Cicada Moving

Chapter 977: Change general

Chapter 977 Changing Generals

Zuo Zhong did not immediately introduce the information about Feiklenko, commander of the 57th Red Russian Army. Instead, he asked Chief Zhang an irrelevant question.

“Sir Zhang, how do you think the Red Russian side performed in the Battle of Nomenkan?”

“Not so good. According to the information provided by your military commander, the Red Russians have an absolute advantage in this battle both in terms of numbers and equipment. It should be a great victory.”

 Chief Zhang frowned and said, and then showed an incomprehensible expression: "But the result is that although the Red Russian and Mongolian troops did a good job of keeping secrets, the specific number of casualties is unknown.

But even two important personnel, the commander of the 6th Mongolian Cavalry Division and the director of the combat department of the 9th Red Russian Armored Brigade, were killed in action. Presumably Russia and Mongolia suffered huge losses, or at least a tragic victory.

What is even more incomprehensible is that after defeating the 64th Regiment of the 23rd Division, the Red Russians actually withdrew to the west bank of the Halaha River, which was simply inexplicable. "

Zuo Zhong nodded when he heard the words. What the other party said was the latest intelligence received by the military commander. The Japanese were victorious and the Red Russians were defeated without defeat. This result surprised everyone.

And according to a certain Viscount who did not want to be named, after the war, the commander of the 23rd Division reported to the Kwantung Army and Tokyo that the battle was won.

This person claimed that the 64th Regiment not only killed the commander of the Mongolian Cavalry Division, but also annihilated the 15th Cavalry Regiment of the 6th Mongolian Cavalry Division, and at the same time ordered the reorganization of the division's cavalry regiment.

The Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters in Tokyo also joined in the fun and sent a telegram to the Kwantung Army to congratulate the 23rd Division on its "brilliant victory."

  Fabricating military exploits is nothing new in the Japanese army. Moreover, the east bank of the Harha River is indeed in the hands of the Japanese, so the division commander is not bragging.

After reviewing this piece of information in his mind, Zuo Zhong asked Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi to sit down in the corner of the air raid shelter and asked another question.

“So, Commander Zhang, what do you think of Feiklenko’s setting up his headquarters in Tamtsagbulagak, one hundred and twenty-five kilometers away from Nomenkan?”

Tamchagbulak is located in the eastern border area of ​​Mongolia. There is a front-line airport of the Red Russian Air Force there and is an important strategic support point of the Red Russia in Mongolia.

 As the former education director of Huangpu, Chief Zhang naturally knew the strategic locations around the Republic of China, and he immediately answered this question.

“It’s hard to understand Zhang. According to our army’s regulations, the division-level headquarters should be 3-5 kilometers away from the front-line positions, the corps-level headquarters should be 10-11 kilometers away, and the group corps-level headquarters should be 12-20 kilometers away.

The regulations of the Red Russian Army and the Fruit Army may be slightly different, but it is not six or seven times as many. Commander Feiklenko must be a little scared.

As a soldier and a military-level officer, it is really disgraceful to be so greedy for life and afraid of death. If the other party is under my command, he will be dealt with according to military regulations. "

Zuo Zhong and Guo Yizhi nodded slightly in agreement. The general did not need to go to the front line to fight, otherwise the command center would be knocked out and the troops would lose command and the consequences would be disastrous.

Even though 10 to 11 kilometers does not seem close, if the Japanese cavalry and tanks attack with all their strength, they can reach this distance in less than half an hour. This is still a conservative estimate.

If you encounter an extreme enemy and use paratroopers and large-caliber cannons, such a small distance will have no effect, so it is normal for the headquarters to move back.

But moving back 120 kilometers is too exaggerated. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. At such a long distance, the commander cannot command operations in time according to the changes in the battlefield.


Did he accidentally insinuate a certain micro-manipulation master? Zuo Zhong couldn't help but think of a joke. The machine gun of **** company **** company of **** division **** moved ten centimeters to the right.

Besides, after Commander Zhang evaluated the location of Feklenko's headquarters, he suddenly realized something, looked at Zuo Zhong with some uncertainty, and asked.

"Shen Zhi, are you saying that the Red Russian side is likely to change its generals?"


Zuo Zhong nodded without hesitation, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the topic had finally been brought to this matter, otherwise he really wouldn't know what to say next.

 In later generations, anyone who has received nine-year compulsory education will basically know about the Battle of Nomenkan, and they should also know who the commander of this battle was.

The man who commanded the Red Russian army to fight the Kwantung Army was the Red Russian general Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov who was somewhat famous in World War II.

But others are not clear about this matter. Mr. Zuo Zhong cannot directly tell Commander Zhang that he is a visitor from later generations. Red Russia will definitely replace the commander of the 57th Army.

He had to find a suitable reason and let the personnel involved in the operation draw the conclusion that the probability of changing generals on the spot was very low. You should know that this is a taboo for military strategists.

There are numerous examples in history of defeats caused by substitutions before the battle. Under normal circumstances, no country’s top leaders would make such an unwise move.

But now that the result is known, it will be much easier to look for relevant clues and evidence. Coupled with verbal inducement, this matter will not be difficult to achieve.

Sure enough, Chief Zhang, an experienced veteran, did not disappoint him. He immediately analyzed one thing from the two questions just now - Feiklenko is about to be replaced.

 When Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi heard Zuo Zhong's answer, their expressions suddenly changed. If they didn't know who the commander of Red Russia was, how would the Mirage Plan be implemented? Red Russia is not a small country, and there are countless senior officers qualified to command the 57th Army. They cannot imitate all the military-level officers of the other party.

 After pondering for a moment, Commander Zhang slowly said: "Shen Zhong, according to your analysis, which general is most likely to be sent by Mosk to command the Nomenkan battle?"

There are specialties in the art industry, and professional matters should be left to professionals. Intelligence analysis is the specialty of intelligence personnel. Instead of making random guesses, it is better to listen to the opinions of military commanders.

Facing Chief Zhang’s question, Zuo Zhong did not answer immediately. He first took out a piece of information and handed it to him, and then asked the third question.

“Sir Zhang, have you seen this person?”

Chief Zhang took the information and looked at the photo above. After recalling it for a while, his pupils suddenly shrank, he raised his head and nodded solemnly towards Zuo Zhong.

“I’ve seen him before. Last summer, this person visited the government with the Red Russian delegation. At that time, I attended the welcome dinner and was introduced by others that his name was Zhukov.

His position is the commander of the 6th Cossack Cavalry Corps. He is a man of few words. Judging from the few words he has spoken, he is a man with a troubled heart and lofty ambitions.

But he did not stay in the Republic of China for a few days before leaving. It is said that he was urgently recalled by the Red Russian military and returned to serve as deputy commander of the Belarusian Special Military Region. "

After telling his impression of Zhukov in his memory, Chief Zhang put down the information and asked Zuo Zhong: "Why, Shenzhi, do you think Zhukov will become Feklenko's successor?"



 Chief Zhang was a little confused as to why Zuo Zhong was so sure. Could it be because Zhukov would come to the Republic of China in the future? However, there were many Red Russian generals who had come to the Republic of China, and he was not ranked at all.

After the baptism of the founding war of Red Russia and the anti-intervention war, there are many famous generals in the Russian army who are older, more meritorious and more experienced than Zhukov, but this person will not be able to turn.

 Determining the candidate for the new commander of Red Russia is related to the success or failure of the Mirage Project. It must be handled carefully. If the wrong person is guessed, no matter how much other work is done, it will be useless.

Zuo Zhong said calmly: "There are three main reasons. First, the reuse of Zhukov is not an accident, but inevitable. This is directly related to the political ecology of Red Russia.

Zhukov’s superior is Marshal Budyonny of Red Russia. Budyonny is one of the only two remaining marshals of Red Russia. He is deeply trusted by Mosk and can be said to be under one person.

 Zhukov is also Budyonny’s right-hand assistant and subordinate. He is a rising star in his faction. He has been promoted by Budyonny many times. Nomenkan is a good opportunity for gold plating. "

 Chief Zhang smiled when he heard the word gilding. No matter where he is or what his profession is, relationships and connections are factors that must be considered. Zhukov does have an advantage in this regard.

Actually, Zuo Zhong had some things he couldn't say directly. Zhukov served as the regiment commander of the First Cavalry Army formed by a certain Huzi himself. He belonged to the direct lineage and was from the First Army in the Republic of China.

The commander of this unit is Budyonny, the political commissar is another marshal Voroshilov, and the division commanders are Timoshenko and Gorokossovsky. Its members are basically not affected by the Great Purge.

Having served as a subordinate to so many talented people, how can one have such a small background? No one can compete with Zhukov when it comes to gold plating. To put it bluntly, the opponent can be called a red Russian little Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong secretly put a piece of gold on his face, poured a glass of water for Commander Zhang and Guo Yizhi, and then continued to explain why Zhukov could succeed Feiklenko as the army commander.

“Secondly, the opponent has been promoted step by step from ordinary soldiers to cavalry commanders, and has also studied in military academies at all levels. He lacks neither actual combat experience nor new tactical concepts.

At the same time, according to public information, Zhukov also has experience in planning military district-level exercises, which gives him the ability to mobilize and organize large-scale mobile operations.

 Finally, Zhukov came to the Republic of China as a military adviser to aid China. Even though the time was short, he had a certain understanding of the Japanese army's combat style and troop organization.

Although he is not a "Japan expert", he understands the Japanese army better than the generals in Red Russia. In summary, he is the best candidate to lead the army to fight the Kwantung Army in Nomenkan.

 Chief Zhang, Chief Guo, this is the conclusion of the analysis of humble positions. I think the commander of the Red Russian side should be based on Zhukov. I wonder if the two officers have different opinions. "

After stating the three reasons, Zuo Zhong looked at Zhang and Guo with confidence. After such a "careful analysis" and so much "evidence", he believed that they would not object.

This is also true. Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi discussed it in low voices for a long time and found no logical loopholes. Zhukov is indeed very likely to become the commander of the 57th Army.

 In the end, Commander Zhang accepted Zuo Zhong’s conjecture. He took Zhukov’s basic information and combat examples and silently looked at them in the corner of the air raid shelter, closing his eyes from time to time.

Zuo Zhongze walked out alone. He looked down at his watch, walked to an empty room, took out his mobile phone and password pad, quickly typed a string of codes and clicked send.

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