Chūnin Exam: Famous Scenes Were Exposed by Me

Chapter 454 : The hungry wolf who was punched by Saitama again!

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[Saitama said to the hungry wolf: "Hey! You bastard, you dare to eat the king's meal!"

"It's really time for you to escape, you bastard!"

The hungry wolf secretly said: "A hero?"

"I will forgive you this time, that's it, next time you have to pay attention to it!"

The hungry wolf turned around and shouted: "Wait, wait, what the hell! Didn't you come to subdue me? Or are you scared?"

"What is your hero's name?"

Saitama's embarrassed Kaidō: "Man with a cloak."

"I didn't hear too clearly, let's be a hero for the time being"

Nosy Xiong said: "His name is not recorded on Mingjian, is he still a newcomer?"

"No matter what kind of miscellaneous fish, it is a hero I will hunt! The kid will give me home early!"

Snot male grabbed the hungry wolf, "Uncle, have you eaten the king's meal? He has let you go, it is better not to trouble him!"

The hungry wolf suddenly burst into blue veins, "What a joke!"

"It's not just the Weird Association, if even this kind of miscellaneous fish heroes and stinks come to sympathize with me, it will be over. Although I don't know how the old man Banggu survived, but I heard the news that he was still alive. Relieved 26, I feel angry!"

"Regardless of what the definition of a weirdo is, I lack a decisive consciousness. I have no doubt about this!"

"Although I don't want to follow the instructions of the Weird Association, I want to get the first rank of the hero!"

"Don't underestimate me, I'm a weirdo!"

"Hey, I am going to take you now"

When the hungry wolf walked behind Saitama and wanted to take the head of the Saitama dog,

Saitama punched and flew the hungry wolf,

Kaidō, sweating profusely: "Sorry, because I am also an accomplice, don't have too many entanglements with me!"

lie on the floor,

The hungry wolf stared at his big eyes and couldn't believe that he was blown away with a punch.

"Uncle, are you okay?"

"The bald hero yelled and messed up, and ran away."

The hungry wolf stood up and said, "I lost? He... what kind of hero is he?

"Don't you remember? Did he get hit in the head")

After watching this scene,

The audience suddenly felt a little funny.

This hungry wolf was beaten by Saitama three times in a row with memory loss, which is really miserable!

But the masses also know from the mouth of hungry wolves,

He did not become a real weirdo.

He was still feeling relieved to hear that Banggu was not dead, which showed that he did not want to kill Banggu, and he still had feelings for Banggu.

In the chat group.

[Silver Fangs: Hungry Wolf)

[Atomic Samurai: This hungry wolf wants to be a weirdo and can't eat the king's meal, but there is nothing else to say. The strength is strong enough, the willpower is firm enough, the ability to resist fighting, and the ability to learn are all top-notch existences!]

[Ihe: Teacher, we are embarrassed by you!]

[Atomic Samurai: No, you at least inherited this merit of me as a hero!]

[Sexy prisoner: Hungry wolf オ is 18 years old, this talent is too strong! With a little growth, he will definitely become a top powerhouse!]

[Jenos: Teacher Saitama is still merciful, otherwise this punch is definitely not as simple as memory loss!]

[Fuxue: Hmph, what qualifications does he have to chase after another one who eats Overlord’s meal!]

[Saitama: I, don’t you also eat and drink at my house]

[Jenos: Yes, the teacher just forgot to bring the wallet!]

[Hei Guang: Hungry wolf is so good to Snot male, Snot male ran like that last time, he was still willing to save him this time!]

[Tong Di: Both of them were bullied in their childhood, so]

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[Just when the hungry wolf still didn't understand why he just lost like this,

The Slicing King suddenly appeared and asked, "Hungry wolf -kun, what are you doing? I have seen it all! It seems that Hungry wolf -kun is different from us!"

The insect god also appeared and said: "From you, you can't feel the weirdness at all!"

The hungry wolf immediately understood the danger, and said to the snot male: "Hey, smelly kid, don't be in a daze, go home quickly, those guys seem to have something to say to me!

"Ah, the cutting king in urban legends, the cutting king who kills people like hell, even children will not let go!" Nose male slumped to the ground in fright.

"Hey, cheer up, stop crying, stand up for me!" the hungry wolf said anxiously.

Slicing King: "I didn't expect Hungry Wolf-Kun, you still have such a small friend!"

Seeing the King of Slicing approaching step by step, the hungry wolf suddenly shouted: "Stop for me, just speak there!"

The cutting king ignored him, but said to the nose male:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't planned to make you cry yet. I plan to make you scream later, I'm sorry Ming."

"It's so pitiful, I will cut you into pieces later!'

"Boy, you can't be saved anymore, I'm sorry!"

The hungry wolf stood in front of the snot male and said, "Get me back!"

Slicing King: "We are ordered by the big eyes to monitor you and see if you are qualified to be our partner.

"Are you immersed in my acting as a weirdo, or are you a weirdo?"

The hungry wolf pulled off the bandage wrapped around his hand, put on a fighting position to protect the snot male, and then mocked:

"Huh, I'm just talking nonsense, I'm still disappointed in your gentle practices!"

"Then, you can kill that kid for us to see!" The Slicing King joked.

"Huh?" The nose male was numb.

"Does this make any sense?" Hungry Wolf asked rhetorically.

"The so-called weird person is abandoning human beings, being abandoned and separated by the world. Hungry wolf, we saw that you saved that child is no good, we must kill him!"

"If you want to be a weirdo and gain our credit, you can't do it without hard work. You haven't abandoned your identity as a human being!"

"We don't need half-hearted guys, we are going to completely destroy human society, and you just lost to a very weak hero!"

"Although it is your carelessness, but if you are like this, it may become our combat power!"

Faced with the choice between the cutting king and the insect god, the hungry wolf said to the nose male in a deep voice: "I just said that, right? The kid will give me home early!"

"My feet are shaking, I can't move! Buzzing, I can't move!" Snot male cried Kaidō.

The hungry wolf suddenly became angry, "Asshole thing! Don't think that someone will reach out to help you because you can't stand up, and no one will come back to help you!"

Then the hungry wolf directly threw the Mingjian in his hand, "Throwing away this kind of thing for me, I have to protect myself! It is at this time that you can only make yourself stronger!

"Stand up!!! Snot male!!!"

Snot male remembered what the 857 hungry wolf said in the hut, and immediately stood up straight.

At this time,

The cutting king's long knife has been pierced, and the target is pointed at the nose male.

The image ends. 】

After watching this scene, the whole world's audience closed their mouths.

can be seen,

Facing the threat of the cutting king and the insect god,

The hungry wolf has done it!

He is worthy of the snot male's help to him,

He is still thinking about snot male at this critical juncture,

He wanted to make the snot male stand up,

Used to resist, become stronger,

Stop being bullied by others.

Faced with threats from members of the Weird Association, he also chose to help Snot male and give him time to escape.

Such a hungry wolf,

Is it really weird?

[Tornado: The hungry wolf is really affectionate and righteous!]

[Banggu: I, I must take the hungry wolf on the right path! Once I only wanted to save the hungry wolf, but now I don’t think so!]

[Atomic Samurai: Your apprentice is actually really good! It is the society that is wrong, not him!]

[Snot male: Uncle!!!!!!!]

[Hungry Wolf: Don't fucking call my uncle, I'm only 18 years old!!''

[Audience: Hungry wolf, we really shouldn't treat you like that)]

[Hungry Wolf: Don’t, I don’t need your sympathy, don’t disgust me!!!]


Although Hungry Wolf’s words are very blunt, everyone knows that he is a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted guy.

Perhaps he is now also considering how he should go in the future!!!

PS: Seeking subscription! Seeking flowers and evaluation votes!!!!.

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