Cicada Moving

Chapter 974: filter

Chapter 974 Screening

 Dai Chunfeng was born in Huangpu. He was rigorous and capable in doing things, and his work style was vigorous and resolute. He said that the personnel list would be sent that night, and he sent it that night without any delay.

 After urgent communication and wrangling with the military and the Central Military Commission, a document containing hundreds of staff officers, radio operators, and general personnel appeared on Zuo Zhong's desk.

Zuo Zhong first picked out the files of the staff members who stayed in Germany. Looking at the perfect resumes, he couldn't help but smacked his lips. It was not that the party had no talents, but that the talents were not reused.

The Republic of China and the previous dynasties have always attached great importance to military students studying abroad. There are a large number of officers in the army who have studied in Germany, such as "General Officer Gao Jian" Qiu Kuaimo, "Yongdong Master" Huang Mou, etc.

But those who get ahead are only a minority after all, and the larger number are still middle- and low-level officers. Just like these people on the list, the highest is no more than a lieutenant colonel, and the lowest is a lieutenant.

This is completely inconsistent with their higher education and overseas experience. So what if they are capable? The Republic of China is so big that there is no shortage of capable people. In the final analysis, there is no foothold.

On the contrary, if you have connections and background, even if you lack ability, it is only a matter of time before you get into a high position. Of course, Zuo Zhong is not qualified to criticize this matter, after all, he is a vested interest.

If it weren't for someone's relationship with Dai Chunfeng, even if he caught the locusts, he would probably only get a comment from the top officials of the government that he was acting recklessly and still needed to be tempered.

Zuo Zhong smiled self-deprecatingly and quickly selected all the international students from the Berlin Military Academy, Munich Military Academy, and German Army Officer School in the files, and eliminated all the others.

The reason is that these three military academies once received many Red Russian officers, and most of them trained officers and even commanders of various arms. Their daily coursework and training included strategic literacy.

 Only when these two conditions are met, the strategic deception mission proposed by Zuo Zhong can be better completed. Those foreign students who are purely technical arms military academies obviously do not meet the requirements.

After this screening process, only less than half of the dozens of staff officers remained. After excluding some candidates who had no actual combat experience or had vague backgrounds, ten staff officers who stayed in Germany were quickly selected.

Putting the files of these people aside, Zuo Zhong spread out another large pile of information, which was obviously more information than the one just now. Among them was a staff officer of the Guo Army who had studied in a Japanese military academy.

Due to the geographical proximity to the Republic of China and the low cost of studying abroad, there are countless military students studying in Japan among the military, ranging from a certain person to an ordinary officer, and the number exceeds tens of thousands.

 So it is easy to find people who meet the conditions. The problem is that with the virtue of the Japanese, moles will inevitably be planted among international students. This will test Zuo Zhong's experience and vision.

Zuo Zhong’s method for selecting people is very simple. Those with unknown past experiences are not selected, those without parents, wives and children are not selected, those who have stayed in Japan for too long are not selected, and those with Japanese connections are not selected.

Four "no selections" eliminated hundreds of people, and he slowly reviewed the remaining files. It took him several hours to finally select ten staff officers with the most reliable backgrounds and the most experience in Japan.

These ten people are either old men from the Guojun army with clear origins, or have served in key positions, or their relatives are all in the mountain city. In short, the possibility of being involved in espionage is relatively small.

 After selecting the most important staff members, Zuo Zhong rubbed his forehead, took a short rest and began to review the list of operators. Compared with the previous two, this part of the work was much simpler.

  Telegraph operators are inherently classified jobs, and the mobility of personnel is not large. Each background check is also a key target. People who can be recommended by Dai Chunfeng have basically no problem with their reliability.

What Zuo Zhong has to do is to select the people who are most familiar with the communications of the Red Russian and Japanese military. In addition, if they are trustworthy, the subsequent screening work of these people is also indispensable.

 Their interpersonal relationships, daily work records, financial status, etc. will be emphatically investigated to ensure the purity of those participating in this operation.

The night was getting deeper and deeper. Zuo Zhong lit a cigarette under the desk lamp and turned his attention to the personnel roster. He slowly opened the first file and looked at it for a while, showing disgust.

Betrayal of life, betrayal of comrades, greed for vanity, greed for money and lust, these are the scorns of the world, and it is Xu Enzeng’s Secret Service Headquarters and the Central Commander-in-Chief who recruited these scum.

You must know that these people can betray once and betray a second time. The reason why so many members of the Central Unification Team defect to the Japanese is because there are too many traitors in the Central Unification Team.

  Scanning the roster coldly, Zuo Zhong flipped through it quickly, and then stopped on one of the pages. There was a photo of a young woman posted on the file. She looked quite elegant.


Zuo Zhong stared at the photo thoughtfully, raised his hand to rub his chin, as if he thought of something interesting, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he turned it over and continued to select people.

 Quickly selected a few dog traitors who had lived and worked in Red Russia from among the staff. He picked up the phone on the table and called the duty room, asking the other party to notify Gu Qi and Gui Youguang to come see him.

Not long after, the two disheveled people walked into Zuo Zhong's office. They were a little sleepy. It looked like they had just been woken up. They had no choice but to do this job far away from normal working hours.

 Are they going to tell the Japanese or other enemies: It’s past working hours and you should stop engaging in espionage activities?

This is naturally impossible.

Those who work in intelligence have to be really busy, let alone sleep, or even have time to eat. As veteran intelligence officers, Gu Qi and Gui Youguang have long been used to it.

Gu Qi fastened the buttons on his collar and asked in a low voice: "Secretary-in-Chief, you called me and You Guang over so late. Do you have anything to tell us?" "Yes."

Zuo Zhong patted the dozens of files on the table and ordered: "Your two departments will check the details of these dozens of people, and if there is no problem, their family members will be secretly monitored.

 Be careful to keep it confidential. The people on the list are related to a top-priority task. The committee is also paying attention to this matter. Hurry up. I can only give you three days. Okay, go ahead. "

He did not explain the reason, but directly issued the order, which was related to the fate of the country. Except for himself, all staff officers, telegraph operators, and dog traitors must undergo the most stringent screening.

Without asking any further questions, Gu Qi picked up the files on the table and left, leaving behind a confused Gui Youguang and Zuo Zhong staring at each other.

 “What are you looking at?”

Zuo Zhong said angrily, and pressed down the desk lamp. The light shone on a certain bald head, which was really dazzling.

“It’s nothing, Deputy, you asked me to come here to watch the show, right?” Gui Youguang, whose head was shining with wisdom, was a little depressed. No one would be happy to be woken up from bed in the middle of the night.

Zuo Zhong glanced at the other person, stood up and put the documents in the safe, then came to the clothes rack and put on his coat while scolding.

 “What nonsense, gather your special operations team and accompany me to a place.”


Gui Youguang was overjoyed when he heard this. He turned around and ran out, preparing to gather people. At this time, he took the operatives out, and there must be an important arrest mission.

Last time he arrested black marketeers, it was just a small incident, not satisfying at all. He had long wanted to find an opportunity to show off his skills, and the opportunity came today.

 The big bald head excitedly called a team of 10 people. On the government's own territory, 10 operational experts who have undergone rigorous training for many years are enough to complete most tasks.

Zuo Zhong smiled slightly when he saw this scene and got into the car. After the other party encouraged the little agent to get on the car, he reported an address to the driver and the car started to set off immediately.

A few minutes later, a few dim car lights crossed the dark mountain city streets and headed north of the city. The soldier in charge of light control at the intersection immediately dropped his gun from his shoulder and prepared to block the road.

As the saying goes, you have to rely on the mountains and rivers to make a living. With the development trend of legal currency becoming waste paper, it has been difficult for soldiers in the army to support their families on military salary, so they naturally have to find ways to develop side businesses.

But the leading officer stopped his men. This kind of light could be seen at a glance as being emitted by anti-aircraft lights. They could not afford to offend anyone who dared to gallop through the mountain city at night and had anti-aircraft lights.

An anti-aircraft light is a car light with a shading lampshade on the upper part to reduce the scattering of light into the air, avoid direct viewing of ground light sources from the air, and reduce the probability of being discovered.

Although this thing is simple, the Republic of China lacked stamping technology and did not have the ability to manufacture on a large scale. It was generally only used as special cars for important agencies and senior officials.

Therefore, the leading officer will stop the car only when he is full and full. There is a saying that those who do not fight are not diligent, not lazy, and only fight those who do not have a good eye. If you reach out randomly, you may not get the benefit, but attract a few big ear-scratchers. .

When the convoy passed by and he saw the military plate on the rear of the car, he was even more grateful for his decision. This was a special agency carrying out a secret mission, and he encountered someone who could easily die.

However, the north of the city is full of slums and stilt houses. What mission can the other party perform there? The leading officer thought for a long time to no avail, so he had no choice but to shake his head and waved his men to leave.

At the same time, Gui Youguang in the car asked the same question, but Zuo Zhong did not answer. It was not until the motorcade stopped near an inconspicuous courtyard that he slowly spoke.

"As soon as there is light, take people to control all the security personnel around the yard. Be careful not to cause any casualties. Then go in and get this woman out alive. Don't worry about the rest."

As he spoke, he handed over a photo. It was the young woman from the underground party traitor file. Through the moonlight, you could vaguely see the words "Study Abroad in Mosk" written on it.

Gui Youguang didn't ask who the other party was, and immediately jumped out of the car and led his men into the darkness in a fighting formation. Soon, a muffled groan came from the distance.

Zuo Zhong glanced out of the car window and ignored it. If he couldn't even beat..., the big bald man should go home early to hold the child. No, he went to the Northeast to hold the child.

But after all, the bald man was one of the top action experts in the army. He came back carrying a cloth bag with a playful smile after just over ten minutes. When he saw Zuo Zhong, he couldn't wait to say.

“Vice-in-Chief, it turns out we are here to capture Xu Enzeng’s concubine. When the brothers rushed in, the old boy was busy working. I knocked him out. Don’t worry, no one will be killed.”

Zuo Zhong glanced at the bulging pockets on the floor and nodded with satisfaction. This woman was related to the follow-up plan and must be in his hands. After thinking about it, he waved his hand to signal the driver to return.

Now everything is ready and all that is left is the east wind. As long as the two senior officers with experience in commanding large corps and the secret location are ready, the strategic deception operation can officially begin.

I just don’t know which confidant someone will send to the future. Well, it won’t be the pig’s tactician. Sitting on the bumpy car, Zuo Zhong suddenly felt a little panicked...

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