Cicada Moving

Chapter 1026: Riding alone thousands of miles

Chapter 1026: Traveling Thousands of Miles Alone

“Gentlemen and ladies, please enjoy "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" by Boss Li Wanxiu."



The manager of the Golden Grand Theater walked up to the microphone and announced the start of the performance to the audience, which received cheers and applause.

Zheng Shisong stretched his head even more, his palms clapped red, and he stared intently at the side of the stage where the characters entered.

 Wan Lilang and other agents No. 76 on the side were more vigilant and reached for their guns in case someone suddenly came out.

If there are really military sanctions personnel here, in such a chaotic time, it is the best time for the other side to take action.

 A large number of plainclothes agents were loitering at several exits, on the second floor and backstage, waiting in case a shot was fired, so that the theater could be cordoned off in the shortest possible time.


At the same time as the agents moved, gongs and drums suddenly sounded, and four short-playing martial arts students wearing sergeant and Chinese army costumes walked onto the stage in a posture, which is also called Qi Ba in Peking Opera.

 As soon as the expert takes action, he will know if there is one.

The members of Li Wanxiu's troupe are all experienced opera veterans, and they have formulas for every move. The audience present once again applauded.

“The generals are heroic, the sons are tigers and leopards, the army is mighty, the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and we want to sweep away the heroes.”

 Li Wanxiu's apprentice who plays Yuan Shao stood on the stage and opened with the song "Dian Crimson Lips". He showed his skills in singing, reading, performing and playing.

 The repertoire "Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles" includes three plays: "Picking a Robe on the Baqiao Bridge", "Crossing the Five Passes", and "Meeting in the Ancient City".

It tells the story of Guan Yu, who was in Cao's camp and his heart was in the Han Dynasty. After he learned about Liu Bei's whereabouts after beheading Yan Liang and Wen Chou, he decided to resign from Cao Xun's brother.

After hearing the news, Cao Cao chased to Baling Bridge and saw Guan Yu standing on the bridge with a horizontal sword. He explained his intention and presented a brocade robe as a commemoration.

Guan Yu feared that something might change and did not dare to dismount. He picked up the brocade robe with the tip of his sword and put it on his body. He thanked Cao Cao and walked away.

Later, Guan Yu passed five passes in a row and approached the ancient city. Suddenly he heard that Cao Cao's general Cai Yang was chasing him with his army, wanting to avenge his nephew Qin Qi.

Zhang Fei, who was stationed in the ancient city, feared that Guan Yu might be deceived because he had been staying in Cao's camp for a long time, so he refused to take him in. Cai Yang's pursuers had already arrived, and Guan Yu killed Cai Yang to prove himself. Zhang Fei cleared up his suspicions and welcomed Guan into the city.

Zheng Shisong had already heard this play when he was working in Jinmen, but now that he is in the hands of the enemy and listening to it again, he has a different feeling in his heart.

At this time, there was a "Dragon Fight" on the stage. Yan Liang and Wen Chou under Yuan Shao were killed by Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Sword. Liu Bei in the camp was almost killed by Yuan Shao because of this.

The King Jing of Zhongshan, played by another disciple of Li Wanxiu, immediately called out "Wait a minute" and asked the other party to calm down his anger, indicating that he had something to say to give his detailed report.

"I wanted to prepare my second brother, who is now trapped in Cao's camp, to serve as a general. Cao Cao knew that Bei was in a public place, so he ordered Yun Chang to kill Generals Yan and Wen. When Duke Ming heard about it, he would behead me.

Yunchang learned that he would definitely help Cao Cao and attack the army in Hebei. This was because Cao Cao used the Duke's hands to kill Bei's leader, which made the Duke gain an unjust reputation and helped Cao Cao's thieves succeed. "

This libretto presents to the audience one by one Yuan Shao's incompetence and impulsiveness, Liu Bei's fearlessness in the face of danger, and Cao Cao's cunning and cunning.

Zheng Shisong's eyes were sore and he almost shed tears.

If Dai Chunfeng, like the colorful-faced Yuan Shao, fell into the trap of the Japanese and No. 76, his family members in the mountain city would probably be in danger as well.

But his old parents are not Liu Bei, and they can't make "Yuan Shao" calm down. They may have already died. How can they not make him feel like a knife?

Wan Lilang turned his head with a cold face and noticed Zheng Shisong's strange behavior. He knew that the other person might be thinking of him, so he couldn't help but sneered secretly.

 At this point, no one can save the man named Zheng.

Not everyone has Guan Yu's bravery, he passed five passes and killed six generals. All Zheng Shisong can do is to go to the dark side and serve for the new government.

At this time, Guan Yu, played by Li Wanxiu, walked onto the stage and walked arm in arm with Cao Cao who came to greet him.

As expected of a famous performer in the Peking Opera world of the Republic of China today, Li Wanxiu caused a huge sensation as soon as he came on stage, and everyone who watched it clapped their hands and applauded.

 “Congratulations to the second general, you succeeded in the first battle, you are really brave.”

"How dare you rely on the emperor's great fortune and the prime minister's majesty. How can you do this?"

“Be ready with wine to catch up with the general.”

“I have to go to the second sister-in-law’s stage to say hello, and I’ll accompany you another day. I’m going to say goodbye and take my horse with me.”

The person who plays Cao Cao is also a famous Peking Opera actor. Li Wanxiu's short four-sentence dialogue showed his profound background and made all moviegoers addicted.

 In the play, Cao Cao deliberately woos Guan Yu, but Guan Yu decisively refuses, embodying the word loyalty to the fullest.

Many dramas mention that Yun Chang had been in Cao Cao's camp for twelve years and received preferential treatment. In fact, Guan Yu only stayed under Cao Cao for less than half a year, far from that long.

However, although Cao Cao's treatment of Guan Yu did not include touching scenes such as giving red rabbits and horses, he was sincere. In addition to worshiping him as a partial general, he treated him with courtesy in every aspect.

Even the history books couldn't hold it back and sighed, "The etiquette is very generous."

 Chen Mingchu, who slowly recovered from the panic, felt this deeply. Compared with Cao Cao, the Japanese and No. 76 seemed insincere.

 Not only did they not treat them well, but they used them as bait.

He goes back on his words and changes his promises as soon as he promises. By cooperating with such a dishonest person, he seems to have already seen his future ending.

But no one cared what this traitor thought. The wonderful performance made everyone hold their breath and watch Li Yunxiu's performance on the stage attentively.

This performance of "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" has reached its sixth scene. Liu Bei sent people secretly into Cao's camp and brought a secret letter asking to see Guan Yu.

I saw Li Yunxiu with a big red face, holding the letter in one hand and stroking his beard with the other, reading the contents of the secret letter in a measured tone. "Bei and his subordinates formed an alliance from Taoyuan and swore to die together. Now why do they violate the middle road and cut off the righteousness? You must want fame and wealth, so you are willing to offer Bei's head to achieve success. The book does not finish the words, death Wait for your fate, wait for your fate."

 After reading the secret letter, "Guan Yu" staggered on his feet and cried out sadly.

"Brother! I don't want to look for my brother, but I don't know where he is. How can I be willing to betray my alliance in the pursuit of wealth and honor? I have heard that righteousness does not betray my heart, and I am loyal even if I die. Yu has been studying since he was a child, and has a rough understanding of etiquette and justice. When he saw Yang Jiao Ai and Zuo Bo Tao My brother has sent me a letter to let my sister-in-law know."

Zheng Shisong in the audience burst into tears after hearing this, unable to control himself with sadness.

Although he complained about the high-level government officials who threw him into prison because of the death of a commoner, he really didn't want to and would not rebel and surrender to the enemy.

 A real man does things and doesn't do things, but he still has the integrity.

Moreover, once you become a traitor, you will be despised by thousands of people in the future, and you will not be able to see your ancestors after death.

Chatting and laughing with Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun was just to confuse each other and look for opportunities to escape. It was by no means betraying the country and seeking glory.

As he thought about it, he was filled with grievances. Zheng Shisong wished he could shout out the anger in his heart and tell everyone.

In a daze, "Guan Yu" on the stage saw Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi going to Cao's mansion to say goodbye. He didn't expect that Cao Cao had already learned the news and was discussing with Zhang Liao.

“The attack on Xucheng and the capture of Pi caused a great shock.

 Zhang Wenyuan said that Yunchang surrendered to our camp.

Giving brocade robes and war horses with kindness and respect,

 The horse is gold, the horse is gold, and the horse is silver and beautiful┴Ten women. "

Amidst the sound of Xipi running water, Cao Cao recounted the preferential treatment he gave Guan Yu after he surrendered to Cao Cao, and the lyrics were sincere.

 But the knowledgeable audience noticed something was wrong. When Cao Cao sang the word "surrender", he should have raised his head and stared blankly, but just now he was facing the audience.

 Before everyone could react, "Cao Cao" asked loudly to "Zhang Liao" who came on stage.

 “No, no~?”

Everyone suddenly realized that it was Li Wanxiu and Boss Li who adapted "A Thousand Miles Alone" and the previous actions were not "mistakes".

Changing the lyrics is normal in Peking Opera repertoire.

Performances of Peking Opera from different places and genres are slightly different for easy differentiation. It seems that Boss Li is finding his own "way".

Professional pundits have no objections, and the bunch of losers on No. 76 didn’t notice anything wrong.

Only Zheng Shisong's heart skipped a beat, his breathing paused for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal, with a trace of ecstasy in his eyes.



 These two sentences taken together mean whether there is surrender or not.

He was very sure that the actor playing Cao Cao was asking himself that someone from the headquarters was here, and the other party was using this method to send secret signals.

Suppressing his excitement, he began to think about how to contact the other party. It was impossible to escape directly. The person No. 76 must be on guard.

Not only would he be at risk by doing so, but he would also implicate the brothers at the headquarters, so he had to think of a foolproof strategy.

While Zheng Shisong was thinking, the gongs and drums on the stage continued to sound, various characters appeared in turn, and the play gradually came to an end.

After a long time, Zheng Shisong clapped excitedly, then turned his head and whispered a request to Wan Lilang beside him.

“Director Wan, can you let me meet Boss Li after the meeting is over? I heard his plays when I was in Jinmen, but I have never had a chance to meet him.

The other party finally came to Shanghai. If you miss this opportunity, I don’t know when we will meet again next time. Please grant Zheng’s wish. "

Through thinking and analysis, Zheng Shisong judged that there was only one person who could make the entire theater troupe cooperate with the military's actions, and that was Li Wanxiu.

As long as he can get in touch with the other party, he will definitely gain something, or at least he can express his feelings to Shancheng through the other party.

On the other side, Wan Lilang frowned. There was a certain risk in allowing the protected target to communicate with strangers.

 First, it is possible to leak Zheng Shisong’s whereabouts.

 Second, it is easy to give opportunities to possible assassins.

 But after consideration, Wan Lilang decided to satisfy Zheng Shisong's request. Since the other party cooperated with them as bait, they naturally wanted to give him something sweet.

More importantly, I have never heard that Li Wanxiu has anything to do with the underground party or the fruit party. This time he came to Shanghai as a temporary invitation, and his background is considered reliable.

With his mind racing, Wan Lilang smiled and nodded.

However, he also said that when the two parties meet, the person No. 76 must be present, in order to prevent assassins.

As for the real reason, both Wan Lilang and Zheng Shisong knew it well, and it was nothing more than surveillance.

Zheng Shisong readily agreed to this without any hesitation. Sometimes, there was no need to express the information clearly, just a look was enough.

Time passed quickly, and the performance ended with the applause of the audience within a short time.

Agent No. 76 also found the manager of the Golden Grand Theater. As a businessman, he naturally had no way to refuse the agent's request and introduced Zheng Shisong and his party behind the scenes.

When everyone came to the backstage and saw Li Wanxiu taking off her makeup, Zheng Shisong immediately rushed up, held the other person's hand and said excitedly.

 “Boss Li, you sang well, you sang into Zheng’s heart!”

 (End of this chapter)

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