Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 182 : Black Zetsu is capable of pitting mother! (Subscription required!)

On Hokage Square,

Many of Obito's classmates cast respectful eyes on him. Obito at this time is the goggles teenager they are familiar with.

Kakashi said to himself: "Only by dropping the mask, Obito can find himself."

Asuma: "Calculating the time in the future, Obito has been eighteen years away from us. After eighteen years of losing his way, he finally found the right way out."

Might Guy: "I also remembered his name, Uchiha Obito!"

For a time, many people missed Obito before.

At this time,

The screen continues to expose the image.

[In the shot, the little Sakura and the avatar Naruto put their hands on Obito's shoulders as a mobile power bank. On the other hand, Naruto is also waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.

I saw Five Tails Kokuō inside him saying, "Be prepared, Naruto! Chakra reached the boiling point in one breath! Unparalleled strength!"

Just when Kaguya rushed over, Naruto directly used the high-heat Chakra to break through the control of the ice layer and hit Kaguya with a punch.

Immediately afterwards, Kurama also reminded: "I have helped you condense Chakra, Naruto.,

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

In an instant, hundreds of Six Paths Naruto appeared in the sky, attacking Kaguya together.

"Vortex Naruto has been bombing!"

Faced with so many Naruto's physical attacks, Kaguya hurriedly opened the space crack and moved, and "Naruto" also followed.

"Kill the ashes!"

On Black Zetsu's suggestion, Kaguya directly used a killer move to solve Naruto, and then returned to the world of ice and snow.

But what they didn't know was that the one just now was just a clone of Naruto, and the little Sakura and Obito also came out of the Kamui space. 】

Although everyone felt that it was a pity that Obito and Little Sakura could not directly enter the desert world, they felt that they could barely accept it.

After all, this is the starting ball space, which can be linked to other worlds, that is to say, as long as they find it slowly, they will definitely find Sasuke in the desert world!

At the same time they have to admit,

The cooperation of the three of Sakura, Naruto, and Obito is really perfect.

Naruto used physical skills to force Kaguya to move away from space, while the younger Sakura and Obito also seized the opportunity to use Kamui to move in.

It is hard to imagine, this is really the tacit understanding that the three people who have just worked together 673 can have.

However, the three of them cooperated very well, but Kakashi was pitiful.

Without Sharingan, he can only look at him like a scarecrow. I'm afraid the feeling in his heart is uncomfortable, right?

In the chat group,

[Onoki: Kaguya's move just now kills the ashes, pervert, as long as it touches it, it will be turned into ashes. 】

[Terumi Mei: From Black Zetsu's conversation, if you hit someone with that trick, you will die!]

[Killer Bee: Isn't Naruto dead just now?]

[Kakashi: No, there is no Truth-Seeking Ball behind that Naruto, it is Shadow Clone Naruto!]

[Might Guy: Why didn’t I notice this!]

【Gaara: Even if Naruto is not dead, you have to pay attention to that skill, it is too dangerous. 】


At this time, many women in the ninja world once again changed their views on the ninja, Sakura.

They did blame her for grinding her back and not stabbing the Rinnegan to cause Madara to use Infinite Tsukuyomi.

But this time, little Sakura stood up again and again, using her Baihao Technique to cooperate with Obito to launch an action to save Sasuke.

Such a female ninja deserves their respect!

[Hei Shi: Little Sakura, we put away the dissatisfaction with you before!]

[Azabu Yi: We were anxious at the time, sorry!]

[Samui: Compared with you, we do less!]

[Temari: Come on! Little Sakura!]

[Little Sakura:]

Facing the sudden apology, little Sakura looked a little at a loss.

Ino joked on the side: "This time you really caught up with Sasuke and Naruto, Sakura, you have to work hard!"

Little Sakura nodded vigorously, firming up her determination to become stronger.

The big screen has begun to expose again.

[In the camera, Obito said with joy: "Thanks to Naruto, we successfully hid in my time and space, but now even Naruto's clone is gone."

"It's up to you, little Sakura!"

Little Sakura replied firmly (ajbg): "I understand that I also regard myself as a pathfinder."

Immediately afterwards, the war song sounded.

Under the blessing of Baihao's power, Obito's eyes were still bleeding, but he didn't care at all, he was already destined to die, he had nothing to fear!


Just opened a space, but unfortunately it was the magma time before.


Another space was opened. This time it was a turquoise world. I don't know where it is.

Because he opened two places one after another, Obito collapsed suddenly.

"Should you take a break first?" Little Sakura asked.

"Where is Chakra?"

"The reserve hasn't been used up yet!"

Obito reminded: "Remember to save the copy. In the worst case, you won't find Sasuke."

Unexpectedly, little Sakura said firmly: "I will find it!"


As soon as it was opened this time, a large amount of acid was poured in, which directly corroded half of Sakura's arm.

"Is it all right?

"It's okay, it's nothing!"

"Are you a medical ninja? Wait for your injury to heal before continuing. Let's take a break."

"There is no need to rest, Chakra is limited!"

Obito asked in amazement, "Why not heal, even if?"

"I don't want to ruin the opportunity Naruto gave me!"

"When he sees that he is about to fall, will he involuntarily extend a helping hand?,


"It's okay, go on. Kamui!"

This time, they finally found the right place, and they saw Sasuke walking in confusion.

"Sasuke! Come here, hurry up!"

But at this moment, the little Sakura is exhausted, and the Kamui space is about to close.

Seeing that the space was to be closed, little Sakura subconsciously squeezed Obito's shoulder, the strange force directly made him scream

But in the end, Sasuke failed to keep up with the closing of the space. At this moment, Sakura also leaned back weakly.

However, what she didn't expect was that Sasuke had already appeared behind her, put her gently in her arms, and came by for a thousand years.

"How did you come out?" Obito asked curiously.

"This is my ability. I can instantly swap my position with the distant space."

As soon as the camera turned, Sakura's clothes were indeed in the desert world. 】

Because of this video, the audience in the ninja world directly turned to Sakura from black to fan.

The unyielding spirit she showed in this action is admirable.

Even if he didn't waste a little Chakra on his arms, he was afraid that Naruto would be fortunate enough.


The only thing that needs to be distressed is Obito, the body is already bad, and I have to use Kamui forcibly

More fortunately,

In the end they found Sasuke and successfully brought Sasuke back.

Especially in the last scene, Sasuke directly let little Sakura lean in his arms, which is really a little sweet!

Is this the pinnacle of Sakura's life?

In the chat group,

[Killer Bee: It's a pity, I have always been optimistic about the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto!]

[Ai: Are you talking nonsense?]

[Kankuro: That’s okay, no one will grab Naruto with Gaara!]


[Temari: Kankuro, do you owe it?]

[Fragrant Phosphorus: Ah!!! Sasuke actually hugged Sakura!]

[Orochimaru: Phosphorus, don't mess with it!]

[Aromatic Phosphorus: Lord Orochimaru, but people, ah. ]

[Shuiyue: Didn’t you say that you don’t like Sasuke?]

[Fragrant Phosphorus: Who likes him, I, I just, can you get out of here! Shuiyue. 】

Tian Zhi domestic,

Sasuke didn't say much after reading it, just lost her affection for little Sakura, and she no longer disliked her.

To know,

In his eyes, the little Sakura has always been the one who succeeded less than failed. Although they are all companions, little Sakura is more like a make up.

No matter what problem she encounters, she is basically making soy sauce.


From future images, although the overall strength of Sakura still hasn't surpassed him and Naruto, it also played a supporting role.

Especially this time he saved him in the desert world, it can be said that if there is no little Sakura, the entire ninja world will definitely be taken by Kaguya!

Of course, the outcome is still undecided.

"Little Sakura, thank you so much this time.

As if feeling Sasuke's thanks, Sakura, who was in Hokage Square, glanced in the direction of Tanokuni.

But soon turned around, talking and laughing with others.


The more in such a lively occasion, the more lonely she feels

I also feel more lonely when I am chasing in a foreign land.

On the Konoha platform,

Nara Shikahisa: "This time Sasuke and Naruto gather again, they should have a better chance to seal Kaguya. After all, Kaguya's abilities have been touched by them."

Kakashi: "As long as Black Zetsu keeps commanding Kaguya to fight, we have hope!"

Hyuga Hiashi: "This is quite reasonable. From these few fights, Black Zetsu is a koo-headed soldier who has always been out of ideas."

Yamanaka Keiichi: "With such a son, I don't know if it is Kaguya's luck or her misfortune!"

At this time, the image continues to be exposed.

[In the shot, Obito's body showed a violent rejection reaction due to the high-intensity use of Mangekyō's ability, and it was obviously unable to hold it.

"Damn it, I have to hold on until I take them back!"

But at this time, his eyes began to turn black.

"Can't I keep my promise anymore?"


Finally, Obito cheered up and gritted his teeth. Kaidō: "You two are ready, it's time to go back."

The camera turns,

Hundreds of Naruto are still fighting with Kaguya, and Kaguya is also directly acting real. Under the reminder of Black Zetsu, they constantly use co-killing ashes to attack Naruto who has the Truth-Seeking Ball behind it.

Whoosh! Space twists.

Obito, Jr. Sakura, and Sasuke just returned to the world of ice and snow when they saw Kaguya grabbing Naruto with Truth-Seeking Ball behind him with his hair, and then directly stabbed him with the ashes of the co-killing.


"Could it be?"

Little Sakura Sasuke shouted worriedly.

But the next second, that Naruto turned into air and disappeared.

Black Zetsu was shocked: "He actually let the Truth-Seeking Ball be attached to the back of the clone, and was deceived by such a trick!"]

In the Shinobi world, countless people also hurriedly wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads.

Their first idea was the same as Black Zetsu, and they also believed that the Truth-Seeking Ball behind it was Naruto's ontology.

When they saw Naruto being stabbed, they felt completely over.

Who thinks,

Naruto's combat IQ is much higher than they thought!

Directly use the plan and let the Truth-Seeking Ball be attached to the avatar to confuse Black Zetsu and Kaguya.

have to say,

Naruto is a crush on Black Zetsu's IQ this time!

On Hokage Square,

Little Sakura: "What? Are you okay?"

Ino: "Scare me! I thought Naruto was dead.

Kakashi: "Sure enough, with Black Zetsu, a koo-headed soldier, Kaguya shouldn't even want to win Naruto!"

Asuma: "Black Zetsu's strength pits mom!"

Kurama: "You are really a little clever ghost."

Naruto: "Hey, thanks for the compliment!"

Now, viewers in the ninja world feel that Kaguya's chances of winning are getting smaller and smaller, because her battle IQ is completely crushed, and she has the strength but can't show it.As long as Naruto and Sasuke can find opportunities, they will definitely be able to seal her!

"Huh! Kaguya of Damn it, wait to be sealed again!"

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