Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 179 : Naruto's Inverse Harem Technique!

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With the look of everyone's expectations, the screen began to expose images.

[Video "The Unexpected Ninja"]

[In the scene, Kaguya furiously opens Byakugan and directly initiates a charge against Sasuke and Naruto. Under the huge chakra, the white light was dazzling, and it was impossible to tell which Chakra was better.

After a stalemate for less than a minute, Kaguya once again increased the impact of Chakra volume and directly knocked Sasuke and Naruto into the air.

In chaos,

Sasuke turned it on again. Susanoo used his heavenly hand to move behind Kaguya to carry out a sneak attack. Kaguya could easily see through the moment when Susao cut down with his sword.

Susanoo was beaten to disintegration when she slapped her violently.

The whole person fell towards the magma.

At the critical juncture, fortunately, Sasuke used the power of the sky to swap positions with Naruto's Truth-Seeking Ball and was able to survive from the dead.

"Naruto, we got the favor of Sage of Six Paths, but if you can't seal that guy, it doesn't make any sense to accept the power."


At this moment, Kaguya suddenly appeared behind Naruto and Sasuke just like Sadako.)

In the Ninja World,

All those who watched the screen were directly frightened and chilled.

Then they turned their heads timidly, but fortunately, there was no one behind.

Although there is no one behind them, there are people behind the screen Commander and Naruto.

In the chat group,

[Killer Bee: I was scared to death just now, Kaguya is almost like a "six seven three" ghost!]

[Kankuro: Didn’t you say you still like her before?]

[Killer Bee: I used to love]

[Qing: Everyone gets closer and uses her popularity to kill her!]


Although the ninja masters did not speak, the moment Kaguya emerged from the crack in the space, they were even more scared than Naruto and Sasuke.

After thinking that it was just an image, everyone began to block in front of them with their palms, and then watched the screen through their fingers.

[In the lens,

Naruto and Sasuke turned around with sweat on their foreheads, completely afraid to resist.

What made them both puzzled was that Kaguya just put his hand gently on their chins, and then his face was covered with tears, with a look of kindness.

Looking at Naruto and Sasuke, Kaguya's presbyopia was guilty.

She always felt that Naruto and Sasuke were her two former children, Hayi and Hamura.

What made Naruto and Sasuke even more shocked was that they couldn't move their bodies directly, and then they were half-attached by Black Zetsu.

Sasuke said angrily, "Black Zetsu, who are you?"

"I am Kaguya's third child!"]

After watching this video, everyone was shocked and dumbfounded by Black Zetsu's words.

Black Zetsu turned out to be Kaguya's third child?

So, Black Zetsu is the third uncle of Indra and Ashura?

The third uncle of Naruto and Sasuke?


This is a speechless relationship. It turns out that the Ninja War is really a big fight for the family of Kei Yoruichi.

As for them, ordinary ninjas, they are just for display.

On Hokage Square,

Naruto was very dissatisfied and shouted, "This Black Zetsu has another relationship with Ashura in my body. It's really annoying!"

"I don't want to get involved with him!"

The others looked at Naruto with sympathy. Although he didn't want to, there was indeed a relationship between him and Black Zetsu, the old Yinbi.

Think about it, if you have such a relative, it is really speechless.

At this time,

The screen began to expose again.

[In the scene, Naruto suddenly became angry for some reason, and then broke Black Zetsu's control directly.

Then he helped Sasuke out of control.

Sasuke said solemnly, "I have to find a way to create a chance to activate the seal art, Naruto."

Naruto replied, "There is only one trick. That trick!'

Sasuke asked suspiciously after hearing it, "That technique?"

"Yes! Sasuke, come here with your ears."

Black Zetsu’s insidious Kaidō: “Although I don’t know what you want to do, but mom can absorb all the tricks, your actions are meaningless.”

Sasuke asked in shock after hearing Naruto's plan, "You mean it?"

"How can I know if I don't try it! I practiced this trick secretly, it took longer than the time I practiced Rasengan! Isn't it worth a try?"

"If this trick makes her show up!"

Sasuke took the lead in making the move, directly using the left eye ability,


And Naruto also rushed over when Kaguya was busy absorbing Amaterasu, and saw him shout,

"watch out!"

Kaguya also became nervous at this moment and directly opened Byakugan in an attempt to see Naruto's moves clearly.

"Inverse Harem Technique!"

In an instant, a dozen of beautiful males appeared and surrounded Kaguya, and Kaguya's eyes widened a little.

Seeing Kaguya stunned, Naruto smiled triumphantly: "Seducing ninjutsu is more effective against the stronger the enemy!"

Then Naruto canceled the clone and directly hit Kaguya with a punch, and Sasuke also used Heaven's hand power to replace Kaguya between the two of them at this moment, and then sealed her towards her. 】

In the Ninja World,

As long as the women who see the images show nosebleeds

The beautiful men turned out by Naruto are indeed good-looking and high-looking, they are simply women's dream lovers.

This is worthy of his master's powerful ninjutsu secretly practicing hundreds of times, and its power is amazing.

On Hokage Square,

Kushina raised Naruto's ear and said, "Okay! You Tenten doesn't learn well, so you will study some messy ninjutsu!"

Naruto hurriedly begged for mercy, and then explained: "Mom, I'm all preparing for the Ninja World War, you see, won't it take effect this time?"

But what Naruto said was right. This trick did make Kaguya stunned for a moment, and it also worked seamlessly with Sasuke.

If you look at the final screen, Naruto and Sasuke should be able to seal Ōtsutsuki Kaguya again.

at the same time,

Other girls, such as Tenten, Ino, Sakura, etc. flusteredly wiped their nosebleeds. The picture just now is not suitable for children and is not suitable for them to watch.

People like Shikamaru and Chōji gave their thumbs up.

"Naruto, good job!"

"You really are the most unexpected ninja!"

Naruto smiled and waved, welcoming everyone's praise.

Suddenly, a childish voice came from behind him.

"Brother Naruto!"

"Let's have a try!"

Naruto looked intently, and it turned out that it was Konohamaru, who was holding an iron rod in his hand, as if he was going to perform a pole dance.

"Konohamaru, I don't do such naive things anymore!"

Konohamaru suddenly felt sad when he heard it. He seemed to be discouraged and lost motivation.

Who knows, Naruto Kaidō again: "Now start the advanced version of ninjutsu training, beautiful men!'

"Let's find me when you practice this trick!"

Konohamaru immediately nodded happily: "I see, boss!"

Then Konohamaru threw away the iron rod and rushed to Konoha's largest magazine with the cute yellow and slugs, preparing to find a few beautiful male specimens.

At this time, the chat group exploded.

[Killer Bee: I'm so ridiculous, it turns out that a beautiful woman like Kaguya will also be addicted to beauty!]

[H: Does this mean that Kaguya can be conquered instantly with my looks?]

[Darui: You? Forget it! You are far worse than me!]

[Aziyi: I must say that the most handsome person is me!]

[Ai: One by one, shut up for me. Is it really shameful?]

[Ohnoki: It's not to blame them, if you look at the pinnacle of the old man, I will surely make Kaguya stunned for a second!]

[Hei Tu: Grandpa, I really can’t associate you with the word handsome 0)

[Deidara: Smelly old man, just you? Laugh out big teeth! I am the one with the highest value in Iwagakure, right? Huh!]

[Hei Shi: Brother, that was once, now you are not in Iwagakure anymore!]

[Kankuro: I think my appearance is pretty good!]


[Chi-dai mother-in-law: Let me say that the most handsome Sunagakure is my grandson, Sasori!]

[Baki: Sasori? That guy was really handsome when he was young, but I don’t know how it is now!]

[Qing: You said, if we choose the top ten handsome men in the ninja world, can they be used to confuse Kaguya?]

[Changjuro: Senior Young, who do you think can take on this great task?]

[Terumi Mei: From my aesthetic point of view, people with higher ninja values ​​include Deidara, Sasori, Gaara, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji, Uchiha Itachi, Namikaze Minato, Senju Tobirama. 】

[Naruto: What about me? Why is there Sasuke but not me!]

【Terumi Mei: When you turn on Sage Mode, you can be called a handsome guy. 】


[Ai: Damn it, why don’t we have one at Cloud Shinobi Village?]

[Killer Bee: I think I can count as one too, right?]

[Terumi Mei: You go back a little bit, if you are a pervert, you can be at the top!]

[Xiao Li: But now there are only nine people with Naruto, one short of one]

[Might Guy: According to my observation, Konoha Village can still choose one person!]

[Kankuro: King Guy, who else?]

[Hookie: Really? How can Konoha Village still choose handsome guys?]

[Darui: Although it was said by the King Guy, I am a little skeptical this time!]

[Might Guy: If I guess right, my forever competitor, Hatake Kakashi is also pretty good!]

As soon as this remark came out,

People in the chat group raised question marks to express suspicion.

[Oh Nogi: I admit Kakashi's strength, but his appearance may not be high, right? Otherwise, why keep wearing a mask?]

[Terumi Mei: I am good at seeing whether he is handsome or not from the eyebrows of a person. If I expect it correctly, Kakashi's appearance should be okay, but he shouldn't be handsome!]

[Ai: Kakashi doesn’t have a pair of free teeth, right?]

[Asuma: Although I have known Kakashi since I was a child, I haven't seen him in 1.6!]

[Ta Rihong: Would you like to take this opportunity to see Kakashi's appearance?]

[Might Guy: Kakashi, let’s have a game about beauty!]

[Kakashi: Shouldn’t I concentrate now to see if Naruto and Sasuke have sealed Kaguya? Why did you turn your attention to my looks!]

[Ohnogi: Kakashi, aren’t we just preparing to deal with Kaguya? Choose handsome guys, and then use handsome guys to kill Kaguya!]

[Kakashi: This is too fake, right?]

[Naruto: Mr. Kakashi, this is all for the Ninja world!]

[Little Sakura: I look forward to what Kakashi's mask looks like!]

[Shikamaru: I'm interested too!]


At this moment, a line of text appeared on the screen.

Question: Is Kakashi's face value enough to rank in the top ten in the ninja world!

Reward: a renamed card for the chat group!

Condition: Within 1 minute, the top 5 who answered the question correctly can get the reward!

(Just answer yes or no!)

As soon as the problem arises, everyone knows that the screen is really starting to do things!

PS: Please subscribe! Thank you!

I had diarrhea today, and I slept all afternoon, almost crying to death.

There will be one more in a while!.

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