Cicada Moving

Chapter 989: Take the bait

Chapter 989 Taking the bait

 Secret camp.

Zuo Zhong received the news from Wu Chunyang's people. He stood in the air-raid shelter and thought for a few minutes. Then he looked at Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao, who looked tired. The three of them looked at each other and nodded together.

Everyone has been in this dark place for so many days. The Nomenkan battle plan of "Red Russia" and "Japan" has been formulated, and the false information can be released.

“Lao Wu, contact the Telecommunications Office and immediately send a message to the Shanghai Special High School in the name of “Songzi”. Remember, do not send the entire “Red Russia” combat plan, and the content should be as vague as possible.

Akizono Yumi serves as a counselor to the Lieutenant Colonel of the Military Command Department. Although he has access to all intelligence related to military plans, there are other people in the office and cannot record or take photos.

In this case, the other party can only rely on their brains to forcibly memorize the documents. The information should be brief enough to be true. It is up to you to decide what should be sent and what should not be sent. "

Zuo Zhong first gave an order to Wu Jingzhong, and then turned to look at Song Minghao. He did not reveal the steps for launching the "Japanese" combat plan, but asked him to print out the plan and explain some details.

“Lao Song, the paper and ink used in the document, the writing, binding, signature, and seal of the document itself must conform to the Japanese military’s habits, and there must be no mistakes.

 Create some traces of reading in the details of the document so that people can see it at a glance. Someone will hand it over to you later. As for where the document went and who it was given to, don’t ask, do you understand? "

“Understood, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, don’t say what you shouldn’t say, I know the rules.”

Song Minghao immediately replied that he was an old agent and had been engaged in intelligence since the Republic of China for more than ten years. If he couldn't control his mouth, the grass on his grave would probably grow several feet high.

Seeing that he understood the seriousness of the matter, Zuo Zhong said nothing and waved his hand to let the two go to work first. He turned around and walked towards Chief Zhang and Guo Yizhi to discuss the next plan.

Wu Jingzhong and Song Minghao immediately began to act according to Zuo Zhong's order. The entire military command was like a huge and precise machine, operating slowly and accurately for a goal.

Countless intelligence personnel in Shanghai, Tokyo, and mountain cities are like gears, meshing in an inherent order, transmitting and implementing Zuo Zhong's will to the final link.

 Under the control of this machine, it is unknown what kind of sparks the Red Russia and Japan will collide with. Zuo Zhong has done everything he can, and leaves the rest to fate.

 A few days later.

In the conference room of the Tokyo General Staff Headquarters, an old man wearing a Japanese general's uniform and a mustache shouted angrily at other participants.

“Baga, I never agree to go to war with the Red Russians. The empire cannot bear the pressure of fighting on two fronts. Once defeated, the empire will lose the entire Far East.

We cannot gamble with the land that the empire spent decades and sacrificed hundreds of thousands of soldiers to acquire. Gentlemen, that would be irresponsible.

The Red Russians will not take the risk of fighting on two fronts and launch a general war with the empire. That will only give Germany an opportunity to take advantage of it. You should know it very well! "

This person was Ueda Kenkichi, the commander of the Kwantung Army. He spoke fiercely against going to war with the Red Russians. His face turned red as he spoke and he kept waving his arms.

At the head of the conference table, Prince Hanyuan Gong Zairen, Chief of Staff of the General Staff Headquarters, raised his forehead and felt helpless towards this stubborn subordinate.

 Today's meeting was attended by senior staff from the General Staff Headquarters and the Kwantung Army. There was no point in arguing. What was important was to come up with a specific plan for the Red Russians.

He thought for a while and signaled to Doihara, who was opposite him, to persuade Ueda Kenkichi. He had previously served as the head of the General Staff Headquarters and was currently the commander of the Fifth Army of the Kwantung Army. It was most appropriate for him to come forward.

Facing Prince Zaihi's hint, Doihara secretly complained, but the first level of officialdom was overwhelming, let alone the higher one, so he had to stand up and persuade Ueda Kenkichi.

"Your Excellency, Commander, please be patient. I can explain this matter."

 Ueda Kenkichi, who was furious when he saw his subordinates coming forward, could not say anything else to avoid being laughed at by the Kwantung Army, so he sat down on the chair angrily.

Doihara breathed a sigh of relief, then took out a document and handed it to Ueda respectfully: "Your Excellency Ueda, this is urgent information sent by the Intelligence Department of the Consulate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Shanghai.

  Our intelligence officer "Song Zi" lurking in the Weihui of the Kuomintang Army came with the news that the Red Russians were ready for a full-scale war, and they even provided a rough battle plan to the people of the Republic of China.

 Mosk has decided to recruit a group of elite army troops and a large number of armor, artillery, and aviation units from Europe to support the newly appointed 57th Army Commander Zhukov.

I think everyone here understands the purpose of the Red Russians in doing this. It is nothing more than to use the Republic of China to hold back our front-line troops in the pass, so that the two can jointly launch an attack on the empire.

 This matter is related to the empire's interests in the Far East and His Majesty's great cause of unifying Asia. That's why we have today's meeting. Your Excellency, war is unavoidable. "


Ueda Kenkichi was stunned for a moment and asked in disbelief. He immediately took the file and checked it, and found that it indeed recorded some arrangements made by Red Russia for Nomonkan. After reading the information, the hands of this old Japanese soldier who had been in the army for decades were trembling. As the commander of the Kwantung Army, he knew very well that the strength of the Red Russian army was by no means comparable to that of the Kwantung Army or even Japan.

Leaving aside everything else, how can a force that relies entirely on mules and horses to transport logistical supplies defeat a semi-motorized enemy that relies on Nogi Hitori's human bomb offensive?

How many soldiers would have died in the battle, and could the empire, which had been fighting fiercely with the Republic of China for several years, provide sufficient pensions? Can the fully loaded military industrial system provide sufficient weapons and ammunition?

Even if they are lucky enough to defeat the Red Russians, how the Kwantung Army, which has lost its strength, can suppress the rebels in the Northeast, the underground party, and the Korean Restoration Organization, which has become increasingly rampant in recent times, are all questions.

Haga, it’s all the fault of those **** young men, Ueda Kenkichi cursed in his heart, if they hadn’t provoked the Red Russians many times, how could they have left the Germans alone and come to start a war with the empire.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Ueda Kenkichi held the document tightly. No matter what, he could not let a full-scale conflict break out between the Empire and Red Russia, but where should he find a breakthrough...

After thinking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the information in his hand. Since he couldn't convince others, he might as well start with the information itself. Thinking of this, he raised his head and said loudly.

“Your Highness Zai Ren, I suspect this is a conspiracy by the people of the Republic of China. Please think twice before you act!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the conference room looked at Ueda Kenkichi, wondering why this lame guy said this. Could it be that in addition to knowing how to fight, the other party also knew intelligence?

Seeing everyone looking at him, Ueda Kenkichi's tone became more and more confident: "Everyone, the Red Russians have always kept confidentiality very strict. Why did they hand over the battle plan to the Republic of China people this time?

Even if Mosk wants to win over the government and provide some weapons, why risk leaking secrets? As we all know, the government’s confidentiality level is very worrying. "

The meeting room burst into laughter. I had to admit that the Republic of China had some strength in counter-espionage, but when it came to keeping secrets, everyone present could tell a lot of stories.

 But Madoka Doi did not laugh. After getting permission from Prince Zain, he once again took out several pieces of information and told Ueda Kenkichi two other things with a serious expression.

“Commander Ueda, what you are worried about has been anticipated by Ryosuke Hase, the head of the Intelligence Department of the Consulate in Shanghai. Hase was my subordinate when I was in Shanghai and he was a very capable intelligence officer.

The news that Zhukov succeeded Feiklenko was also obtained by his subordinates. At that time, he asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the military to screen his subordinates to ensure the reliability of the intelligence.

When forwarding the message from "Matsuko", Mr. Hase even suggested that the empire should not trust unilateral intelligence and should cross-compare the information sources from multiple channels to ensure accuracy. "

 Speaking, Doi Yuan showed a cold smile. After all, Changgu was his subordinate. Now that Changgu has made great achievements, he also deserves part of the credit.

Having finished his performance, he smiled and continued to inform everyone: "After the investigation by the Special Committee on China, Hase-kun's men have no problems, and the information sent can be trusted.

Furthermore, the committee also obtained more detailed Red Russian military deployment from its own channels. After comparing it with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ intelligence, it was confirmed that there were no discrepancies, which was enough to prove the authenticity of this intelligence.

At the same time, the empire’s intelligence personnel in Red Russia saw many signs of troop mobilization. The number of military trains on the Siberian Railway has reached thousands in recent times, and a large amount of materials have been transferred.

Zhukov’s transfer has also been confirmed. Combined with the changes in the Russian troops at Nomenkan from the front, the Red Russia is indeed ready for war. I think it won’t be long before they take the initiative to attack. "

The situation was about to break out. Ueda Kenkichi opened his mouth and then closed it. It was useless to talk about it now. Let's think about how to repel the Red Russians first. He still held a pessimistic attitude towards the war.

However, he did not speak, but some people had something to say. Michutaro Komatsubara, the commander of the 23rd Division who has served as an instructor at the Army University, military attache stationed in Red Russia, commander of the regiment, chief of the secret service, and head of the General Staff Headquarters, suddenly pulled out his command sword and spoke to everyone. He shouted with horrified eyes.

"Baga! We should kill all those Lucians. Chief of Staff Tsuji Masanobu has assigned us more than a hundred anti-tank guns and 400 trucks, plus the 7th Division and the 1st Tank Division With the reinforcements of the regiment and the air force, we will win this battle!”

 Prince Zai Ren and Do Feiyuan looked ugly, wishing that this stupid guy would be thrown out. It was a national war between the Empire and Red Russia. Are 400 trucks enough to carry corpses?

Forcibly suppressing his anger, Zai Ren turned his face away from Michutaro Komatsubara who was performing swordsmanship, and issued three orders to the participants.

“First, immediately count the number of available soldiers, weapons, tanks, and fighter planes in the mainland, Kanto Prefecture, Korea, Xiaoliuqiu, and Northeast China, and urgently collect oil and grain.

  Second, order the Imperial┴ troops on the battlefield inside the pass to exercise restraint. They must not initiate attacks without orders from the base camp. I don’t want to hear about the following restraint happening again.

Three, material rationing will be implemented from now on, so that the citizens can endure it a little longer. When the empire defeats the Red Russians and the Republic of China, everyone will get land as far as the eye can see.

Then, let’s adjourn the meeting. I will immediately go to the Locust Residence to report to His Majesty Tian Locust. Once the war breaks out, the empire will be fully mobilized, and the cabinet will also discuss the matter. "

Zai Ren skillfully drew a pie and stood up and left quickly. Seeing this, the other Japanese generals walked out of the conference room one after another, leaving only Ueda Kenkichi slumped in his chair in despair.

 There will be two important guest appearances tomorrow ~ We are currently imagining it

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