, but the hearts of everyone in the Ninja World raised their throats.

can be seen,

The situation is very critical now, and they don’t know if Sakura stabs Rinnegan first or

But most people are a little speechless about little Sakura.

Why is this female ninja so indecisive? Obito clearly asked him to do it quickly, but she was still inking there, as if she was sick.

In the chat group,

[Hei Tu: I was convinced, and I didn't know how to do things at all, so I dared to claim to have caught up with Naruto and Sasuke. 】

[Carui: It’s really going to be a drag!]

[Samui: I admired this little girl a lot before, but now some things are not enough. 】

[Temari: This is a bit of a pitfall, Naruto and Sasuke. 】

On Hokage Square,

After seeing everyone's blame, little Sakura sat on the ground, hiding her face and crying.

She also resented herself for why she didn't stab Rinnegan earlier, and why she waited for Uchiha Madara to enter the space.

At this time,

Naruto came down to the little Sakura at Hinata's urging and said, "Sakura, don't cry. The result is not certain, what if you ruin Rinnegan!"

"You just don't want to hurt Obito because of kindness, so I don't blame you."

Hearing Naruto's comfort, and then seeing the encouraging eyes of Ino and others, Sakura wiped away the tears, and then looked at the screen without blinking.

(Wang Zhao's) She hopes to see herself ruin Rinnegan.

At this moment, the screen began to be exposed.

【In the image

Just when the little Sakura was about to assassinate Rinnegan, Uchiha Madara threw the Truth-Seeking Ball black stick directly and shouted: "Vision!"

Seeing that Sakura was about to be killed by the black rod, Obito had to work hard to use his Mangekyō ability again,


As soon as the camera turns, Sakura is transferred to the outside space.

The screen ends briefly. 】

After watching this scene, everyone in the Shinobi world had nothing to say.


Little Sakura is the pig teammate, the kind who succeeds less than defeats.

Rinnegan can't be destroyed, and Obito has to save her in the end...

This makes everyone in the Ninja World feel a little distressed about Obito. Not only is it necessary to compete with Black Zetsu for control of the body, but also to save Little Sakura, is this fucking too difficult?

Konoha Square Body

Many people also began to sigh. They had to admit that it was indeed Little Sakura's pot this time.

If she could do it a minute earlier, the result would be different.

And little Sakura herself has no face to stay here. She thought that she would become stronger in the future, but she didn't expect it to still drag everyone back.

She was sorry to Naruto, to Sasuke, and to the coalition forces who died in the future.

Fearing that Sakura couldn't think about it, Kakashi came to Ino and told her a few words, so Ino chased Sakura.

At this moment,

The image also began to be exposed

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