Cicada Moving

Chapter 1007: Infinite View (2)

Chapter 1007 Infinite View (2)

“Mr. Xuancheng, please look at your men. He will soon die of excessive bleeding. I know that he has been following you for many years. Are you just going to watch him die like this?”

Masao Yajima shouted in harsh Republican dialect with his throat raised. He put the gun in his hand on the prisoner's head with a sinister expression, trying to use the prisoner's life to threaten Xuancheng and others.

“We have surrounded Wuliangkan, and you can no longer retreat. Why don’t you put down your guns and surrender, and cooperate with the Japanese Empire and the new government. I guarantee your safety.

I will immediately send someone to treat your men. Think about it, that decaying mountain city and government is not worth sacrificing your precious lives. There is an old saying in the Republic of China that "ants are still alive"


Taoist Xuancheng inside the wall fired a shot outside in grief and anger, interrupting Yajima Masajo's shouting. The military commander's rules: there are only dead military commander agents and no surrendered military commander agents. He can't let the other party disturb the morale of the military anymore.

Once someone surrenders, according to military law, the families of those present today will be unlucky. At this point, they can only exchange their own lives for the safety of the whole family. The bureau will not treat martyrs and orphans badly.

Furthermore, after witnessing what the Japanese did in Jinling and facing hundreds of thousands of innocent compatriots who were killed, no one would surrender to the Japanese unless they were beasts with no sense of etiquette, justice or shame.

  Masaki Yajima, who was almost hit, was so angry that he cursed a few times, and then prepared to have the prisoner taken down for treatment. Just now, he was just a Taoist priest in Zhaxuan City, and only a living intelligence agent has value.

The prisoner who didn't want to remain in a coma suddenly opened his eyes, used all his strength to break the neck of the Japanese agent beside him, stood up and covered the wound, and ran towards Wuliang Temple hobblingly, shouting at the same time.

 “Shoot! Brothers, shoot!”

Those who have received anti-torture training know that death is not scary, but endless torture. In this case, no one can guarantee that they can keep the secret forever.

As long as there is a slight slack and is caught by the enemy, all the previous persistence will be in vain, and you will become a sinner of the country and the nation. No one wants to become a negative example in the military textbooks.

 “Don’t shoot, get him back quickly.”

On the other side, Yajima Masako quickly raised his hand to stop his men who were targeting the prisoners. The dead spy was of no use. He also wanted to use the other party to find more members of the Jinling District of the Military Command.

Several Japanese spies rushed out immediately. They felt that it was safe to do so. Based on what the prisoners had just done, the hesitant Republic of China people would definitely not shoot.

When they occupied Jinling two years ago, the front-line troops had records of driving people to attack the Guojun defense strongholds. Those Republic of China soldiers clearly had the advantage, but they gave up resistance just like that.

If this kind of thing is dealt with by the empire, sacrificing the lives of some civilians for the final victory doesn't matter. It is the glory of those untouchables to sacrifice their lives for the Locusts.

But they forgot the reminder given by Masaho Yajima before setting off. Their opponents were not ordinary Republic of China soldiers, but intelligence officers who had received brutal training, so they suffered a big loss.

Taoist Xuancheng looked at the "eldest disciple" who was getting closer and closer. His eyes were red and he raised his gun and pointed it at the stumbling men. He knew very well that he was helping the other party by doing so.

Because it is better to be a martyr than to be a traitor. After becoming a martyr, someone will take care of the family. The pension from the bureau is enough to support the whole family. After death, you can go to the Memorial Wall of the Unknown Heroes.

On the contrary, the other party will not only have to endure the pain of torture, but his family will also be unable to hold his head up, and he will also be liquidated by the government. Thinking of the friendship between the two for several years, he raised his head and shouted loudly.

 “Brother, you go ahead and we’ll be there soon.”

 “Let’s go!”


Countless people in the audience were shouting to see off their robes. At the same time, they placed their sights on the chests of the Japanese agents behind them, their eyes filled with murderous intent.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yajima Masako hurriedly ordered everyone to shoot to suppress the military agents on the wall. But before he could say anything, Taoist Xuancheng gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger.


With the sound of a gunshot, the bullet rotated out of the gun chamber at high speed driven by the primer at the tail, shredding and disturbing the airflow, and accurately hit the prisoner's heart.

The captain of the Jinling District Action Team, a senior agent of the Secret Service who had followed Zuo Zhong in the Six Nations Hotel operation and the Ningbo mission, fell on this land forever.

As he was dying, a relieved smile appeared on his face. He knew too many secrets and could never fall into the hands of the Japanese alive. Death was not painful for him, but a relief.

Following that, several more gunshots were fired. The Japanese agent who came to control the prisoners fell down while running and soon became silent. The blood slowly soaked the ground, forming puddles of eye-catching red marks.

  The furious Yajima Masabachi no longer cared about casualties or face. On the one hand, he ordered his men to continue the forcible attack on Mumuangkan, and on the other hand, he sent people to contact nearby garrison troops for support.

No one expected that the firepower of the military intelligence personnel would be so fierce, so the secret reconnaissance team did not carry any heavy weapons, but the garrison had grenade launchers and heavy machine guns. Once reinforcements arrived, it would be the end of the Republic of China agents.

Taoist Xuancheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, lowered his head to avoid the rain of bullets, and took down Thomson's drum. He took a look and found that after the battle just now, there were not many 100-round drums left.

He casually took a new drum from the side and installed it. He did not immediately stand up and shoot the Japanese outside the wall. Instead, he waited patiently for the sound of the empty chamber being cocked by his companion who was shooting. Then he straightened up and fired in short bursts. way to start counterattack.

As an old intelligence officer, he knew that the Japanese had a numerical advantage. If we wanted to buy more time for the message to be sent, we had to take advantage of our weapons. The firepower must not be interrupted, and it would last as long as we could.

The brass bullet cases clanged like running water as they slanted down from a high place. Countless spectators adjusted their positions from time to time and used the automatic firepower in their hands to kill a large number of Japanese spies.

During the fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, the "second disciple" who had left to contact Shancheng ran out of the temple with a gun and reported bad news to Taoist Xuancheng.

“District Chief, the radio station cannot be connected.”

Taoist Xuancheng's heart skipped a beat. If they could not notify the bureau headquarters in time, Shancheng would not be able to use the emergency communication channel to inform other personnel in Jinling District in time. If something went wrong, he would die without redemption.

For example, the Anqing Intelligence Station under Jinling District is an important transportation hub and is related to the layout of the national government and military command in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang. Once it is destroyed by the Japanese, the losses will be unimaginable.

Although he was confident that he would not leave any clues for the enemy to trace, today's raid came very strangely, and the Japanese outside seemed to be sure of their identities. This means one thing, either someone has missed their whereabouts, or someone has rebelled. I am afraid of the second scenario. If the traitor knows more information about Jinling District, we have to guard against this.

After thinking about it, Taoist Xuancheng's eyes flashed with sadness, and he solemnly whispered a few words to the "second disciple". The "second disciple" nodded with a serious expression, gave a serious military salute, turned around and left again.

At this time, a Japanese squad of more than 50 people arrived at the firefighting site. After understanding the situation with Masaho Yajima, the team leader observed the terrain and decisively ordered the grenadiers to bombard the wall of Muliangkan.

As long as the bunkers where the military commanders hide are destroyed, the battle will be over. With the power of special grenade grenades equipped by the Japanese army, this can be achieved.

 After all, Wuliang Temple is just a Taoist temple, not a fortress. Even if the importance of the wall was taken into consideration during construction, it would not be possible to build it with reinforced concrete, which would be easily exposed.

After receiving the order, several Japanese grenade launchers first found a safe position, squatted on the ground in a kneeling position, used thumb measurement to determine the distance to the Taoist temple, then aligned the white line on the barrel with the wall, and finally moved the base Punch to the ground.

 After all preparations were completed, the Japanese began to adjust the shooting sight, turning the **** to adjust the depth of the ammunition in the barrel. At the same time, the indicator on the sight also moved accordingly, and then loaded the special grenade and pulled the belt on the firing mechanism.


After a few not too big noises, several black dots flew high into the sky, drew an arc and accurately landed around the wall of Wuliang Temple, and a violent explosion occurred when they hit the ground.

The huge noise startled many birds in Qixia Mountain. Fire and brick fragments flew everywhere. Taoist Xuancheng's forehead was scratched by a shrapnel, and he lay on the ground with blood on his face.

“District Chief, two brothers were killed and the others were slightly injured, but there is not much ammunition left and there are several gaps in the wall.”

A Taoist priest crawled to the side of Taoist Xuancheng and loudly reported the casualties. It was not that he didn’t want to keep his voice low. Now everyone was so dizzy from the shock of the grenade that they couldn’t hear the sound, so they couldn’t do it louder.

Taoist Xuancheng felt sad, knowing that it was the last moment, but he had to kill a few more Japanese before he died. He coughed a few times and spat out **** spit, stood up against the wall, and gave the last order with a smile.

“Keep the last grenade for yourself, and use all the remaining ammunition for the Japanese. Brothers, let the little devils see that our military commander has no weak points!”

With that said, he panted and climbed up the wall again, shooting wildly at the Japanese spies who were already close at hand. The Japanese spies suffered heavy casualties immediately. They were hit by powerful 11.43mm bullets at close range and were almost killed.

But the Japanese also tried their best and did not take a step back at all. They endured huge casualties and rushed towards the gap in the wall. They also knew the principle of making a big effort and then exhausting it three times.

There are less than ten military commanders in Wuliang Temple. Even if there is automatic firepower, it is impossible to fire continuously. In this case, the barrel of the gun will not be able to withstand it, and we must take the opportunity to attack, without giving the opponent a chance to reload and breathe.

This is also true. 100 rounds of bullets sounds like a lot, but the actual exchange of fire only takes a few seconds. Taoist Xuancheng heard the gun in his hand making a clicking sound. He was about to change bullets, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure flashing in the gap. .

He directly threw away the submachine gun, pulled out the Brown Twist 1911 from his waist, pointed it at the gap, and defeated the enemy with a few shots. In actual combat, changing guns is always faster than changing bullets. In a life-and-death battle, it is not even a second slower.

But after all, the Japanese were outnumbered and their methods were extremely cruel. Under the command of the Japanese squad leader, the grenade launcher dropped another round of grenades regardless of the life or death of his own people.

  The smoke cleared, and half-dead Japanese spies lay inside and outside the gap. However, countless spectators were also killed and injured, and they were unable to stop the Japanese attack. More and more members of the secret reconnaissance team broke into the wall.

The first thing these people did after coming in was to point their guns at the personnel of the Jinling District of the Military Command. The other party proved their combat effectiveness with dozens of corpses. No one dared to be careless again.

 “Your Excellency, Section Chief, found the target.”

A Japanese spy discovered Taoist Xuancheng and shouted outside. Not long after, Masaho Yajima strode over and immediately saw his dying opponent.

He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at Taoist Xuancheng from a distance, and said, "Mr. Xuancheng, why are you doing this? Look, you have become my prisoner. Surrender."

While he was speaking, all Japanese agents were on high alert, with their index fingers on the triggers, paying close attention to their opponents' movements, ready to shoot at any time.

Taoist Xuancheng had a huge wound in his abdomen caused by a grenade, and blood flowed out. He leaned against the wall and ignored Yajima Masaho's persuasion to surrender, but glanced at his men with a sad face.

He failed in the end, even though he knew it would be the outcome from the beginning. He took a deep breath, glanced at the Japs disdainfully, slowly released his right hand, and shouted loudly.

 “Do it!”

Before he finished speaking, a grenade rolled from Taoist Xuancheng's hand to the ground. The safety grip bounced away with a clang, and then a puff of green smoke came out of the projectile and it made a crackling sound.

Not only him, but other seriously injured military commanders also let go of the grenades. They might have been saved if they drank the bombs themselves, but if the grenades exploded so close, there was no chance of survival.

 They did not even leave corpses to the enemy. This was their answer to the Japanese in persuading them to surrender. Amidst the dull explosions, all the senior officials of the Jinling District of the military command died heroically and no one surrendered.

Yajima Masajo numbly touched the flesh and blood on his face, his heart filled with fear, his hands couldn't help but tremble, and then he heard the terrified howls from his men who went to search the inside of Mu Muang Kan.

 “Fire! Retreat!”

In the Sanqing Hall of the Taoist Temple, Taoist Xuancheng's "second disciple" was sitting cross-legged on a futon. The walls and pillars around him were ignited with flames, and a ignited fuse was burning rapidly.

The Japanese team staying outside the wall was sorting out their equipment when they suddenly heard the agents inside the wall shout twice. After a few seconds, two red flares rose into the air, and then a dazzling light flashed, and everyone was hit by the air wave. Kicked away hard.

 In the explosion of multiple 150mm artillery shells, flames attached to the building fragments and flew in all directions, turning the surrounding area of ​​Wuliang Temple into a sea of ​​fire. The fire all over the sky took away the lives of all the Japanese spies who entered the Taoist Temple.

Just as Taoist Xuancheng thought, a fire took away all the sin and filth. Yajima Masako and his men, whose hands were stained with blood, were wiped out, leaving behind an innocent world.

In the distant Jinling city, countless people were startled by the huge explosion. Some of them had tears in their eyes when they looked at the signal bomb hanging high in the sky, and then they lowered their heads and left quickly.

They understand that this is someone who is giving them a warning with their lives, and they must retreat immediately and not let the martyrs die in vain. It is not wrong to think so, but sometimes things are unpredictable.

When Yajima Masako led his men to attack Wuliangkan, the military intelligence station in Anqing was raided by the local Japanese military police. Many important members were caught off guard and arrested, and dozens of agents died heroically.

 (End of this chapter)

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