Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 191 : Madara: Hashirama, don't stand behind me and influence me to pee! (seeking subscr

One day later, the screen is still hanging in the sky.

This made the Ninja audience a little puzzled,

According to normal circumstances, there should be peace in the future, and the role of the screen should also disappear. Why hasn't it disappeared.

In the chat group,

[Qing: There won’t be another limit reversal, right?"]

[Darui: Impossible, the alien Kaguya has been sealed, how could there be enemies!]

[Baki: It may be the end, after all, the war is over, and those trapped in the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi have to be rescued!]


Sure enough, the original screen flashed brightly again.

[In the video, Sasuke saw that Uchiha Madara was also taken out by Summoning, and rushed over to make up the knife like Naruto.

However, he was stopped by Sage of Six Paths, "Madara became Jinchūriki for a time, and now the beasts who have lost the tail are out of help.

Sasuke said coldly: "He is trying to use the tail beast to ask for trouble."

"Sasuke, Naruto, this is the last moment of your predecessor, watch it carefully."

I saw Senju Hashirama slowly walked up to Madara, squatting down and watching Madara affectionately.

"Hashirama?" Madara asked with dim eyes.


"You and me, it's all the same, I can't ask for it."

"How can it be so easy? We are limited in what we can do while we are alive, so we have to entrust our efforts. The younger generations will do it for us."

Madara chuckled a few times and mocked: "You are still so naive. You used to be always optimistic, but this may be correct.

"My dream is shattered. But your dream is still going on.

Hashirama sighed softly, "I was too anxious before. It didn't matter if we couldn't do it at that time. The most important thing is to cultivate talents who are willing to follow us and inherit our dreams."

Madara Kaidō: "Then I can't do it because I hate someone standing behind me.

Hashirama: "When you were young, you told me that we are ninjas and we can die at any time. If there is a way to make each other alive, then only the enemy and us can be frank with each other and raise their glasses to become brothers, but we are all dead. You can have a drink as a comrade-in-arms."

Madara murmured weakly, "Are you comrades-in-arms? Well, in that case, we too."

Immediately afterwards, the screen ends. 】


After watching the ending of Hashirama and Madara, everyone sighed.

Stronger than Uchiha Madara, the boss who plans the entire world, the final ending is so bleak.

In the end, only his former friend accompanied him to death.

Even a strong man like him is very lonely at the moment of death, right?

Sigh, return sigh,

Seeing that Uchiha Madara also completely died, everyone's hearts became more relaxed,

It can be said that in the future, the entire Shinobi world will completely usher in peace!

In the chat group,

【Onoki: Uchiha Madara died, and he also accepted his failure in the end. 】

[Ai: It's really hard to come by. I feel powerless when I think about it. 】

[Terumi Mei: Did you find that Madara’s expression at the last moment is regrettable, is it because it failed to realize the wish of peace in the Ninja world, or because Hashirama said that their relationship is just "war, "friend"?]

[Qing: Master Mizukage, do you want to get crooked again?]

[Ninja World’s No. 1 Rap Singer: By the way, why does Uchiha Madara hate someone standing behind him?]

As soon as the voice fell, a line of text appeared on the screen.

Question: Why does Uchiha Madara hate someone standing behind him the most?

Reward: private message function (you can initiate a separate chat with any person in the chat group)

Condition: Within ten minutes, the first person to guess the answer will receive the reward.

[First Puppet Master in Ninja World: Does this trigger a question and answer?]

[Kalui: Teacher Killer Bee, your crow beak is really amazing!]

[Darui: Master Bi, from your point of view, why does Uchiha Madara hate someone standing behind him?]

[The first rap singer in the Ninja world: Of course I am afraid of being beaten, Oye!]

[H: I realized that in the previously exposed video, Hashirama stabbed Madara with a knife, so he hates someone standing behind him!]

[Qing: Oh? It's very possible to say that, because Black Zetsu still digs out his heart before, is also standing behind]

[Hei Shi: Does this mean Madara was attacked and cast a shadow? That’s why I don’t like others standing behind him!]

On Hokage Square,

Naruto suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that his body is very sensitive and he can't urinate when someone is standing behind him?

When his and Sasuke's hands were glued together, Sasuke was standing behind him, and he could not urinate.

Finally, I couldn't bear it before I managed to drop a few drops to perfuse myself.

Could Uchiha Madara also have this little problem?

It must be!

At this time, the chat group is already preparing to answer questions.

"Uchiha Madara is afraid of being sowed with knives!"

"Uchiha Madara is afraid of being heartbroken by the black tiger!"

"Uchiha Madara is afraid of ghosts!

"Uchiha Madara's body is very sensitive, someone can't urinate behind his back!"

[Teeth: Who answered peeing, laughed at me!)

[Shina: It's also possible, Ya. Can you pee if someone is behind you?]

[Shikamaru: Naruto did not answer this answer, right?]

[Naruto: I think it's possible!]

[Chōji: Naruto, don’t you have any shadows? Has anyone scared you?]

[Naruto: No, just before and Sasuke]

[Uchiha Sasuke: Naruto, you shut up!]

[Everyone: Oh~~~Understood!]

At this moment,

A new image is also exposed on the screen.

It's just that this time, it's a long time, and it directly exposed the Sengoku era.

[By the small river in the jungle, the boy Uchiha Madara Madara is questioning a watermelon head boy,

"I ask who you are!

Kaidō, the watermelon head boy: "My name is Hashirama, and my last name cannot be said for some reason."

"Hashirama? Look good, I will definitely succeed this time!"

Madara picked up a smooth stone and was about to throw it across the river.

In piupiupiu, the stones sank into the water when they were almost on the other side of the river after being floated on the surface of the water a few times.

I wanted to pretend to be forced in front of this watermelon head, but I didn't expect it to be ashamed.

Madara's face was embarrassed, her movements were stiff, and then angrily shouted at Hashirama: "You bastard, you stand behind me on purpose to distract me, right?"

After being punished, Hashirama was also frightened to turn Byakugan, all over his body taking dolazine.

"I'm very sensitive. Someone can't urinate when standing behind them."

Then Hashirama was seated on the ground, covered with black lines, depressed and afraid to speak.


Madara was a little embarrassed by Hashirama's appearance, and hurriedly comforted: "I said, you don't have to be like this, right? Sorry, I shouldn't be arrogant."

Hashirama aggrieved Kaidō: "I really don't know, you still have the symptoms of such annoying days.

After listening, Madara was angry again, "I really don't know if you are a good person or owe it!"

Hashirama laughed and said triumphantly: "Anyway, I'm better than you, that's very clear!'

"Believe it or not, I'll take you out of the water?"

Faced with the threat, Hashirama lowered his head and hugged his legs again depressed, "I didn't want to make you angry. As a plea, I should prepare to be thrown into the river. Throw it!

Madara pinched her waist with her hands, and looked at him speechlessly: "1 You, do you know how annoying you are.

However, Hashirama started taunting again: "But, I hope you can throw it on the other side.

This time Madara went violently, "It's really an eyesore, go aside!'

Then a corpse disrupted the conversation between the two,

"My name is Madara!"


At the end of the picture, everyone in the Ninja world wiped their eyes collectively. They couldn't believe that the two people in the picture were Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara who had just bid farewell to their deaths.

Around the Ninja World:

"No? You tell me that watermelon head is really Senju Hashirama-sama?"

"It turns out that King Guy's watermelon head is inherited!"

"Can you cut the watermelon heads collectively in the future?"

"The eternal god of watermelon head!"

In the chat group,

[Ohnogi: Uchiha Madara when I was a kid was not a bit majestic, and it was funny])

[Gaara: Is it also because Sharingan is turned on that the personality has changed drastically?]

[Ai: I feel that First Hokage when I was a child is so black, no wonder I have been suffering from Uchiha Madara's lessons!]

[Terumi Mei: I feel that Lord Hashirama should not be called the god of ninjas, he should be called the god of inferiority! Or the lost god!]

[Kakashi: By the way, this time the winner should be Naruto, right?]

[Gaara: It should be him, only his answer is the closest!]

[No. 1 rap singer in the Ninja world: I must answer the next question correctly to prove that I am the smartest person in the Ninja world. (Of the king's money) Oye!]

[Ninja World’s No. 1 Puppet Master: Killer Bee, your opponent is Kankuro, the leader of the Sunagakure combat force in Ninja World, Wind Country!]

[Sunagakure people:

[Everyone at Cloud Shinobi Village:)

Suddenly, the answer to the question appeared in the middle of the screen.

Question: Why does Uchiha Madara hate someone standing behind him the most?

Answer: Uchiha Madara's body is very sensitive, someone standing behind will affect him to pee.

Winner list: Whirlpool Naruto!

Everyone in the ninja world saw that Naruto was rewarded.

After all, he is the most unexpected ninja,

I like to engage in these messy operations.

After getting the reward, Naruto immediately tried to use it.

In the chat group,

[Naruto: Sasuke, look at the private message!!!)

[Sasuke: Don't bother me. Otherwise, don't blame me for blacking you!]

[Naruto: I don’t stand behind you and influence you to pee, why do you hate me so much?]

[Sasuke: The video has started, don't keep shaking the chat box for me, otherwise I will go back to the village to kill you!]

As soon as this remark came out,

Sasuke knew he was wrong.

Because Naruto's jitter frequency was faster, he was forced to start Sharingan to see the image on the screen.

PS: Ask for subscription! Ask for monthly ticket and flowers! Thank you for pulling! Gu,

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