Cicada Moving

Chapter 973: strategic deception

Chapter 973 Strategic Deception

 “Hide the truth from the sky and create something out of nothing?”

Dai Chunfeng has been in charge of the Secret Service and the Military Command for so long, so it is natural that his tenure was not in vain. Hearing these eight words, he immediately guessed Zuo Zhong's plan, which was to send false information to the Japanese or the Red Russians.

For example, it was revealed to the Japanese that the Red Russians wanted to avenge their previous humiliation and had assembled a large force to attack the pseudo-mites. Another example was that they revealed to the Red Russians that the Japanese wanted to avenge Zhang Gufeng and planned to occupy Mengdi.

But the other party is not a fool. He will not trust intelligence obtained by non-national intelligence systems, especially military intelligence.

And unlike other intelligence, large-scale military mobilization is easy to distinguish between true and false. Even if they fabricate military operations out of thin air, it will be useless if the Japanese and Red Russian troops do not cooperate.

He walked around the room with his hands behind his back, then turned around and asked: "Shen Zhong, let's be more specific. It's related to the commission's instructions and the situation in East Asia. We need to think of a foolproof strategy.

According to what you said, Red Russia and Japan are determined to control the scale of the war to a small scale, and unilaterally releasing false information is of little significance. Do you have other ideas? "

Dai Chunfeng asked the question in a deep voice, wanting to hear Zuo Zhonghui's explanation. He knew that his student was not a talkative person, so there must be a way to deceive Japan and Russia.

Zuo Zhong turned slightly towards Lao Dai and lowered his head: "Teacher, students believe that intelligence agencies should not only be an executive agency, but also occasionally use strategic thinking to solve problems.

  Strategic deception in Western information science is a representative example. The so-called strategic deception refers to deceiving and paralyzing opponents through political, diplomatic, military, economic, intelligence and other means.

This is not a single incident, but a set of intelligence operations carried out to achieve strategic goals. The entire process is interlocked and indispensable, requiring the help and cooperation of many departments.

It can not only hide one's true purpose, but also prompt the opponent to make wrong judgments, thereby fully gaining strategic initiative. In fact, this has been discussed in ancient Chinese books. "

At this point, Zuo Zhong stopped talking and gave Teacher Ziyi time to think. As a subordinate, it is not a good thing to finish everything. How can this show the foresight of the boss?

Dai Chunfeng's heart suddenly moved, and he suddenly thought of something, and then clapped his hands violently: "Shen Zhong, you are talking about Jiang Qian stealing books. Yes, this is indeed a classic example of strategic deception."

“Yes, teacher, you are really smart and smart, and the students admire you.” Zuo Zhong showed admiration, looking at Lao Dai with eyes full of admiration, and he brought his acting skills to the extreme.

 In fact, people who have read the book for a few days or even those who have not read the book know that Jiang Qian stole the book that Dai Chunfeng said. Regardless of whether the content of the story is true or false, it is indeed very representative.

During the Battle of Chibi, Jiang Qian followed Cao Cao's orders to persuade Soochow general Zhou Yu to surrender. Zhou Yu pretended to be drunk and let Jiang Qian peek at the fake letter, which stated that the leaders of Cao's navy, Cai Hao and Zhang Yun, intended to surrender.

Cao Cao was really fooled and beheaded Cai Hao and Zhang Yun. When his men brought Cai and Zhang's heads, Cao Cao realized it. Unfortunately, it was too late to regret and had to replace two other naval commanders.

As everyone knows, Cao Cao's army was completely defeated in the first battle of Chibi. Cao Cao laughed out of Zhao Zilong, Zhang Yide in the second smile, and Guan Yunchang in the third smile. He lost the possibility of unifying the Han Dynasty in a short period of time.

 Sun and Liu took advantage of this victory to develop and strengthen their respective forces. After Liu Bei borrowed Jingzhou from Sun Quan, his strength grew rapidly. This battle formed the prototype of the three divisions of the world and laid the foundation for the three kingdoms.

It can be seen that strategic deception has been around since ancient times and is a common way for countries to gain strategic advantages in fierce international competition. Once successful, it will bring huge benefits to the perpetrators.

So what should we do if we want to successfully implement strategic deception and make the enemy believe it is true, or make the enemy confused about what is true and false and dare not act rashly?

  The focus is on the control of intelligence.

 The intelligence here includes stolen or intercepted electronic and text information, behavioral patterns that can reveal important information, and highly confidential plans or military operations.

 A complete strategic deception operation requires many auxiliary processes, and it needs to be coordinated with other related strategic actions to carry out information that is closely consistent and even releases false and true information.

With the intelligence and operational capabilities of the military, it is not difficult to forge corresponding intelligence. What is difficult is how to carry out strategic deception step by step. Dai Chunfeng feels that Zuo Zhong should have a complete plan.

 Realizing that this was feasible, Lao Dai, who had been photographed, had no time to be happy and asked seriously: "How much manpower and material resources are needed to realize the strategic deception you mentioned, and how long will it take to complete it?"

Zuo Zhong did not hesitate and immediately stated the requirements he had thought about for a long time: "Students need 20 staff officers with more than ten years of military and actual combat experience, preferably with backgrounds of studying in Japan and Germany.

 We want to mislead the Red Russians and the Japanese. The intelligence and details involved in the operation must be true, or even truer than reality, otherwise the other party's intelligence and decision-making organs will not believe it.

This requires those involved in the operation to be familiar with the two countries' military theories, military units, ways of thinking, habits of wording and sentence construction in official documents, titles, and even map operations and other skills.

The reason why we do not look for international students from the Red Russian Military Academy is because of their ability to infiltrate dissident elements. To be on the safe side, international students from the German Military Academy who are similar to the Red Russian military theory are a good substitute.

As for the completion time, it will not be too short. This is a protracted battle. What we want to deceive are the smartest people in these two countries. We need to mislead the other side little by little. Haste makes waste. "

Germany and Red Russia have similar military theories. This is not Zuo Zhong’s nonsense. There are historical reasons for this. A detailed study of this matter must start from the last war. The Paris Peace Conference held in 1919 marked the final end of the European War. In addition to ceding territory, giving up overseas colonies, and bearing huge indemnities, Germany also faced great military restrictions.

 The army cannot exceed 100,000 people, and the officers cannot exceed 15,000. The German General Staff and military academies are disbanded, the compulsory military service system is abolished, and Germany is prohibited from possessing new weapons such as tanks, aircraft, heavy artillery, poison gas, and submarines.

These clauses not only angered the German officer corps and people, but also made Germany find that its remaining armed forces were not only unable to deal with domestic problems, but also found it difficult to protect itself when facing emerging countries such as Poland.

Comparing to the humiliation of Germany, the Allied Powers suppressed and isolated Red Russia more directly. In addition to excluding the other country from the Versailles System, Britain, the United States and other countries also formed a coalition to intervene in the Red and White War.

Facing the deterioration of the international situation and concerns about their own security, Germany and Russia gave up their ideological differences and hostility and began to explore contact.

At the end of 1919, the two sides began to negotiate military cooperation on the issue of repatriating prisoners of war.

The Russo-Persian War that broke out in 1920-21 and France’s takeover of Germany’s Ruhr area for war reparations further stimulated Russia and Germany’s desire to rearm themselves and pushed their military cooperation on the fast track.

The Berlin Station of the Military Command discovered through secret channels that in 1922, Russia and Germany formally signed the "Treaty of Raballo" marking the normalization of relations between the two countries, and it came with secret military supplementary clauses.

 Later, with the establishment of Weimar and the personnel changes at the top of Red Russia, Germany reestablished military academies, and military cooperation between Russia and Germany entered a new period.

Especially with the recovery of the German economy and the implementation of the first five-year plan of Red Russia, the two sides began deeper cooperation in personnel training, industrial facilities and military theory.

While Red Russia is rapidly absorbing German military technology and tactics, Germany is also constantly sending military personnel to Red Russia to conduct exercises and receive modern military knowledge under the Red Russian military system.

Since 1925, the Soviet Union and Germany began to regularly send officers to each other for exchanges. In particular, the Red Russia systematically selected potential officers for training in German military academies.

Therefore, Germany is very familiar with the Red Russian military ideas and systems, and students in German military academies are also very familiar with the Red Russian army. It is appropriate to use them to replace the Red Russian students.

“Well, yes, the purity of personnel is indeed the first thing.”

 Dai Chunfeng groaned and agreed to Zuo Zhong's request. Since the founding of the Republic of China, military students have been sent abroad, and many civilians have gone to various countries to study military affairs at their own expense.

Although Zuo Zhong’s screening conditions are strict and require actual combat experience, it is not difficult to gather 20 people. Who has let the Republic of China lack everything in these years, but it does not lack war.

Immediately, Lao Dai sat back in his chair, spread his arms on the edge of the table, and assured boldly: "If you need anything else, just tell me. This operation is the highest priority, and you don't need to worry about logistics."

 “Thank you, teacher.”

Zuo Zhong bowed slightly, and then continued what he just said: "If possible, it is best to find two more senior officers with experience in commanding large corps. This is very important.

Students also need a group of telegraph operators who are familiar with the telegraph services of the Red Russian and Japanese military, as well as two registered Japanese and Red Russian radio stations for use during the mission.

In addition, can we coordinate a few underground party defectors who have lived in Red Russia for a long time? If we want to perfectly forge intelligence on Red Russia, we cannot do without these people.

Their surveillance work was entrusted to Wu Jingzhong, the deputy director of the First Division. Lao Wu was an old man from the Changcheng Investigation Section and a top student at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, so he was trustworthy.

Finally, please ask the teacher to coordinate a confidential office location. During the mission, everyone, including me, will be kept in confidential isolation. No one is allowed to leave without your personal order. "

Without even thinking about it, Dai Chunfeng waved his hand: "Okay, I will report to the committee immediately. Commanding personnel are easy to find. During this time, many senior officers happened to return to the mountain city for recuperation.

 The list of qualified staff officers and radio operators will be handed over to you by tonight at the latest. It takes a thousand days to raise troops but only one moment. The government has been raising troops for so many years. It is time for them to contribute.

Anyway, I will consult with your old principal about personnel. The Central Committee has done some work in recent years. It is not difficult to pick out a few reliable local and lower party members.

As for the office location, I will give it to you as soon as possible and ensure that the location is hidden. I will also contact the top military officials and ask them to send an elite force to protect you outside.

Shen Zhi, teacher, I will leave this matter entirely to you. You can use all the insiders and lurking personnel of the military command. The Red Russians and Japanese must be dragged back to Nomenkan! "


Zuo Zhong replied decisively, and finally got the result he wanted. Thinking of starting a new contest with his old enemy, he couldn't help but feel a little hopeful in his heart.

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