Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 282 : The blogger caught for cheating! The audience who scolded the dog in the water! (Subsc

Since the audience in the ninja world is a righteous person,

They have zero tolerance for cheating,

Even if the blogger is the son of Naruto, it cannot bring any favorability bonus.


After seeing the screen start to expose a new picture,

The audience is looking forward to it,

I hope law enforcement officers will take a good look at this cheating guy.

[Video start]

[In front of the camera, I saw that Zoranna was knocked out on the ground, Bo Ren's brows were frowned,

"How dare you..."

Xinxi's plain tone Kaidō: "This is a couple, Konoha is really a mob that only depends on Seventh Generation."

"What did you say?"

"It's the same with opponents up to the semifinals. They grew up comfortably under the protection of Hokage. No wonder it has become like this.

The blogger roared angrily: "Should be less self-righteous.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Bo Ren Qi!"

I saw Wind Style Chakra condensed from the two avatars of Bo Ren, and then the holy white thunder and lightning condensed on the right hand of the body.

"Dying struggling?

"Let everyone see how you were defeated!"

"Black Iron Wing!"

As the sound fell, Xinxi's two steel wings turned into sharp iron cones, and they banged straight against the low-profile version of the blogger "Chidori".

Zi Zi Zi!

The thunder and lightning resounded throughout the arena, and everyone watching was frightened.

Under the stalemate of two ninjutsu,

A crack appeared on the top of Xinxi's iron cone.

"Don't you look down on us!

But the blogger soon felt that his 737 power could not win Xinxi.

I think of Mr. Konohamaru once said: "Going forward requires stronger strength. Don't be discouraged, just take the time to become stronger."

I think that Mr. Sasuke said: "One day you can learn to use powerful moves."

But in the end I thought that my father's back was farther and farther away from me,

The blogger gritted his teeth and said in a low voice: "One day it will be too late, I have to let my father see now, I can win!

The voice fell,

Bo Ren used the capsule in the scientific ninja again, and a purple thunder and lightning appeared from his right hand.

"Purple Power!"

"What?" Xinxi showed an incredulous look in her eyes.


The fist wrapped in purple electricity carries a momentum like a broken bamboo,

All of Xinxi's defenses were smashed in one blow, and he flew to the wall to lose combat ability.

"The game is over! The winner, that's not right, the first place is the whirlpool blogger!" Xiao Li announced the winning result after the end.

As soon as the result was announced, the whole audience was boiling.

Electric: "Awesome, the blogger won!"

Iwabe: "Good job!"

Metal: "Just know that bloggers will definitely win"

Didie: "Unexpectedly, it was not Zuo Liangna who took the first place, but him!"

Lutai: "How many killer coppers did he hide?"

Jing Zhen: "But when did he learn the Sixth Generation trick?"

Sunflower: "Wow, brother won (ajbg), first place!"】

The state of the Ninja audience after watching it is completely opposite to the state in the video.

Everyone sighed in their hearts,

They are angry,

I am angry about why the blogger won the victory.

Why a cheating player defeated Xinxi but no one found out!

Why should everyone applaud, shout, and celebrate for a villain who won by cheating.

He is not worthy!

He is really unworthy!

In the chat group,

[Onoki: Bo Ren’s cheating this time is too obvious, I don’t believe it, has no one noticed it yet?]

[Ai: That purple electric ninjutsu is not a trick that Genin can use at all. Even Cloud Shinobi Jōnin can hardly use the colored Lei Shi!]

[Darui: If no one points out cheating, I can only say that the future of Ninja is really ridiculous! Did everyone selectively close their eyes?]

[Black Earth: There are tens of thousands of people at the scene, it is impossible for one person to fail to see it, unless they are blind!]

[Terumi Mei: Maybe someone deliberately didn't say it, after all, the blogger is Naruto's son. 】


The audience in the ninja world became even more angry when they saw the big guys talking like this.

Now they are sighing in their hearts, wanting to see if the final result is really letting the blogger get away with it?

They don’t believe that the future Ninja Realm is really the Konoha family,

Among the children of Hokage, no one dared to point out cheating?

Doesn't this world of Ninja world have the laws of heaven, the law of kings?

At this moment, the screen started a new exposure.

[In front of the camera, I saw everyone applauding, shouting and cheering for themselves.

The blogger in the middle of the arena couldn't help raising his fist and shouting.


The picture turns,

Just when everyone is happy for the blogger,

On the subjective battlefield, Naruto looked sad,

Then stood up and walked off the court.

Darui asked puzzledly: "What's wrong with Hokage?"

Hei Tu smiled and said, "Seeing that my son is first, I am so excited that I can't speak! The so-called stupid dad is like this."

Off the court,

Naruto appeared and came to the arena,

The blogger ran to him happily and said happily, "Dad, did you see it? I won!"

Then Bo Ren stretched out his right fist, wanting to touch him!


Naruto looked sad, then slowly raised his hand and grabbed Bo Ren's wrist.

Let him show the scientific endurance on his wrist.

"How is this going?"

Seeing that he was caught for cheating, the blogger was embarrassed and didn't know how to explain it for a while.

"This is "

I saw Naruto speak loudly to the surrounding audience: "This is a scientific endurance tool. He used items that were banned for the Chūnin exam.

"This ninja protective gear can release ninjutsu without consuming one's own Chakra, and even reproduce the ninjutsu of others. This is contrary to the purpose of the exam to reflect one's own strength, so the whirlpool blogger is disqualified! The results of the previous exam will be reviewed separately! "

In the stands, Sunflower asked Hinata with a worried expression: "What's wrong with brother? Have you done anything wrong?"

Hinata hugged her and said nothing,

Because she knew it was too serious,

It is hard to accept for both Naruto and bloggers.

Chojuro: "I didn't expect him to do such a thing.

Hei Tu: "This is the so-called stupid son who smacked Hokage in the dark."

At this time,

Lutai stood up and asked in a hoarse voice: "Bo Ren, why? Could it be that you and me were in the same game?"

The blogger is still stubborn, shaking his head Kaidō: "No.. I"

Seeing everyone's disappointed look at themselves, Bo Ren's mood seemed to fall from the clouds to hell.

The audience also changed from the original celebration, cursing:

"Fuck off if you cheat."

"If you want to get the first place by deception, Konoha's shame!"


Naruto took off the blog's forehead protector and said in a deep voice, "You are not qualified to be a ninja. Let's go! I'll preach later!"

Hearing the word preaching, the blogger broke free from Naruto and shouted: "Wait for preaching?"

"Does Dad really have this time?"

"If you can teach me well, it won't be like this now and now."

The image ends. 】


"It's so damn good!"

"The blogger was finally caught for cheating!!!"

"Faced with Lutai's questioning, he still doesn't admit it. How embarrassed he is!"

"If it weren't for cheating, he would have been eliminated by Lutai long ago!"

"Naruto directly killed his relatives righteously, and took the blogger ninja forehead protector away, making him not a Jōnin, it's really enough!"

"To be reasonable, Naruto is still the Naruto in my mind, and I am not used to bloggers at all.

"Unfortunately, Naruto is the saddest one. It's so sad that my son has done such a despicable thing!"

"I don't understand why the blogger was embarrassed to transfer these responsibilities to Naruto in the end, how was he embarrassed!"

"That's right, then why didn't I see Zuo Liangna cheating? It's still bad character!"

The emotions of the audience were released,

I feel much better.

After all, I have been stumped recently by watching bloggers cheating, and I can't travel to the future to expose him.

Now seeing his desolate ending,


PS: Seek self-subscribe! Seek monthly pass! Seek flowers!.

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