Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 218 : Ōtsutsuki Sheren: Hinata, marry me! (Subscribe!)

The mystery of the Naruto scarf has an answer, and the audience in the Ninja world understands that Naruto loves the scarf so much.

I just hope that the misunderstanding between Hinata and Naruto can be resolved,

A discerning person can tell at a glance that Hinata is jealous of this incident.

If the misunderstanding continues,

Hinata was really cut off by the fellow Sheren, all this said~ it's too late.

The most important thing is that everyone hopes that Naruto's elm bump can be resuscitated as soon as possible. Hinata's feelings for him are so sincere,-can he really feel it?

At this time, the screen continues to expose the image.

[In the camera, a group of five people jumped into the emerald green pond. There are countless green bubbles emitting green light under the pond. Seeing Naruto plunged into the green ball, the whole person was immersed in the previous memory illusion.

And Hinata also rushed into the ball, and as a result, she was also immersed in the memory illusion.

But what is surprising is that the red scarf in her backpack is like Yue Lao's red thread, which voluntarily connects Naruto and Hinata tightly.

The picture turns,

Time came when Naruto was in elementary school.

Iruka on the podium asked: "If tomorrow is the end of the world, who do you want to spend with?"

Little Naruto doesn't care about Kaidō: "How can the end of the world come?

Iruka explained: "For example, if the moon falls, so write down the names of people who want to spend time together at the end of the world on paper."

Little Naruto lay on the table, thinking hard, and secretly said: "It's really a headache, I don't know who my father is, I don't know who my mother is, and I don't have friends."


Little Naruto folded the paper into a plane and threw it out, and was reprimanded by Iruka.

At this time,

The grown-up Naruto also returned here again, and smiled helplessly when she looked at herself who liked pranks when she was young.

Then he walked behind Hinata and found,

It turns out that the name written by Hinata turned out to be "Uzumaki Naruto -kun"

Naruto said in shock, "It turned out to be me?"]

After watching this scene, the young fans of Ninja World screamed like a pig.

"Fuck, this dog food is really fragrant!"

"Although the dog food was a bit caught off guard, I think I can eat another catty!"

"Ehouhouhouhou! I feel like I am in love too!"

"Even if it is the end of the world, little Hinata will have to spend time with little Naruto, wow! The sour smell of this love!"

[The first puppet master in the Ninja World: If tomorrow is the end of the world, will there be a girl with me?]

[Temari: Just you? Girls don’t have one, but you can make a few female puppets!]

[Chōji: Why do you want to fall the moon? How can the barbecue fall from the sky?]

[Ino: Chōji, you know how to eat!]

[Shikamaru: I feel that Mr. Iruka is a prophet, so I suggest cutting it directly!]

[Iruka: I...I just talk nonsense!]

On Hokage Square,

Although the Minatos are happy that Hinata likes their son, they also feel guilty for Naruto at that time.

can be seen,

At that time, Naruto had no father, no mother, and no friends.

The other kids wrote about who they wanted to spend the last day with, but Naruto didn't write anything.

"Minato, I feel sorry for Naruto more and more!"

"It doesn't matter, we still have time to make up!"


At this time, the shot continued.

[In the video, the adult Naruto is moved to another place again.

This is the time of Chūnin's exam,

After the battle between Naruto and Ya, there were many bruises on his body.

Hinata blushed, holding the trauma medicine and whispered, "Naruto -kun, here you are."

But little Naruto has a dumbfounded Kaidō: "Why give it to me?"

After watching this scene, the adult Naruto was thinking about something in his heart. He began to re-examine the "strange" actions Hinata made to himself every time.

Next second,

Adult Naruto came to the ground again and was replaced by a street lamp.

At this time, he heard the conversation between Hinata and Sakura.

"That guy is really slow, do you want to give him the scarf?"

"Um "

"Hinata, it's okay. Be confident!"


Then the camera switches,

In a restaurant,

Little Sakura and Hinata had afternoon tea facing each other.

"That fellow Naruto had a good meal, don't you understand what you like?"

Hinata asked, "How to say?"

"The difference between [like glutinous rice fruit ice] and [like lovers]."

Adult Naruto was a little depressed and thought: "People will be happy as long as they eat fruit ice, so don't you choose the same thing???"

Then, the adult Naruto was transferred again,

This time it was a scene of fighting with Heavenly Way Payne, he was pierced to the ground by a black rod.

It was Hinata, who was not afraid of life and death, rushed to pull out the black rod for him, and stood in front of him and couldn't move.

"Why are you rushing up? Hinata!"

"This time I changed to help Naruto-kun. It was Naruto-kun's smile that saved me. So, if it is to protect Naruto-kun, I am not afraid of death at all."

"Because I like Naruto very much."

Adult Naruto looked back at this moment again, his heart was suddenly filled with a wonderful happiness, he couldn't help but whispered softly: "Hinata"]

The image ends,

But the audience in the Ninja World hasn't recovered from the scenes just now for a long time.

Relive Hinata's secret love story again,

The audience only thinks it is so happy to have a girl who always likes herself firmly.

The feeling of being full of my own eyes makes people smile involuntarily.

"Damn it, I'm sour again, can a girl like Hinata like me?"

"Naruto once again relives what Hinata has done for him. His emotional intelligence should be online, right?"

"I think it should be possible. If this is still not resuscitation, I can only use physical craniotomy to diagnose and treat it.


In everyone's expectation.

The screen began to expose new images again.

[In the scene, the scene once again returns to the scene where Naruto treats guests to ramen.

"You really like ramen,

Naruto Kaidō: "Yes, I like it the most. The guy Hinata said he likes ramen very much."

Picture acceleration,

Hinata picked up the handbag and left alone because he was jealous.

And Naruto is still wondering why little Sakura would call him a fool.

At this time, Xiao Mimei came over with dumplings: "Senior, the dumplings are ready! Let's eat!"

But Naruto seemed to realize something. He broke away from Little Mimei's hand and ran in the direction where Hinata had left.


After chasing under the street lamp, a note floats by,

Naruto took it in his hand and glanced at it and found that it was the paper that Hinata had previously written "Uzumaki Naruto-kun".

At this time, memories began to overlap,

Naruto saw Hinata standing in front of him during the Battle of Penn, and said seriously:

"If it is to protect Naruto, I am not afraid of death at all. Because I like Naruto the most."

Naruto suddenly murmured: "Hinata..."]

Seeing Naruto finally wake up and understand Hinata's love for him, countless viewers in the Ninja world clenched their fists fiercely.

"Damn! It's a lifetime series!

"Naruto, a straight titanium man, finally understands Hinata's love for him!"

"Seeing Naruto feel Hinata's love, I feel a lot easier at once!"

"The next scene is probably the sweet time between Naruto and Hinata? Hey, I want to laugh.

In the chat group,

[Oh Nogi: After watching Naruto's love process, my old man wants to find his true love again when he is sixty years younger!]

0 ……Look for flowers……

[Loess: Daddy, you)

[Hei Tu: Grandpa, don't you like grandma?]

[Oh Nogi: Just kidding, I'm very loyal to your grandma!]

[Terumi Mei: Damn it, my old lady wants to fall in love, wants to get married!]

[Ai: Just wait there, I guess you don’t want to find someone in your life!]

[Terumi Mei: Fourth Raikage of Damn it, I can’t find someone before the age of 40, my last name is with you!]

[Ai: OK, I happen to be missing a girl!]


Facing the dialogue between the big guys, most of the audience didn't dare to interrupt at all.

So everyone will focus on the next video, expecting Naruto and Hinata to resolve their misunderstanding and become boy and girl friends.

[In the scene, Sakura uses ninjutsu to bring Naruto back to reality from illusion.

"Is this a trap set by the enemy?"

Shikamaru Kaidō: "Yes, cast illusions on the invaders and trap them in the world of memories. It is a prison made of memory cages. Thanks to the presence of Sakura Sakura who is good at illusions, I was very helpful."

At this time, Sai was also grateful: "Thank you, little Sakura. It broke my sweet dream with my brother.

Little Sakura was embarrassed,

Shikamaru smiled and said, "I can't tell you are thankful."]

Everyone in the Ninja World also laughed,

Sai is really interesting,

However, his exposure image is a little less. The only thing that makes everyone remember clearly is that when he was at Tiandiqiao, he obviously could save Sakura, but he chose to stand by.

And this time, the little Sakura disturbed his dreams again, it can be said that the enemy is on a narrow road.

In the chat group,

[Gyūki: Nine Tails, can't you solve Naruto's illusion?]

[Brother Tailed Beast-Moritsuru: Kurama, are you okay? It's shameful to be able to get Jinchūriki in the illusion!]

[Kurama: Haha, you know what a fart!]

[Kakashi: I don’t think Kurama can be blamed here. Kurama wants to make Naruto realize Hinata’s love and love for him. 】

[Kurama: Hmph, there are still a few smart people in the Ninja world! Shouzuru, your pig brain is also worthy of being the smartest? I am laughing to death, uncle!]

【Shouhe: You】

The chat ended briefly, because the screen started a new exposure.

[In the picture, the five people have finished their rest, Shikamaru, Xiao Sakura, and Sai are the first to jump into the pool.

Naruto hesitated to discuss the dream with Hinata, but he still didn't say it, so he had to jump into the spring with the group.

When Hinata also planned to follow, Sheren suddenly appeared behind her.

"Hinata, I was supposed to greet you. I didn't expect you to come by yourself."

Hinata put on a fighting pose and asked, "Where is Hanabi?"

"Don't worry, fall asleep peacefully in my castle."

"Give me back Hanabi!"

"It depends on your answer, Princess of Byakugan.

Hinata was puzzled by the title he said: "The princess of Byakugan?"

"Hinata, marry me."]


The audience in the ninja world spat out old blood!

They just saw that the relationship between Naruto and Hinata was going to be sublimated, but they didn't expect that the guy Sheren would even say that he wanted to marry Hinata.

I fuck!!!

This person really knows how to dig the foot of the wall.

And there seems to be a threat to Hanabi's life,

This this this!

What if Hinata really agrees to marry Hanabi because of his safety?


Don't dare to watch it!

This plot is too bloody, why is the love tree of Naruto and Hinata so difficult to bloom!

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