Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 189 : For the Q&A on the tail beast, who is the group manager!

After watching the grievances between Indra and Ashura with a depressed mood, everyone in the Ninja world understood more what power is and what love is.

The more you understand, the more you cherish.

They hope that Naruto and Sasuke can survive, and then change the fate struggle that has lasted for thousands of years.

In the end, they led the Ninja World to peace.

[In the shot, the space in the space of the beginning ball began to crack due to the Six Paths Planetary Devastation, and the huge gravitational force caused the rocks in the space to gather towards the Ten Tails formed by Kaguya.

It is worth celebrating that when Ten Tails' consciousness collapsed, the nine-tailed beasts broke free from his body and were not sealed together.

Also with him was Uchiha Madara, who was spit out like sputum.

Monkey King: "Finally, Kurama, your Jinchūriki has two sons!"

Kurama smiled triumphantly and turned on the pretense mode.

At the same time, Black Zetsu muttered to himself in frustration: "Hey, there is no other way than this, so let's find a way to revive my mother again!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Naruto jumped in front of him and mocked: "So, you have never wanted to leave your mother to be independent, right?"

Black Zetsu said angrily, "Damn it, you bastard."

"You have been hiding in the dark and making small moves sneakily, but I won't miss you."

"You kid, you are just a part of the ninja history that I created. How dare you treat me like this!" Black Zetsu shouted heartbreakingly.

"History? The history of a ninja is shaped by the lives and deaths of many ninjas."

"Six Eight Zero"

"I learned from them the true meaning of ninjas, the sorrow of death and the tragedy of war, the joy of being recognized and the joy of being loved.

"They entrusted the future to me, you kid who can't even be independent, stop talking nonsense!"

After speaking, Naruto threw Black Zetsu hard on Planetary Devastation's ball. 】

Seeing Naruto make up Black Zetsu,

The audience in the ninja world was so hooked that they finally saw someone making up the knife.

Several times the enemy's Jedi counterattack was that no one on the coalition side made up the knife, and Naruto finally did what a normal person would do.

In the chat,

[The first puppet master in the Ninja World: This Ma Baonan was finally sealed, and I feel sick when I see him!]

[Temari: Black Zetsu, this idiot still wants to reason with Naruto, can he convince Naruto himself in the future?]

[Qing: It’s a pity that Naruto’s Truth-Seeking Ball was also thrown away and wasted! Don’t give it to me!]

[Hyuga Hiashi: You already have a Byakugan from our Hyuga clan. 】


[Might Guy: Naruto makes up the knife well!]

[No. 1 rap singer in the Ninja world: Nice job, Naruto! Oye!]

[Naruto: Hey? Who are you?]

[No. 1 rap singer in the Ninja world: I am Killer Bee! Oye!]


[Kakashi: The rest is how to escape the starting ball space, I don’t know what Sage of Six Paths can do. 】

At this time, a scene that shocked everyone happened.

Sage of Six Paths really has two brushes, otherwise he wouldn't be able to let Naruto and Sasuke fight Kaguya so calmly.

[In the scene, eighteen people from the dead of the five villages and Obito form a huge Eight Trigrams formation and collectively use the Summoning Technique under the command of Sage of Six Paths.

Just listening to a puff, the little Sakura Kakashi Sasuke Naruto, the Nine Tailed Beasts, Uchiha Madara, etc. were all summoned into the Ninja World.

Naruto looked at everything around him dumbfounded, his eyes filled with puzzlement.

Minato smiled softly: "Welcome back, Naruto."


Sage of Six Paths explained to Naruto,

"I have recalled the Five Shadows of the past from the Pure Land, and asked them to help and let them use the Summoning technique together"

Then he solemnly thanked him:

"Naruto, Sasuke, and everyone, you saved the world!"]

This time the scene ends, and the world of Ninja is boiling.

They were completely relieved, and the nightmare that hovered in their hearts was finally over.

The emotions that had been suppressed by Nagato, Obito, Uchiha Madara, and Kaguya were completely released.

No matter how the future develops, the Ninja Alliance finally won and guarded the world.

On the Konoha Village square,

Everyone cheered and cast their grateful eyes on Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto.

Everyone talked happily,

"Class 7 is so handsome, they defeated Kaguya!"

"It can be said that this time it was our ninja from Konoha Village who saved the world!"

"Don't be so arrogant, it is the contribution of every ninja that makes the war won."

"Yes! It was my slip of the tongue just now!"

As the protagonist, Kakashi Naruto and others, faced with everyone's praise, they are a bit ashamed, after all, the future has not happened yet.

Just when Kakashi was about to say something, another line of text appeared on the screen.

Question: Who became the administrator of the Tail Beast chat group?

Reward: One title of "Big Brother Tail Beast"

Condition: Within one minute, the first person who answers correctly can get the title, and the tail beast answers.

Knowing that Ninja was not taken away by Kaguya, the mood of the audience is very beautiful, and they are also happy to participate in these small issues of screen exposure.

But they just wanted to answer a question to join in the fun, but found that there was discrimination.

Not allowing them humans to participate is a problem that belongs to tail beasts alone.

But think about it and you can accept that, so many questions in front are for them humans.

It should also be a unique problem for others.

In the chat group,

Someone started to give advice to the tail beasts.

[The first rap singer in the Ninja world: Ah Ba, you are bold in choosing yourself! You have a good temper, and you have a good relationship with the other eight tail beasts. Isn't the position of the administrator who you are?]

[Gyūki: What you said makes sense than!]

[Cloud Shinobi Ninja: Eight Tails, we support you!]

[Shouzuru: I'm so ridiculous! The administrator can't do it only by relationship, it depends on wisdom! As the smartest of the nine-tailed beasts, I can learn even ninjutsu, so I deserve it administrator. 】

[First Puppet Master in Ninja World: In this regard, I support Lord Shouhe!]

[Temari: There is one thing to say, the IQ of Shouhe-sama among the tail beasts is indeed very high!]

[Kurama: I'm so laughing. In terms of IQ, I, Nine Tails, dare to say second, do they dare to say first? Huh? The stinky civet cat doesn’t know how to Tailed Beast Bomb, so can’t he learn a few ninjutsu? It’s also embarrassing to take it out and pretend to be a cup! Hahahahaha! 】

[Shouhe: You are a saucy fox, don't accept a fight!]

[Kurama: I make you eight tails!]


[Sun Wukong: I won't take any position as an administrator. I don't like dealing with people. ]

[Lao Zi: It seems that the other five tailed beasts are not eligible for the competition)

The time has finally come to consider. The four tailed beasts and three abstained, and only the three tailed beasts, Morizuru, Kurama, and Gyūki, rushed to answer.

3, 2, 1, prepare, start!




As soon as the problem came out, everyone in the Ninja World was stunned!

[No. 1 rap singer in the Ninja World: What's the situation? Why both tail beasts yelled "Kurama"]

[No. 1 Puppet Master in Ninja World: Where's the name of Master Shouhe in my house?]

[Qing: Is it because the system is out of order?]

[Hei Shi: I can't understand it a bit!]

At this time, the screen still did not reveal the answer, but directly presented the future picture in front of everyone, letting everyone guess for themselves.

[In the scene, Naruto yelled out loudly while running towards Kurama: "Hey! Kurama!"

"Is it lonely after being separated from me for so long? I miss you so much!

Kurama Tsundere wiped his fists and roared, "Why are you shouting so loudly? I'm not lonely. My body is clearly in your body."


The surrounding tail beasts laughed..

Sage of Six Paths said with satisfaction: "Even Kurama is ashamed and panicked. This is in line with my ideals."

Immediately afterwards, Four Tails said: "Now we are free, and I want to go back to the Water Curtain Cave."

Five Tails: "I decided to hide in the forest.

Seven Tails: "Can we finally return to our hometown? It feels like dreaming.,

Kurama looked at Gyūki expectantly: "Eight Tails, what do you do?"

Gyūki: "Me? Me, I'm still going back there, that guy's rap is also addicted. How about you?"

Sage of Six Paths also asked: "What do you do?"

Kurama looked around, unwilling to say what was in his heart, "Me"

Sage of Six Paths continued to persuade: "A little bit of Chakra of all of you has entered Naruto's body. Naruto is equivalent to your meeting place. If you have something to discuss, you can use Chakra to discuss it in celebrities."

"Kurama, stay in Naruto's body and be responsible for the management of the assembly hall!"

Kurama pretended to be surprised and said, "Huh?"

"This is no longer a painful thing, right?"

At this time, Kurama reluctantly Kaidō: "Well, since the old man has said so!"

The other tail beasts suddenly laughed.

Kurama pretended to be angry and shouted: "What? What's so funny!"

Five Tails: "Kurama, you are still as uncandid as before.

The shot ends here. 】

After watching this scene, everyone in the Shinobi world couldn't help laughing.

Unexpectedly, Kurama really became the administrator of the tail herd, and it was the kind appointed by Sage of Six Paths.

But Kurama is really not frank enough. Like a girlfriend, he doesn't directly say what he wants and likes to make people guess.

At this time,

The correct answer began to be exposed in the middle of the screen.

Question: Who became the administrator of the Tail Beast chat group?

Answer: Kurama

Winner list: Shouhe

After reading this answer, everyone in the Ninja world called for the insider!

Shouhe's IQ is the number one by the stone hammer!

In fact, this is also someone secretly helping, but everyone will not find this kind of cheating method.

It turned out that before answering the question, Shouzuru firmly wanted to choose his own name as the answer.

However, Gaara promptly dissuaded it and gave an explanation similar to Sage of Six Paths.

It was Gaara's reminder that made Shouzuru change his mind, let it decide to go slant, and answer the question before Kurama.

Unexpectedly, Kurama really became an administrator in the end.

After receiving the reward, Shouhe was both happy 1.6 and unhappy, but thinking about Nine Tails, he could barely accept it.

In the chat group,

[First Puppet Master in Ninja World: Why can't I understand it again?]

[Temari: I see, it was Morizuru-sama who deliberately answered the name "Kurama", and it was answered before Kurama!]

Tip: Big Brother Tail Beast-Shouhe has entered the chat group.

[Shouhe: Sao Fox, grab the title of Big Brother with me, you don't have to pee to see if you are qualified!]

[Kurama, haha, you will be smart too!]

[Shouhe: Sao Fox, pay attention to my title. 】

Tip: Big Brother Tail Beast-Shouhe has left the chat group.

Tip: Big Brother Tail Beast-Shouhe has entered the chat group.

[Shouhe: Beautiful, mad? Is it mad? Is it mad?]

【Gyūki: Shouhe, don't stimulate Nine Tails so much. 】

Tip: Tailed Beasts Administrator-Kurama has left the chat group.

[Shouhe: This Sao Fox also got the title, Damn it!!!]

[Sun Wukong: Hahaha, you two, when will the open fight end? Is it so difficult to reconcile?]

【Gyūki: Yes】


As everyone enjoys the happiness of the tail beasts, a new picture is exposed on the screen again,

The title name is slightly touching,

Video "Naruto, happy birthday!"

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