Cicada Moving

Chapter 1031: The French who broke the defense (Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone)

Chapter 1031: The French who broke through the defense (Happy Dragon Boat Festival, everyone)

Ten minutes after the exchange of fire, several police patrol cars rushed to the scene of the incident with their sirens blaring. The first thing that caught everyone's eyes was the wreckage of a truck that kept exploding.

After finally waiting for the fire brigade to extinguish the fire, several patrolmen bent down and hunched their heads, carefully walked to the back of the truck, and were immediately stunned by the tragic scene in front of them.

It’s not that they have never seen dead people, nor have they never seen horrific murder scenes, but they still can’t bear the sight of broken arms and limbs and more than 20 corpses.


A newly hired patrol officer stumbled to the side of the road and vomited with a horrified expression.

If this kind of thing were left out on the ground, it would definitely attract the ridicule of the old patrolmen, but now all of them looked solemn, and there was no trace of ridicule on their faces.

In fact, even though they were well-informed, they almost couldn't hold back. This was no ordinary murder. What was special was that someone was waging a low-intensity war in the French Concession.

In the truck compartment, the burned and twisted gun barrel is evidence. Whoever would use such a large-scale murderer in a downtown area must be a madman!

The French inspector who was waiting for news outside did not hear the gunfire and walked in without hesitation. Then there was another person vomiting on the side of the road.

 Half an hour later, the heads of various departments of the French Concession Patrol Office, as well as a large number of patrol officers, arms experts from the French Army stationed in Shanghai, officials from the Public Security Bureau, and even British people from the Public Concession gathered at the scene.

The reason why people come to the public concession is, firstly, because Western countries have a common interest in restraining Japan's continued expansion in Shanghai, and secondly, to watch the excitement.

 It is always a pleasant thing to see others suffer misfortune, especially old rivals who have had quarrels with each other. In this regard, the British have always been not far behind others.

Since the street lights and lines were destroyed by anti-aircraft guns, the scene was dark. The French brought in several searchlights to illuminate the site of the exchange of fire.

At the same time, forensic officers from the Public Concession and French Concession patrol rooms formed a joint team and began on-site inspections to look for traces left by the murderer.

 After entering the 20th century, thanks to the efforts of heroes from all walks of life, including but not limited to bank robbers and members of dynamic societies, Western criminal investigation technology has developed rapidly, and ballistic analysis is one of the most important.

 Experts from Scotland Yard and the Saint-Cyr Military Academy used pull ropes and push pins to first roughly determine the direction of fire by analyzing damage marks and bullet holes.

 The two bombed trucks were the main shooting points of this massacre. Most of the casualties and damage to buildings and vehicles at the scene were caused by shooting from these two directions.

As for what kind of weapon it was, arms experts recognized the Sulothong S5-106 20mm anti-aircraft gun that was burned beyond recognition at a glance.

It is a pity that the production number on the gun mount was destroyed by corrosive liquid. It is impossible to use this clue to find the source of the weapon, and it is impossible to trace the murderer.

Forensic investigators later found multiple documents from some of the "relatively" complete corpses. Among the dead were agents of the new national government secret service headquarters being prepared and members of the "Pseudo-Loyal Rescue Army."

Especially the identification of the deputy commander of the "Pseudo Loyal Rescue Army" found on a headless corpse, which directly complicated the situation and made everyone take a breath.

Of course, the concession authorities are aware of the situation of the "pseudo-loyalty-rescuing army". This is a puppet army formed by the Japanese and composed of traitors, hooligans, and gangsters.

But in any case, it was a force with nearly 50,000 troops. Now that its deputy commander died in the French Concession, will it lead to changes in the situation in Shanghai?

No one knows the answer to this question. The commander of the French army in Shanghai turned pale with fright. No matter how elite his men were, they could not defeat an army of 50,000 people. Is France really going to bow to the Japanese dwarves?

At the same time, combined with the previous finding, the possibility that the perpetrator is a national military or intelligence officer has increased sharply.

After all, there is only one force that can obtain Swiss anti-aircraft guns in East Asia and has enmity with the Japanese and traitors - Yamashiro.

The problem is that even if everyone present knows who the murderer is, it is useless because there is no evidence and the murderer did his job so well that he did not leave any clues for tracing.

Weapon serial numbers are corrupted.

All surfaces have been cleaned, and the murderer likely wore gloves and a hood throughout the entire process. Not even a hair was found at the scene.

Although there are some shell casings left on the ground, some of these shell casings are from German MP18 and some are from Thomson. The ammunition used is all the most widely circulated pistol ammunition in the Republic of China.

This means that it is simply unrealistic to use bullets as evidence to testify against the government, and the officials of the Republic of China in Shancheng who regard lying as their ability will never admit it.

The detectives at Scotland Yard did not dare to jump to conclusions and ended up saying a lot of ambiguous nonsense. The meaning was that the murderer must be a professional.

 This is nonsense.

The person who can kill so many people in five minutes, can also control anti-aircraft guns, and retreat calmly in the end is certainly not an ordinary gunner.

The experts who had high hopes did not find anything special, but Kuang Fuan, who accompanied John Kai Ziwei, the head of public settlement intelligence, who came to watch the show, saw something.

 He walked around the scene a few times, squatted on the ground and carefully examined several corpses, and then returned to Kai Ziwei and reported in a low voice.

“Sir, the murderer had a clear purpose, organized his actions, and had a ferocious style of action. He was not an ordinary professional soldier. He was probably the commander of the mountain city military.

The evidence is on the corpses. Many of the dead were shot at close range after being seriously injured, and the shots were shot multiple times. This was a standard intelligence operation.

In addition, there were at least 20 gunmen at the scene. It is impossible for so many people to appear and disappear suddenly. There must be a corresponding movement trajectory. I think the French can continue to trace this line and trace the murderer's route into and out of the scene, and maybe they can make some discoveries. "

John Kai smiled with satisfaction. As expected, Kuang did not disappoint him. He was still so resourceful, and it was not in vain that he promoted him many times.

However, as a true British gentleman, he did not need to remind the French that the conflicts between the Japanese and the Republic of China were not the responsibility of the public settlement.

Furthermore, the Japanese have been acting more and more arrogantly recently, openly defying the empire's rules many times. It is a good thing for Yamashiro to teach them a little lesson.

 So let’s just watch the show. Unless the arrogant Frenchman is willing to lower his head and ask himself for advice, then he doesn’t mind sending his most capable men to teach the Gallic Rooster how to investigate the case.

Thinking of this, Kai Ziwei smiled slightly and said nothing. Watching the inspected corpses being carried out one by one, he gained a new understanding of the ruthlessness of military commanders.

As the person in charge of the Shanghai underground intelligence trading network, he knew many things, including the surrender of He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu, as well as Chen Mingchu's confession of the people who sent troops to unify Shanghai District.

Today's exchange of fire is, as expected, the military commander's retaliation for the Japanese raid some time ago. This is what the people of the Republic of China often call **** for tat.

There were two headless corpses at the scene, one was He Xingjian, and the other was probably Chen Mingchu. To eliminate the traitors in such a brutal way, it seems that Director Dai was very angry.

 According to the customs of the people of the Republic of China, the body, hair, skin, and skin are the most important to the parents and the deceased. Unless there is great hatred between the two parties, beheading will not be used.

He narrowed his eyes. Maybe they should strengthen their intelligence cooperation with Shancheng. After all, the other party is the owner of this land, and maintaining a multi-dimensional balance is in the interest of the British Empire.

the other side.

Seeing that Kai Ziwei remained silent after listening to his report, Kuang Fuan was not surprised at all, because imperialist countries never forget that dog bites dog.

It was precisely after confirming this that he revealed these most obvious findings to Kai Ziwei in order to further win the other party's trust.

But one thing he did not say was that the murderer, who was suspected to be a member of the military reunification, was very familiar with the scene and did not waste a second during the action. He should have stepped on the spot.

Then there is a question, how did the other party know that convoy No. 76 would pass here? Could it be that the military commander had a mole at the top of the puppet government?

Only in this way can the attack be explained. Kuang Fuan silently guessed the identity of this mole.

While the two were talking and thinking, the forensic officers searched the second scene.

There is only one car damaged by shrapnel and two dead people. There is not much worth noting.

Only the open rear door showed that there might be survivors. This discovery made those present sigh, it is not easy for the opponent to survive an attack of this scale.

  It was already late at night with this busy work.

After the forensic doctor used shovels to clean up all the corpses, the heads of the French Concession Public Security Bureau discussed quietly with the military leaders for a while, and finally made several decisions.

 1. Inform the Japanese consulate and garrison of what is happening here, but do not contact the "New Government" directly to avoid causing diplomatic disputes.

 Second, the patrol house and the military conducted a large-scale search and inspection of the French Concession with the purpose of finding the murderer and clearing out powerful weapons.

This time the murderers used anti-aircraft guns. If things continue like this, they will have to use heavy artillery next time. Shanghai and the French Concession will not allow such unruly people to exist.

 Three, all people and vehicles entering the concession will be strictly inspected, and no one is allowed to bring weapons into the concession, not even pistols, for the same reason as above.

 Fourth, make part of the case public and request the support of local French criminal investigation and intelligence personnel. We must “must” solve the case and bring clarity to the people in the concession.

No one knows whether this fourth point is true or not. Anyway, the person in charge of the patrol room in the French Concession said this to the reporters who came to interview him, and his attitude was extremely firm.

Just when the policeman was sternly criticizing the cruelty and barbarity of the murderer, several black figures quietly appeared on Joffre Road, the main road in the French Concession, and hung something on a telephone pole.

 Early morning the next day.

Major newspapers in the concession published this explosive news one after another. Anti-aircraft guns were used in the fighting in the city. What does this mean? It represents sales.

As expected, all the newspapers were selling like crazy, and citizens were discussing who did it. Some said it was the government, some said it was the underground party, and some said it was the Japanese.

Especially the last guess is the most popular. The Japanese often do this kind of thing. What’s more, people’s favorite thing is always conspiracy theories.

The hot spot was successfully transferred, and everyone in the French Concession breathed a sigh of relief. However, less than half an hour later, a new message directly broke the French people's defenses.

—Two **** heads were hung from the telegraph poles on Xiafei Road. There was a banner next to the heads, with several large characters written in blood: This is the fate of traitors!

He Xingjian and Chen Mingchu did die miserably, but since ancient times, how many people have sympathized with such heinous scoundrels who regard thieves as their fathers.

Including their masters, they are just using them. After squeezing out the remaining value, they will also abandon He Chen and his ilk like worn shoes, like toilet paper for wiping their buttocks.

 Treason and surrender to the enemy will never end well.

The truth will not disappear just because they are good at hiding it. The judgment of history will firmly carve the names of the traitors on the pillar of shame!

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